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The Civic Orientations of Arab Publics: Selected Findings from the Arab Barometer

The Civic Orientations of Arab Publics: Selected Findings from the Arab Barometer About Country: Governance (democracy, Islam) About Individual: Engagement (interest, trust). Mark Tessler University of Michigan. Arab Barometer Data 3 Waves since 2006

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The Civic Orientations of Arab Publics: Selected Findings from the Arab Barometer

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  1. The Civic Orientations of Arab Publics: • Selected Findings from the Arab Barometer • About Country: Governance (democracy, Islam) • About Individual: Engagement (interest, trust) Mark Tessler University of Michigan

  2. Arab Barometer Data • 3 Waves since 2006 • 14 Countries (probability samples) • 29 surveys (face-to-face interviews) • 35,052 respondents

  3. Website: Information, Reports, Data Partners: Designing Interview Schedule

  4. About 80 Percent in Both Waves Think Democracy Is the Best Political System Continuing Support during a Period of Turbulence A democratic system may have problems, yet it is better than other political systems (9 countries)

  5. But Some Change in Countries that Have Experienced Greatest Level of Turbulence Agree Strongly or Agree that Democracy Is the Best Political System 9-10/ 2011 2/ 2011 6-7/ 2011 2-3/ 2011 3-4/ 2013 2/ 2013 6/ 2013 11-12/ 2013

  6. An Imperfect Understanding of Democracy (as elsewhere)

  7. Islam and Its Place in Politics (Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Sudan, Tunisia, Yemen) Percent Strongly Agree and Agree

  8. Tunisia: More than a Year under an Islamist Government 2/ 2013 9-10/ 2011 2/ 2013 9-10/ 2011 Religious leaders should have influence in government decisions Religious practices NOT should be separated from social and political life

  9. Democracy With and Without Islam

  10. Political System Preference by Country and Time Period Decrease Increase

  11. Attitudes toward Women and Gender Equality among Respondents Who Do and Who Do Not Favor a Political Role for Islam

  12. Proper Interpretation of Islam Views of Respondents Who Favor and Who Do Not Favor a Political Role for Islam

  13. Individual Political Engagement and Assessment • National Political Engagement: • Vote in last parliamentary election • Political Interest • Trust in government • Personal Civic Engagement • Member of civic associations • Interpersonal trust • Political efficacy

  14. National Political Engagement To what extent are you interested in politics Did you vote in last parliamentary election How much trust do you have in the government

  15. A Closer Look at Trust in Government • Which Countries Experienced the Most Change from Wave Two to Wave Three? • What Are Some of the Demographics of Changing Assessments? • Example of Yemen • What Are Some of the Determinants of Trust in Government? • Linear Regression with Wave Three Data

  16. What Pushes Trust in Government Up or Down? H1. Perceptions of the country’s economic situation H2. Desire for Islam to exert political influence H3. Degree to which Government is perceived to be democratic

  17. Drivers of Higher Trust in Government Results of Linear Regression with Demographic Control Variables

  18. Preview of Coming Attractions • Data • Release Wave 3 data • Prepare merged 3-wave dataset • Dissemination • Increase number and coverage of short reports • Enhance collaboration with Arab Reform Initiative • Increase authors from the region • Wave 4 • Review Interview Schedule • Continue fund-raising • Explore addition of countries • Capacity-Building • Expand support for local teams • Increase opportunities for Arab social scientists

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