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Biodiversity Clearinghouse Mechanism workshop, 11-12 Nov 2010, EEA, Copenhagen EU Clearinghouse on Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation Andr é Jol European Environment Agency (Head of group vulnerability and adaptation). Europe’s key past and projected impacts.
Biodiversity Clearinghouse Mechanism workshop, 11-12 Nov 2010, EEA, Copenhagen EU Clearinghouseon Climate Change Impacts, Vulnerability and Adaptation André Jol European Environment Agency (Head of group vulnerability and adaptation)
Europe’s key past and projected impacts • Most vulnerable areas • Southern Europe • Mountain areas (Alps, etc) • Coastal zones • River floodplains • Arctic region Main biogeographic regions of Europe (EEA member countries)
Commission White Paper Adapting to climate change White Paper adopted on 1/4/2009 Commission staff working documentsaccompanying the White Paper Impact Assessment and executive summary SEC(2009)387-388 Adapting to Climate Change: the Challenge for European Agriculture and Rural Areas SEC(2009)417 Human, Animal and Plant Health Impacts of Climate Change SEC(2009)416 Climate Change and Water, Coasts and Marine Issues SEC(2009) 386 Documents available on: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/adaptation/index_en.htm
Broad (complementary) adaptation approaches “Grey” infrastructure approaches Protective infrastructure and Contingency Plans/Measures – In the light of uncertainties, cost and effectiveness becomes issues “Green” structural approaches Strengthen resilience against climate change impacts by improving natural water retention and strengthening biodiversity. “Green infrastructure” (e.g. floodplains, land use changes to improve soil water retention, establishment of ecosystem connectivity etc.) Advantage of complementary approach: improved potential for ecosystem services (fresh water, food, health), potential to improve cost-effectiveness, reduce costs for future generations and synergies with mitigation (ecosystem absorption of CO2) – possible “no regrets” measures “Soft” non-structural approaches Awareness raising, Institutional framework, Economic instruments, etc.
Need for taking action at EU level Large difference in progress among the Member States. Initiatives and growing demand at regional and local level Many climate change impacts AND adaptation measures have a cross-border dimension Climate impacts and adaptation will affect single market and common policies. Climate change vulnerabilities and adaptation trigger a new paradigm for solidarity EU spending programmes could complement the resources spent by the Member States for adaptation. Potential economies of scale for capacity building, research, information and data gathering, knowledge transfer, etc.
Phase 1: 2009-2012 – Four PILLARS Working in Partnership with EU, national, regional and local authorities EU ADAPTATION FRAMEWORK PILLAR I Strengthen the Knowledge/ Evidence Base PILLAR II Mainstream climate Adaptation into key policy areas PILLAR III Employ a combination of policy instruments PILLAR IV Advance work internationally on Adaptation
Pillar I: Strengthening the Knowledge Base – an essential step forward (1/2) • Objectives: • Climate change and socio-economic scenarios across Europe • Better understand the territorial and sectoral distribution of vulnerability to climate change impacts • European wide data repository and a platform for knowledge transfer on impacts and adaptation measures (Clearing House Mechanism) • Build on on-going global, EU (FP6, FP7) and national research projects and studies • Further analysis of climate change impacts for major sectors at scales relevant to adaptation measures • Identification of the limits to resilience (human systems and ecosystems) • Investigation of how to use the ecosystem approach for adaptation efforts
Pillar I: Strengthening the Knowledge Base – an essential step forward (2/2), DG ENV projects • Design of guidelines for the elaboration of Regional Climate Change Adaptation Strategies http://ec.europa.eu/environment/climat/adaptation/index_en.htm • Preliminary assessment of Climate Change vulnerability indicators at regional level (final report due in Nov 2009) • Land Use modelling implementation (Final Report Feb 2010) • Integrated Assessment Modelling of water-related scenarios and adaptation measures Start Nov 2009 (20 months). • Classification and costing of adaptation measures
Pillar II: mainstream adaptation into key EUpolicy areas Step by step approach - based on solid scientific and economic analysis What are the actual and potential impacts of climate change in the sector? What are the costs of action/inaction? How can adaptation objectives be embedded into current EU instruments? Which additional measures should be proposed for action at EU level? How do proposed measures impact upon and interact with policies at other levels and in other sectors? Key areas: Water, Coastal & Marine, Agriculture, Health, Transport, Energy etc. Develop guidelines and further Adaptation Strategies outlining the action required
