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MEATMASTER. Natures money maker. A NEW DAWN FOR SHEEP BREEDERS. THE VISION. Bespiering Groeivermoë Melkproduksie Karkaskwaliteit. Adaptabillity Fertility Covering Tropgebondenheid Vreetgewoontes Moederinstink Loopvermoë Pigmentasie. MEATMASTER. WHAT IS THE MEATMASTER?.

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  2. THE VISION Bespiering Groeivermoë Melkproduksie Karkaskwaliteit Adaptabillity Fertility Covering Tropgebondenheid Vreetgewoontes Moederinstink Loopvermoë Pigmentasie MEATMASTER

  3. WHAT IS THE MEATMASTER? • The Meatmaster is a composite sheep breed developed in South Africa. • It is bred as a non-fat tailed hair type sheep for meat production. • It offers farmers an alternative with unique characteristics to meet the need of a huge market in South Africa and around the world.

  4. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY • Meatmasters must have a percentage Damara blood. • We will remain an open herd book. • Meatmasters are developed by crossing different breeds and then purifying the crosses.

  5. DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY • It does not matter how breeders intend to breed their Meatmasters in the development stage… ..it is of vital importance though that the breed standards and selection norms of the Meatmaster are adhered to. • These form the basis of the Breed. • The Meatmaster sets the breed standards and how breeders intend to achieve it is up to them.

  6. BREED STANDARDS Completely new and unique Breed. Ignores petty conformation issues. Totally focused on economic factors. Designed to: Keep costs as low as possible! Income as high as possible!! = MAXIMUM PROFIT!!!

  7. COLOUR AND SKIN PIGMENTATION • Any colour, or combination of colours, is acceptable. • Good pigmentation around the eyes and over the ears is essential. REASON • To prevent cancer and eye infection. • Stronger hoofs.

  8. HEAD AND HORNS • Ewes must be feminine tending to be polled. • Rams must be masculine also tending to be polled. • Slight horns in both sexes are acceptable. REASON • Easier to manage in sheep yards • Less vulnerable to fly strike as result of horn injuries.

  9. COVERING EXCELLENT • Must have mainly short shiny hair • Underlining blanket of fluffy fine Wool. • Must never be shorn, natural shedding ability of coat is essential. REASON • Extreme Cold and Heat tolerance (Winter sub zero – Summer 45°C +) • Protection from ticks • No shearing costs. • Neat and tidy – No fly strike.


  11. CULL

  12. CULL


  14. GOOD

  15. CULL


  17. CONFORMATION AND LEGS • Must be of average size. • Have a functional efficient body conformation. • Well placed legs with excellent walking ability. REASON • Easy lambing. • Enough meat with good movement.

  18. HINDQUARTERS Excellent muscling in hindquarter and loin No fat localization. Strong legs with excellent placing.

  19. TESTICLES • Well formed with excellent elasticity. • Absolute minimum abnormality and faults.

  20. Ram’s are Masculine Hip/Heup Eye / Oog Withers Skof EarOor Draaibeen/thurl bone Loin/ Lende Head/Kop Rug/back Neck Nek Rump Sitbeen/ Pinbone NoseNeus MouthMond Tail/ Stert ShoulderSkouer Sprong van Rib Hindquarter Agterkwart Shoulder point/ Skouer punt Brisket / Borsbeen Hock Hak Knee/ Knieg Pasterns/ Kootgewrigte Testis Sheath Skede Hoof Kloutjie

  21. Breedte oor Lende Buite dy Skenkel Testis Hak Binnedy

  22. Ewe’s are Femenin Draaibeen / Thurl bone Hip / Heup Sitbeen/ pinbone Tail/ Stert


  24. BODY CONFORMATION • RAMS • Big and Muscular • Especially strong over the loins. • Excellent balance between length, width and depth • EWES • Sleek and Feminine • Well formed udder • Excellent mothering ability.

  25. Meatmaster Note the exceptional DIFFERENCE in body structure between the Ram and Ewe.

  26. TAIL • Must have a good attachment. • Preferably not be longer than the hocks. • Have a neat wedge shape with only a moderate amount of fat. • Must never be necessary to have the tail taken off. REASON • Prevent ticks and fly strike. • No stress or possible infection with tail cutting – lower risk. • Less work – Lower cost.

  27. TAIL PROBLEM 1 • Too short • Too fat • Not wedge shaped • CULLED • REASON • Fat localization • Poor carcass quality

  28. TAIL PROBLEM 2 • Too long • Too fat • Low attachment • Totally unacceptable. CULLED REASON • Mating difficulties • Poor carcass quality

  29. TAIL PROBLEM 3 • Drooping rump • Low tail attachment CULLED REASON • Mating difficulties • Poor Carcass quality

  30. TAIL PROBLEM 4 • Too fat • Too wide DISCRIMINATE REASON • Leads to mating difficulties • Fat localization • Poor carcass quality

  31. THE IDEAL TAIL • Good Attachment • No fat localization • Not too short or too long • Good wedge shape


  33. HERDINSTINCT • The Breed must have a very strong herd instinct. REASON • Vital for better management in rugged bush or mountainous regions. • Prevents wandering and going through fences. • Protect themselves and their lambs from predators.

