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PRELIMINARY IDEAS FOR MDs IN 2008 SPS AND SPS UPGRADE. E. Métral. 1) Test of the LHC beta-beating application in the SPS (Rogelio) - Measurement of phase advance and normalized dispersion using turn-by-turn and closed orbit BPM data
1) Test of the LHC beta-beating application in the SPS (Rogelio) - Measurement of phase advance and normalized dispersion using turn-by-turn and closed orbit BPM data - Attempt to correct the optics using orbit bumps at the sextupoles - Time: 12 hours in 2 or 3 sessions (parasitic MD cycle is OK) - Beam: 1 batch maximum, with maximum 10^10 ppb (only trying to avoid impedance/wake/e-cloud effects...). Injection energy 2) MDs towards operational LHC beams (Jorg) - LHC sequencer tests for injection (also possible without LHC...) - Revisit the problem of the electrostatic separators with high intensity LHC beams - ... 3) Study of the SPS transition? (Elias?& Co.) - Same studies as the ones asked in the PS for PS2
4) Optics and trajectory of AD beam in TT2-FTA lines (Elena.B) - ParallelMD_sessions_number: 1 - ParallelMD_hours_per_session: 8 - Last year a new matched optics has been implemented for AD Beam optics measurements with the SEM grid in TT2 and to check the beam matching, trajectory and aperture issues in the FTA line, since last year only a qualitative check was possible - AD beam: 1) low intensity, for optics measurements at the SEMgrids in TT2, to be sent to D3; 2) full intensity, to the AD target - Preferred_periods: asap; it should be during AD_MD time - Requirements: 1) bunch profile and intensity measurements in PS; 2) SEM grids&wires + MTV201 in TT2; 3) BLM in TT2; 4) dipole correctors in TT2; 5) transfo in FTA; 6) camera at the AD target (Simone will check with E. Bravin the possibility to digitalize its signal) - The MD should be organized as an AD_MD as well, since the beam will not be available for the physics
5) Matching monitor in the SPS (Elena.B) - Test the equipments and algorithms in view of their future use in the LHC. In Sept.'07 similar measurements have already been done, but a pixel offset was systematically found in some areas of the images. The camera will be recalibrated by the manufacturer in April-May and it is important both to test it and to perform new/clean measurements - WednesdayMD_sessions_number: 2 - WednesdayMD_hours_per_session: 8 - MD4 or LHCindiv, 1-4 bunches, I=1.1e11 ppb (or more), E*=1um; - beam dumped @ 1ms after injection - The first MD should be in May-June, the second one later in the year - The camera has to be installed at the beginning of the dedicated MDs and taken out at the end to avoid radiation damage -> Need Access in BA5
6) Qprime measurements (Ralph) - Many MD slots required (~ as in 2007) for different Qprime measurements - Measure the continuous dynamic beta-beating ( Ralph should also discuss with Rogelio who will also make MDs on this subject in 2008) - Plans to deploy BTF as an MD tool also for the SPS
7) SPS Impedance (Helmut, Benoit, Rama, Elena.S…) - Keep track of the machine impedance (parallel) - Localization - Debunching but in transverse - Other ideas… 8) LHC nominal beam in the SPS - Time to set-up the beam once more and train people (dedicated) 9) BBLR (F. Zimmermann) 10) Synchronization (P. Baudrenghien) + RF studies 11) Ultimate beams and upgrade studies (Elena.S) 12) Ways to provide beams with very different intensities but ~ same emittance: - Use the sieve (mechanical device with no spare!) in the PSB - Let the PSB do what he can + controlled transverse BU downstream (SPS?)
13) LHC BLM signal at the LHC collimator: calibration of the BLM signal (Barbara.H) - WednesdayMD_sessions_number: 2 - WednesdayMD_hours_per_session: 4 - In preparation for the LHC running; verification of the simulations - Beam: injected beam (26 GeV/c); SPS cycling; preferably 1 LHC pilot bunch 5E9 (up to 1 LHC nominal bunch 1E11); two MDs: 1) inject and cycle at 26 GeV/c; ramping off 2) extract the beam after exactly one turn in the SPS - Preferred_periods: as soon as possible (could be at the same day, but preferably one week apart) - Requirements: wire scanner, LHC collimator, BCTDC in SPS, BCTF TT10, BCTF in SPS, logging of everything 14) RP studies (Doris Forkel-Wirth and H. Vincke) - 2 x 8 hours slots for: - Study of the air activation and release from the TT10 stack - Study of the radiation levels on top of the TDC2 tunnel in the North area vs losses at the TT20 splitters These MDs are LHC compatible but they imply interruptions to FT and CNGS physics
15) Vacuum chambers with different coatings are currently being installed in SPS + ecloud monitors in all these chambers - Study the ecloud during the scrubbing run - Follow the effect of these different chambers during the run … 16) Contact with J. Byrd from Berkeley - Expertise on feedback for B-factories - Try and understand better the single-bunch and coupled-bunch instabilities induced by ecloud (kind of BTFs…) - He participated to the design of the transverse feedback built for the ecloud pb at Los Alamos - He made proposition to LARP Recent news: - It seems we will have money and manpower Studies in parallel of scrubbing run + studies during summer (J. Byrd will come)