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UNDERSTAND Notes from meeting with WP 2 in London (Bill and Joe). Mats Ekeblom 2007-02-16. Scope/Objective. Building Crisis Management capabilities 1) In black-out situations targeted at Mid-level managers at Transmission Systems Operators (TSO) -approx. 500 – 1 000 people in total
UNDERSTANDNotes from meeting with WP 2 in London (Bill and Joe) Mats Ekeblom 2007-02-16
Scope/Objective • Building Crisis Management capabilities 1) In black-out situations • targeted at Mid-level managers at Transmission Systems Operators (TSO) -approx. 500 – 1 000 people in total • in electrical network operations, and • aimed at avoiding or minimizing cascade effects. 2) Also a base for development of organisational security culture/behaviour and for reliability and resilience
Delimitation • Only electrical power, not gas • Only duty officers, operations managers and national dispatchers (or equivalents) • Building on existing technical systems and information structures Who will describe existing systems? Cranfield is not the best to do so! Veikko at 4C??
End Product • Part 1: Defined and validated concept for a pan European training program for electricity transmission security management • Why? Raise awareness, etc • Target groups (some hundreds of people) These have to be involved in an early stage. Invite some of them to the workshop in Cranfield May 3 – 4. • Current status and good examples (Nordel and others)? 4C Veikko?? • Lessons learned from recent black outs? Mats will give input from Eurelectric, etc. to Joe, • What? (Definitions, levels, procedures,….) • How? The content and the delivery methods for the education/training/simulation, etc. Role of “Guinea pigs”? Se above about involving them early. • Part 2: Plan, budget and organisation etc. for next step • Tentative work plan and budget for continued work • What other stakeholders and funders have to be involved?The role of ETSO? UCTE? Nordel? Euroelectric? • Who will take this concept forward and fully develop the operational training program? EC/JRC/Ispra?
Areas central to the concept • Improved networking opportunities among TSOs building on existing networks/training etc (cf. Nordic Grid) • Enhanced communication at mid-level management • Embraces education and scenario based training. We have to educate before training! • Helping also new member states • Strengthens future electricity grids - technically and socially • Supports a continuous learning process. What's that? (except from a popular expression used by consultants) • Centered on cross-border training situations, including their national effects
Coordination Group • Members • Swedish Energy Agency - representative • Project Management and Secretariat • Project Leaders from each work package • Meetings Ragnar has to plan this now. Set out dates and meetings places as soon as possible. • Monthly status meetings (every other meeting is a face to face meeting). Too often! Every second or third month is enough. • Other meetings shall primarily take place in WPs
Overall project and time plan Project Management ”PDP” DetailedWork Plans Project Workshop WP Work Seminaire/ Launch Nov, 2 ”Kick off” Dec, 15 Stockholm May, 3-4 Cranfield, UK April 2008, location tbd Ragnar and Bill must start preparing the workshop now! Ragnar has to take the first step. 2006 2007 2008 Joe will deliver a draft report on April 16, at the latest. It will be sent to all participants with a request to give point of views before the workshop
Activities White Paper Presentation and discussion Go through WP-Plans Activities Input Output Adjustment of WP-Plans Merge of WP-Plans Phase 3: Project Workshop (3-4 may, 2007 Cranfield) ”PDP” DetailedWork Plans Project Workshop End Products • Adjusted, synchronized and approved WP-Plans • Overall detailed plan for project Invite: • EC/DG TREN • National energy agencies • Guinea Pigs (Veikko?) • ETSO, Eurelectric, etc
Workdays Cranfield Cranfield will sign the contract in a few days. The amount of money isn't enough for the proposed 229 days. It will only cover 164 days, whereof 142 days for research and 22 days for management. 60 days will initially be used for the white paper.