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SUCCESS WITH BEC PRELIMINARY. Module 1. 1.1 World of work Reading: Training and workshop Procedures: step 1. Brainstorm: Have you ever attended any training courses? If so, please tell me the relevant vocabulary (words). e.g. business negotiation

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  1. SUCCESS WITH BECPRELIMINARY Module 1. 1.1 World of work Reading: Training and workshop Procedures: step 1. Brainstorm: Have you ever attended any training courses? If so, please tell me the relevant vocabulary (words). e.g. business negotiation selling techniques computer ……

  2. step 2.While-teaching: 1.Tell students J&C Training is a company providing training services for other businesses, and asks students what they think J&C stands for and what type of training this company might provide. 2.Then ask students to open their books and compare the courses provided by J&C Training with the ones they’ve suggested. Teach and learn Reading 1 on page 6. 3.Teach and learn Reading 2 on page 6.

  3. 4. Ask students to skim Reading 3, filling the gaps and find why the company is called J&C Training. ( Because it is run by Janet Coyte)5. Do Reading 4,and give the reasons.Listening: What does your job involve?1. Before learning, the students should be pointed out the use of abbreviations in the job titles: (look at the job titles on page 7.) Supplement---abbreviations of some other job titles: CEO GM CIO MD

  4. 2. Before listening, first, ask students to predict what kind of job these five people do. Students listen to the introduction twice to find whether their prediction were correct.3. Write the sentences which are true for you, using the expressions in exercises 5Grammar: The present simpleSpeaking: Work-life balance

  5. 1.Ask students to give at least five activities they usually do at work/for study and five activities in their free time 2. Read the questions and answer whether their work time is balanced with their free time. 3. Work in pairs:

  6. 1.2 Personal and professional detailsVocabulary : Meeting people1. Ask students to point out different greetings and also the formal /informal greetings 2. Look at vocabulary 1,2,3,4,5 on page 10.Writing: Personal and professional profiles1. Finish the questionnaire 2. Work with your partner, interview each other to know each other’s personal file.

  7. 3. Write a personal profile of your partner using the information you knew just now. Write 30-40 words.Vocabulary: job and work1. Writing the correct form of the questions. 2. Listening to the conversation and check your answers. 3. Use some of the information from the interview to write a profile of Kostas Hadavas for the magazine. Write 30-40 words.

  8. some points should be covered: name, surname, job, responsibility, actions that Kostas performs every day, reasons for liking the job.Reading: 1. Read the criteria and the information of the four candidates and decide who will win “Employee of the Year” 2. Discuss the four candidates in your group and choose a winner.

  9. Useful sentences patterns:I think Michelle is the ideal candidate, because she…… Sarah should get the prize, because she…… Henry is the person who best deserves the title of “Employee of the Year”, because…… Ian has all the good qualities of the best candidate, in fact……1.3 BEC Preliminary ExamReading Test Format and page54, 94, 124

  10. Module 22.1 Work in progressListening: New projects Q: What do you think the relationship between Vicky and Steve is? ( They are a married couple) What is their conversation going to be about?Grammar: The present continuous Reading: Temping is learningQ: What does ‘temp’ mean? Why do people temp?

  11. Have any of you done a temping job? Was it a good experience?Speaking: Temporary jobsDiscussion: What are the positive and negative comments about temporary jobs? Positive comments: 1. Temporary jobs can foster a sense of competition which is very important for students in the future. 2. It enhances young persons’ social responsibilities and teaches them how hard it is to earn money and helps develop thriftiness in our younger generation.

  12. 3. The working experience gives students an insight into what work is about and prepares them psychologically for their future jobs. 4. Temporary jobs can make students’ lives more colorful and are good for their personal development. It can, to some extent, relieve the economic burdens of their parents. Negative comments: 1. Temporary jobs often distract students’ attention from their study.