  34. NON SELECTIVE GRAZERS • Excellent utilization of dry veldt • None selective grazers • Eats grass, bush, trees and shrubs

  35. PURPOSEFUL SELECTION AND PERFORMANCE TESTING AS PART OF BREED STANDARDS Select to achieve the following: • Extremely fertile Sheep. • Good mothers that rear their Lambs without problems. • Virile rams with excellent serving ability. • Sheep with good movement and walking ability. • Lambs that will reach a slaughter mass of 12-25kg (depending on the area you farm in), off their mother, preferably before five months. • An average grading of A2-A3 must be achieved at above slaughter masses.

  36. FOR LOW IMPUT COST AND HARDINESS • Do tick counts and select for it. • Wean sheep as far as possible from dosing for internal parasites. • No shearing. • No cutting of tails. • Minimal dosing, Inoculation and Dipping. AN EASY CARE SHEEP IN ALL ASPECTS

  37. METHODS OF IDENTIFICATION CC: Prefix 7: The Year (2007) 010: Follow Number • Tattoo or ear tag before Lamb is 1 week old. • Tattoo or ear code before wean. • A clear tattoo only is sufficient for life time identification. • All sheep not clearly tattooed must have a tag and be ear coded as tags can be lost. CR: Prefix 5: The Year (2005) 098: Follow number

  38. NECESSITIE’S FOR RECORD KEEPING • Shepherd Computer program can be downloaded from: http://gadi.agric.za • Make your own: Mating book with date in and date out. Birth notification book • Record above information in the “Shepherd” program (1) when rams are taken from the ewes (2) when 100 day weights have been taken. • Remember that the value and accuracy of your information will only be as good as the accuracy of the data you capture. • Remember that only lambs born within two months can be compared to one another. Lambs born outside this period must be identified as a separate group.

  39. SEND TO THE A.R.C. IF “SHEPHERD” IS NOT BEING USED • I.D. of each lamb • Date of birth • Birth status • Sex • Father • Mother • 100 Day weighing date • 100 Day weight • Weaning Status if one of multiples died before wean • Divide lambs into: • Environmental groups • Management groups

  40. SEND TO ARC IF SHEPHERD IS BEING USED • After making sure that the information found on the previous slide is correct, choose the options: • Create Output File to Intergis System • Weaning • Send

  41. SEND TO … ADDRESS A.R.C Animal Improvement Institute Private Bag X 529 Grootfontein Agricultural College Middleburg E.C 5900 Arno van Graaf or Olivia Maritz Tel. +27 (0)49 842 2563 E-mail:smallstock@arc.agric.za

  42. THE SOCIETY • Determined and Dedicated • Effective • Affordable Services Delivered • 8hrs a day available via telephone • Maintain Website – http://www.meatmaster.org • Help for Members and new Members • Sending circulars and accounts • Manage finances of Society • Keep minutes of yearly meetings • Help with advertisements • Can arrange inspections

  43. COURSES: OPEN FOR MEMBERS AND THOSE INTERESTED • Beginners Course:Must be attended by all members and new members and the following will be dealt with: • All administration regarding stud breeding • Record keeping and basic performance testing • What to look for when buying rams and ewes • Breed standards, breeding and selection • Those completing the course qualify to inspect their own sheep • Advanced Course:May be attended by all those who completed the beginners course. More advanced and in depth teaching of: • Breeding and selection • Performance testing and the “SHEPHERD” program • How to act as a Meatmaster judge

  44. For courses, help or any information: Sonja Wasserman Tel: +27 (0)51 410 0955 Fax: +27 (0)51 448 4220 Website:http://www.meatmaster.org E-mail: info@meatmaster.org or sonja@studbook.co.za POSTAL ADDRESS P.O.Box 1060 Bloemfontein Free State 9300 SOCIETY CONTACT DETAILS



  47. NATIONAL SLAUGHTER LAMB COMPETITION AVERAGE LIVE WEIGHTS 41,5kg GROUP PLACING 9th out of 59 Groups SINGLE PLACING • 22nd • 23rd • 55th out of 236 Carcasses Take part in slaughter lamb competitions to improve your own Meatmasters

  48. FUTURE OF THE MEATMASTER • Success Guaranteed Because the Meatmaster… • …is selected solely for economic factors under natural conditions. • …ensures Breeders the highest income to cost ratio, i.e. max profit. • …distinguishes itself under extensive farming conditions. • …performs well in research projects regarding net income. • …has tender tasty meat with good carcass qualities. • …creates a lot of interest internationally because of its uniqueness. • …has extremely easy care and management. • …has no fancy points in selection. • …shows are used uniquely for breed promotion and education • …has compulsory performance testing for efficiency of production and reproduction.

  49. SUCCESS OF THE MEATMASTER… • …DEPENDS ON YOU! • BREEDERS: • Must Attend Beginners course !! • Type B Breeder must attend performance testing course • Get to understand natural breeding and selection principles. • Understand performance testing and apply it effectively. • Attend advanced course • Get involved with the Breed and its promotion.

  50. ENSURE YOUR OWN SUCCESS • Be disciplined and dedicated regarding your breeding and selection. • Advertise the breed country wide, but especially in your area by means of: • Farmers union meetings and Farmer Days • Expo’s • Emerging Farmers • Articles in Agricultural Magazines • Participation in slaughter competitions • Organize Sales • Use local Newsletters or Newspapers • Create your own website

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