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Electos - Visual DataFlex Content Management System

Electos is a fully browser-based content management system built on Visual DataFlex. It allows website owners to easily change their website structure and appearance from any location, with no HTML knowledge required. Electos includes features such as automatic content indexing, control access to protected items, and scheduling of page appearances. It also provides tools for creating and managing structure, content, and publishing.

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Electos - Visual DataFlex Content Management System

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  1. Data Access Europe BV Eddy Kleinjan, Senior Consultant eddy.kleinjan@dataaccess.nl

  2. Electos • Content Management System • Fully Browser Based • Visual DataFlex Web App Server • Extensible; Source Code is Available • Included in Visual DataFlex Studio

  3. Advantages of using Electos • Website Owners can Change the Website • No HTML Knowledge is Required • Website can be Changed from any Location • Forces Website to have a Consistent Structure • Appearance of Pages can be Scheduled • Automatic Indexing of Content for fast searches • Control Access to Protected Items (Pro Edition)

  4. Publications Require Structure

  5. Electos Tools • Electos Studio • Create and Manage Structure • Create and Manage Content • Electos Publisher • Publishes Content in a Structured way • Electos Site Manager (Pro and Developer Edition) • Manages Multiple Websites on a Single Server

  6. Design in Electos • ASP template decides the looks • Separation of Content and Style • Structured Pages called "Document Structure" • WYSIWYG Editing of Text elements • Upload Content like Pictures, Word and PDF documents

  7. Electos Publisher Document Document Structure Electos Publisher ASP Template Page

  8. Electos Concepts • Pages publish Documents using ASP Templates • Documents are based on a Document Structure • Document Structures have one or more Elements • ASP Templates define where/how Elements are Published

  9. Electos Demo

  10. Maintaining Content • Pages • ASP Templates • Activation • Categories

  11. Electos Publisher Document ASP Template Electos Publisher Page

  12. Document ASP Template Electos Publisher Page Pages • A Page publishes a Document • A Document is based on a Document Structure • A Page is published using an ASP template

  13. Document ASP Template Electos Publisher Page ASP Templates • ASP Templates are used to publish a Document • Pages bind a Document and ASP Template together • ASP Templates are inherited when no explicit template has been assigned

  14. Document Structures

  15. Document Structures Title • Document Structures define Items that make up a Document • The number of Items is Unlimited • The Type of an Item defines what type of content is expected to be entered for it. Available types are:- Single Line Text- Multi Line Text- File Text

  16. Document Structure Items Types • Items can be: • Single Line Text • Multi Line Text • Files Reference to • Word Document • PDF Document • Images

  17. Document Structure Items • Single Line defines a maximum width in Characters • Multi Line Text defines a maximum width in Pixels that will be used during Content Editing to give a WYSIWYG impression. • When a reference to a Word document or PDF document is given, those documents can be selected while editing the content. The Document itself will be shown in an Inline Frame while Publishing. • The Position defines in what order the items need to be entered.

  18. Document Structure Items Names • The Name of an item will be the name by which the content can be accessed from within an ASP Template • The Title will be text that will be used as a Label when users enter text for an Item. <% oPublisher.call "Msg_PrintPageItem", iPageID, "Text" %>

  19. Content Types • Documents • Uploaded files like: • Images • PDF and Word Documents

  20. Directory Structure (Common) • C:\Program Files\Electos\... • …\Common\DataHas Electos Global Information • …\Common\SiteManagerContains Site Manager. Will always contain the most recent version of Electos that has been installed.

  21. Directory Structure (Electos) • C:\Program Files\Electos\v9.9\... • Electos Version Specific Files

  22. Directory Structure (Websites) • …\WebSites\...Contains one directory for each Web Site. • …\MySite\AppHtmlContains all files needed for Publishing a Website • …\MySite\AppHtml\ContentFilesContains all uploaded files • …\MySite\DataContains the database that holds the Electos managed Content • …\MySite\LogFilesContains the logfiles for the specific Website

  23. Cascading Style Sheets

  24. Cascading Style Sheets • Define the formatting of text in one place • Use the Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in both the Electos Studio and Electos Publisher .Heading1 { font-family : Tahoma, Verdana, Geneva, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font: large ; color: #000000; font-style: normal; font-weight: bold; }

  25. Steps to create CSS • Create …\Css\ElectosStyles.css • Publish the names of the styles that can be used in Electos Studio under: • Electos Studio – Control Panel – CSS Styles • Include the Stylesheet in your ASP Template • Use TopStyle Light to create your CSShttp://www.bradsoft.com/topstyle/

  26. Restricted Access

  27. Restricted Access • Create Members Manually (Administrator) • Create / Manage Groups • Assign Members to one or more groups • Put Access Restrictions in place using Groups

  28. Restrict Access to Pages • Restrict access to • Page • Category • ASP Templates need to be ‘Restriction Aware’ • Include ElectosRestriction.inc Indicates a restricted Object

  29. Image Gallery

  30. Image Gallery • An Image Gallery is a Collection of Images • Can be created using an Image Gallery Document Structure together with an Image Gallery ASP Template

  31. Image Gallery iTotal = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryCount", iPageID, "Gallery") For iLoop = 0 To (iTotal - 1) sImageUrl = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryImageURL", iPageID, "Gallery", iLoop) sImageAlt = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryAltText", iPageID, "Gallery", iLoop) sImageThumb = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryThumbURL", iPageID, "Gallery", iLoop, 100, 100, false) If sImageThumb = "" Then sImageThumb = "Images/ThumbNAV.jpg“ // Show the image Loop

  32. GET_GalleryCount • Returns the number of images for this page and the give Document Structure Item Name iTotal = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryCount", iPageID, "Gallery")

  33. GET_GalleryImageURL • Returns the URL to the full image sImageUrl = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryImageURL", iPageID, "Gallery", iLoop)

  34. GET_GalleryAltText • Returns the ALT Text for the image sImageAlt = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryAltText", iPageID, "Gallery", iLoop)

  35. GET_GalleryThumbURL • Returns URL to a thumbnail size version of the original picture • The Thumbnail will be automatically created if it doesn’t exist yet • Max size is passed (100,100) together with the switch whether or not the picture should fill the available area with a transparent colour sImageThumb = oPublisher.call("GET_GalleryThumbURL", iPageID, "Gallery", iLoop, 100, 100, false)

  36. Questions?

  37. Thank you!

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