  13. 2. Doing temporary jobs will make students become vain and money-oriented, it doesn’t help them develop a sense of thriftiness because many students spend the money on high-priced items, luxuries that their parents can hardly afford. 3. Since students are in their formative years, temporary jobs may expose them to social ills at an age when they can’t differentiate good from bad. 4. Though temporary jobs may relieve their parents’ economic

  14. burdens, their early contact with society adds greatly to the worries of their parents.Vocabulary: Hiring and firing 2.2 Making arrangementsListening: Arranging a meeting Q: For the first listening, the question is---- When do Martina and Dave agree to meet? For the second listening, the question is---- What other activities Martina and Dave mentioned?

  15. Writing: Confirming a meeting Write an email to confirm a meeting:To: John Smith Subject: Meeting next week Hi John, I’m just writing to confirm our meeting next Thursday. I’ll wait for you at … café at 9 o’clock. Have a good night. RebeccaGrammar: Prepositions of time: at / in /on

  16. Writing: Accepting an invitation Write a reply to Andrew Greer to confirm your attendance at the fair and either accept or decline the invitation to the reception. Use some of the expressions. Write 60-80 words.Dear Ms Greer:Thank you for your invitation to the New Directions Book Fair. I can confirm that we will be at the fair . Thank you also for your invitation to the special reception. I regret that neither I nor my colleague, Felix Lund,

  17. will be able to attend the reception, as my company has organized an event on Thursday evening. However I look forward to seeing you again during the day.Best wishes, Bob Olaya2.3 Writing TestExam Format: Ask students to read the exam format information, then answer the following questions to check comprehension: 1). How long does the Writing Test last?

  18. 2). How many parts in the Writing Test 3). In Part One, what type of text do you have to write and how many words should there be in the text?4). In Part Two, what type of text do you have to write and how many words should there be in the text?5). What is the total number of marks in the Writing Test ?6). Where must you write your answers?

  19. Exam Practice: Write an email to your teacher of 30-40 words:Dear Ms Dilts:I’m writing to say that I’m getting ready to for my BEC Preliminary exam. Could you tell me something about the Writing Test? And could you give me advice on how not to make mistakes?Yours sincerelyMichelaRead the teacher’s reply.

  20. Ask students to look at:Writing Test : Part one on page64-65:Exercise 4. Rewrite the note using 30-40 words:Dear Gianni,I haven’t received your data yet, and it ‘s getting late. I have to write the report for Cairoli & Sons, and I need the data for this, please send it by tomorrow morning. ThanksMargarethan

  21. Exercise7.Use the phrases below to help you write 30-40 words:Dear Emilla,Thanks for your report. I found it very useful and interesting. It was well-written and complete. I’d like to talk to you personally about your conclusions. Would next Thursday be convenient?Best wishesMarkWriting Test : Part two on page104-105:

  22. Exercise 4:Dear Ms Brent,I have read your recent advertisement in the Evening News.We are currently organizing a dinner for some of our clients. The dinner will be on 20 October, and there will be approximately 400 people attending.Could you please give me a quotation for the dinner? Could you send me details of the discount you give for large number?Yours sincerelyDavid Loader

  23. Exercise 5:Dear Mr. Prandrakash,Thank you for your letter about the DVD player you brought from our shop.I’m very sorry that it doesn’t work properly, and we will of course be pleased to give you a full refund for the machine if you bring it back to the shop. Alternatively we can replace the player with another of the same model.Yours sincerelyMaureen Price

  24. Module 33.1 Company biographyReadingSome information about McDonald’s:Established time: 1954Advertisement: I’m lovin’ it!The headquarter: Oakbrook IllinoisThe founder: Ray KrocOfficial website: http://www.mcdonalds.comPrinciples: Customer Foremost---Quality, Service, Cleanliness and Value (QSC&V原则)Main products: fast-food, dessert, children’s garment

  25. Reading: Company profileSome information about three companies:The Body Soap: They sell personal care products (eg soaps, shampoo, make-up). Their products are made from natural products and are not tested on animals. They started in UK. They have shops all over the world.Lastminute.com: You can buy a holiday online and get very good prices. Their website is user-friendly. You can book a flight or a hotel with a few clicks.