Status of development of national adaptation strategies http://www.eea.europa.eu/themes/climate/national-adaptation-strategies Source: EEA, 2009; PEER, 2009
Objectives of the EU Clearinghouse • Facilitate the collection and dissemination of scientific information, data and case studies about climate change impacts and vulnerability, and adaptation policies and measures. • Assist an effective uptake of this knowledge by EU, national, regional, local or sectoral decision makers. • Provide a greater level of co-ordination sectoral policies and institutional levels
Added value of the European Clearinghouse • A portal of information and tools, with defined quality standards, seeking common approaches at EU level. • Information mainly from research institutes and public agencies. • Focus on harmonized & quality checked EU wide data at maximal resolution, useful for: • neighbouring countries • interregional areas (e.g. mountainous or coastal area) • areas with scope for action at EU level: CAP, Water, Coastal, Marine, Natura 2000, TEN, Energy, Health, etc. • Both an IT tool and a PARTNERSHIP • Common guidelines about information quality, formats and sources • encourage the systematic collection of reliable and up-to date information • Complement but not supersede national initiatives. • Could be a solution for countries that don't have the resources to develop such a platform
Content of the Clearinghouse • Climate change observations and scenarios • GMES - Essential climate variables • Link with GFCS + regional / national centers • Land-use, water, socio-economic observations, statistics and scenarios • Impacts & Vulnerability • Integration information on climate, land-use, water, ecosystems, socio-economic variables • Exposure to impacts, sensitivity and adaptive capacity • Detailed geographical and sectoral perspective • Vulnerability indicators, policy-oriented • Adaptation plans and strategies • Informationon existing adaptation strategies, key institutions and stekeholders • Joint activities between MS and third countries (research, adaptation measures) • Practical tools for the development of adaptation policy Adaptation measures, actions Extended database of measures • Typology • Assessment of environmental, social, economic impacts • Identifying no-regret measures
Key partnerships and synergies • CC Indicators • WISE • CHM Biodiv • REPORTNET IASG + WG Pillar 1 Contract Implementation phase 1 DG ENV EEA Data integration (Climate, Soils, Forest, Floods, Droughts) INSPIRE GEOSS DG JRC Member States DG ESTAT Knowledge portals Research programmes DG REGIO DG REGIO INTERREG projects CIRCLE2 Other DGs Other DGs Calls x projects Knowledge portal Other Projects and Platforms (see annex 1) DG RTD Other institutions Other institutions 7FP projects
Interoperability Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) Interoperable Delivery of European eGovernment Services (IDABC) INSPIRE ISO, GEOSS ReportNet Analytical tools Generation of vulnerability assessments and indicators (EU or transnational level) Meta-analysis of vulnerability assessments. Database of adaptation measures Tools for the impact assessment of adaptation measures Some key requirements • Multilinguism • Multilingual technical glossary • Detailed level of information could also be available in a variety of languages • General information on CCIVA should be translated and give link to corresponding national platforms when available. • Standard functionalities • Quality control / quality assurance
EEA contributions/reports • Natural disasters (2004) • Overview on vulnerability and adaptation in member countries (2005) • Climate change and water (2007) • Costs of inaction to climate change (2007) • Impacts of climate change (2004, update 2008) • Water scarcity and droughts (2009) • CC and water resources in the Alps, case studies (2009) • Guidance on integrating CC in Water FWD river basin management plans (2009) • 2010: updated climate change indicators; support to GMES on data user needs analysis; report on past natural and technological disasters; some vulnerability indicators and disaster risk mapping; annual EIONET workshop; expert meetings
Next steps and roadmap • Open call for tender November 2009, with Commission concept note as support document for tenderer • Project steering group (ENV/JRC/EEA, key countries, sectoral platforms, key research partners) • Impact and Adaptation Steering Group (Commission, countries) and Working Group «Knowledge Basis» to be set up early 2010 • Phase 1 (available end 2011 at the latest) • Covers key requirements • First prototype available in January 2011: review to lay the ground for the definitions on the 2nd phase • Phase 2 • Based on review phase 1 and agreement with MS and key partners • Design after careful evaluation of needs, resources and usefulness. • Impact assessment for proposal accompanying 2012 Communication • Validation by IASG