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Integrating Ports in TEN-T: Enhancing European Maritime Connectivity

Explore the evolving landscape of European ports within the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T), focusing on logistics integration processes, sustainable development challenges, implications for port governance, and the push for a balanced development. Discover the strategic importance of harmonized application of general treaty rules, balanced investments, and ensuring sustainable development across European ports. Dive into the core regions and multi-port gateways shaping the logistics network. Learn about the upcoming ESPO 2009 Conference in Marseille.

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Integrating Ports in TEN-T: Enhancing European Maritime Connectivity

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  1. Integrating ports in TEN-T Patrick Verhoeven TEN-T Days – Waterborne Workshop – Brussels 15 October 2008

  2. A few words about ESPO • Founded in 1993 • Represents European port authorities in all different forms and varieties • Members in EU Member States and neighbouring countries • + 800 ports handling 3,5 bln t of cargo and 350 mln passengers annually • Based in Brussels - recognised counterpart of EU institutions • Platform with EFIP (European Federation of Inland Ports) • Joint secretariat with EcoPorts Foundation

  3. Logistics environment: Logistics integration process Regionalisation of the port concept Captive hinterlands diminish All transport modes have a role to play Strategies of market players: Power struggle: who controls the chain ? Horizontal and vertical integration Mergers and acquisitions ‘Footloose’ character Ports – a dynamic sector

  4. Sustainable development: Growth environment creates negative externalities Ecological and societal tensions Port development – scarcity of land Emissions and global warming NIMBY phenomenon Public perception of ports Security and safety of operations A world of uncertainties ... and opportunities Implications for port governance – traditional role (public) port authority under pressure

  5. 1990s: years of heroic discussions in the ‘Port Member States Group’ Resulted in: almost every port is a TEN-T port TEN-T funding for ports remains very limited Similar debate on Motorways of the Sea Core of the problem = conflict of objectives Integrating ports in TEN-T

  6. FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES EU TREATY OBJECTIVE: HARMONISED APPLICATION GENERAL TREATY RULES Focus on competition rules and basic internal market freedoms in order to remove factors which distort competition between ports. Generally ensure a ‘level playing field’. OBJECTIVE: BALANCED DEVELOPMENT EUROPEAN PORTS Focus on investments in port infrastructure, maritime and hinterland connections, socio-economic restructuration of ports, port governance, regional policy and spatial planning. Generally ensure ‘sustainable development’ of ports. OTHER EU POLICY FIELDS Source: Verhoeven 2008, based on Commission des Communautés Européennes 1970

  7. Category A seaports Source: European Commission 2005

  8. Logistics core regions and multi-port gateways – Source: Notteboom 2008 Gateway port Multi-port gateway regions 1. Rhine-Scheldt Delta 2. Helgoland Bay 3. UK SE Coast 4. Spanish Med 5. Ligurian Range 6. Seine Estuary 7. Black Sea West 8. South Finland 9. Portugese Range 10. North Adriatic 11. Gdansk Bay Transhipment/interlining port (transhipment incidence >75%) Gateway port also handling substantial transhipment flows Logistics core region 8 Multi-port gateway region Inland corridor Main shipping route 11 2 1 3 Americas 6 Americas 7 10 5 9 4 Main shipping route Middle East – Far East

  9. Revolutions in the port landscape? Global warming opening the Northern Sea Route?

  10. Controversial questions still unanswered: Is the European port system in (geographical) balance? Concentration or regional spread? Can we identify ports / projects of community interest? L’histoire se répète – or can we actually learn from past attempts to integrate ports in TEN-T? The debate has not really changed

  11. Ports and TEN-T: a more targeted approach seems desirable Focus on the infrastructure ‘backdoor’ of ports: hinterland connections (co-modal: barge, rail and road) The debate must however be based on facts: proper economic analysis of traffic flows and the European port system Interventionist policy based on perceived imbalances is the worst possible option Way forward

  12. Re-think criteria for TEN-T ports / projects taking into account competitive and dynamic environment of ports Ensure full implementation of current (ports) policy framework: State aid guidelines and environmental guidelines which actually support and facilitate port development (cf. ‘fast track procedure’ recommended by OPTIMAR) Performant port services Administrative simplification (e.g. European Maritime Transport Space without Barriers)

  13. ESPO 2009 Conference Marseilles 14-15 May 2009 The European Port System Towards a Sustainable Network Vision

  14. Thank you for your attention Patrick Verhoeven – Secretary General European Sea Ports Organisation (ESPO) Treurenberg 6 – B-1000 Brussel / Bruxelles - Tel + 32 2 736 34 63 – Fax + 32 2 736 63 25 Email: pverhoeven@espo.be – www.espo.be

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