  26. easyJet: They offer low-cost flights. The tickets are very cheap. They don’t give you free drinks on board. You have to pay the drinks.Speaking: Presenting your companySupplement of business organizations:foreign invested (funded/ owned/ financed) enterprisejoint-ventured companyprivate enterpriseSome expressions to present your company:

  27. Today I’d like to present my new company. Its name is……We sell (special shoes) that ( make you lose weight when you wear them).Our company specializes in producing special shoes.I got the idea for this business when……I started selling……in……After 2 years/The next year, I expanded my business all over the country.……Ask students to present their own company

  28. Model:Lostweight.com is a successful company that sells special shoes that make you lose weight by just wearing them. The idea came to a university student, when he added weight to his running shoes to burn more calories while jogging. He patented the idea in 2005 and started to sell the shoes to his friends and relatives in Switzerland. The following year, he started taking orders from allover the world, thanks to the excellent website he set up.

  29. 3.2 Company performanceVocabulary: What company doWrite as many companies’ names as you can in one minute:BBC Gree Haier Hisense Ford Benz Panasonic KFC……Use verbs in exercise 1 to describe the above companiesWriting: Press releaseAsk students to write a press release for Soap Heaven

  30. Model:Soap Heaven is pleased to announce that a new CEO is joining the company next year. Her name is … and she has ambitious plans for expansion into new EU markets, especially Northern and Eastern Europe. The company is based in Portugal and produces neutral soaps, shampoos and skin-care products that are very popular with teenagers, both male and female.Listening: Company structure

  31. 3.3 Listening TestAsk students to answer some questions concerning listening test:1. In which part of the exam is the Listening Test?2. How many marks can you get in the Listening Test?3. How long does the Listening Test last?4. How many parts are there in the Listening Test?(If the Ss can’t answer the Qs, then ask them to check the information on page14)

  32. Module 44.1 International businessReadingSome products that are imported and exported:Imported products: electronic products, cars, make-up (AVON 雅芳, Chanel 香乃尔 Christian Dior(CD) 迪奥 Estée Lauder 雅诗兰黛 KOSE 高丝 Lancome 兰蔻 L’Oréal 欧莱雅 MAYBELLINE 美宝莲 Olay 玉兰油 Revlon 露华浓 Shiseido 资生堂 SK II VICHY 薇姿

  33. Exported products: agricultural products (tea, pigs…), textile products, household appliances…Some famous fashion brands in EU and in the world:C&A Jack&Jones Amani D&G, Burbbery Prada Versace Gucci4.2 Business communicationsSpeaking On the phoneAfter finishing exercise1,2,3,4, ask students to practise the telephone conversation according to listening script 4.3

  34. Writing: Dealing with complaintsReply to the customerDear Mr. Paxman,I apologize for the fact that your order has not arrived yet. Unfortunately this is a period of high demand, and our usual supplier is causing us some problems. However, we now have all of the items you requested and we are ready to send your order. Because of the delay, we would like to give you a 5% discount. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.Yours sincerelyRaj Kahn

  35. 4.3 Speaking Test1. Ask students to look through the exam format with the following questions:Q1: How long does the test last ? And how many parts are there in the test?Q2: What is the respective content in part 1, 2 or 3?Q3: How long will it last in part 1,2,or 3 respectively?2. Students do exercise 1 on P.44

  36. Module 55.1 Career choiceReading Escaping the rat race1. List the major changes in one’s life: get married, become father and mother, become a university student, change job ……2. Discuss the reasons for and against ‘escaping the rat race’ : pros: live a quite life/ less stress enjoy one’s free time can do something you like have more time to spend with your family and friends……

  37. Cons: earn less money have to give up your career plans might give up work when you are at the top of your career……Vocabulary: Money expressions Some sentences with the word “money”: I’ve spent all my money. We ran out of money during my holiday. I’d like to change some money. I need to borrow some money. She earns a lot of money. I can lend you some money. They made a lot of money by selling hamburgers

  38. I’m saving money to buy a new car.Money loses its value. My little brother gets some pocket money every week.……5.2 Achievements and plans:Reading: In-company communicationExercise 5: Write Elena’s progress report to Andres.(30-40 words)Hi Andres,I called the design office and spoke to Octavio. Only two of the designs were ready. I’ve sent them to the printers and asked them for a price quotation. I’ll send them the third one tomorrow afternoon.Elena

  39. Module 66.1 Business travelListening: Flight problemsAsk students to think of some words connected with travelling, then ask them to open the textbooks to check.Grammar: direct speech and indirect speechReading: No card, no ticket1. Ask students to predict what the following letter is about according to the title, then ask them to look through the letter.2. Exercise 7: Write a follow-up letter to Mr. Bennet

  40. Dear Mr. Bennet,The editor of our in-flight magazine has written to me about your complaint.I have spoken to the check-in staff, and they told me what they do in these situations. As credit card fraud is a serious problem nowadays, we make every effort to protect our customers.On this occasion, we would like to refund you£375.And we look forward to seeing you on board one of our planes in the future.Yours sincerely

  41. 6.2 Travel arrangementsWriting: Booking enquiriesExercise 4Dear Mr. Rogers, We are looking for a hotel to host our marketing conference from 23th, June to 26th, June, with about 20 people attending. We will need one conference room with a computer for Powerpoint presentations. We won’t need a internet connection. We will need full-board, single-room accommodation for everyone attending, for three nights from 23th,June.Could you please confirm the availability of the rooms, and send me a full quote for the rooms and equipment?Yours sincerely

  42. Exercise 5Dear…Thank you for your enquiry about hiring our hotel. We have twenty single rooms available for the dates you mentioned, and also one conference room. All of our conference rooms have computer presentation facilities with Internet access. The accommodation costs £ 95 per room per night, and the conference room costs £650 per day, including the cost of equipment and the presence of a technician. Therefore, the total cost is £7,650.I look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerelyDavid Rogers.

  43. Writing: Changes to flight detailsExercise 8We have just heard that there is going to be a strike by air traffic controllers in Paris next week, so all flights to Paris will be diverted to Lyons. The strike could last only a short time, but there is no guarantee of this.Therefore, we can give you a refund on your ticket, or alternatively make a booking for a later date. Please let us know which option you would prefer.Yours sincerely

  44. Exercise 9From:To: TraveleaseSubject: Re: Changes to flight detailsThank you for your email about the strike in Paris next week. As I must go to Paris, I’ll go by train. Therefore, I would be grateful for the refund on my ticket.Yours sincerely

  45. Module 77.1 Products and servicesGuess what are the words: 1. An equipment that is used to control something such as TV from a distance----- remote controller 2. If there is a fire you call them----- fire brigade 3. It’s the integration of all different electrical systems / home automation----- domotics7.2 Orders and contracts

  46. Writing: ISP (internet service provider) contractAn email from Maroon Communications to Bryan Ross to confirm his new contract :Dear Mr. Ross,We have received your request to purchase our Maroon Business One package. The contract will start as soon as we received your signed copy of the contract, and you will be able to start using the new connection on the same day.Best regardsMaroon Communications

  47. Module 10 • Career Development • 10.2 Organizing a conference • 6 Writing: • Dear Ms Hanson, • I am writing to you to speak at a conference in Dublin on 3rd-4th May. The theme is promoting and assisting business initiatives and helping local business to network. • We would be delighted if you could give a keynote speech at the conference. Please confirm that you are available for this speech. I enclosed the details of the conference . • Yours sincerely

  48. Speaking Test of BEC Preliminary Part one. Warm-up Ask students to say something about their hometown, hobby, personality, education or work background or some other information. Part two. Mini-presentation (speech) 1. What is important when choosing a meal with an important client?

  49. -price -type of food -quality of food -environment of the restaurant 2. What is important when trying to attract new staff ? -salary -promotion -working condition -training opportunity -company reputation 3. What is important when planning corporate hospitality ? -guest list -type of event Part three. Discussion (conversation between the candidates.)

  50. 1.Training and workshops Reading 1 on page6 2. Safety suggestions on page113 3. Staff Magazine Your company is planning to introduce an internal magazine to keep staff informed of company development. You have been asked to help plan the staff magazine. Discuss the situation together and decide: What type of information to include in the magazine. Which type of staff should contribute to the magazine.

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