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San Benito CISD focuses on efficiency audit, goal development, and technology integration. Updates on projects, costs, and future plans for the district's facilities.
FACILITIES YEAR 1 PRIORITY 1 PRIORITY 1 San Benito CISD will utilize the efficiency audit, prioritize reported items and enlist the Maintenance and Energy departments to target and complete tasks addressed. YEAR 1 GOAL YEAR 1 GOAL: To develop goals, assess needs, and implement changes. STATUS (OCTOBER 2016) A committee consisting of David Garcia (Director of Buildings& Grounds), Joe Montes (Director of Energy & Air Conditioning), Hilda Rendon (Executive Director of Finance & Operations), Leonila Peña (Director of Technology) and Margot Torres (Executive Director of Human Resources) have met to discuss goals, needs and changes. The Committee has met 4 times (Sept. 13, Sept. 20, Sept. 27 and Oct. 4, 2016). Preparing the specs to release RFQ for district wide roof assessment consultant. Dr. Garza Elem. Roof assessment done by Armko Industries Incorporated. New roof estimate $819,000. We have obtained a quote for using Duralast coating from Big Bear Roofing in the amount of $398,000. A cost analysis for both A/C and Maintenance Departments have been done. Estimated costs are as follows: A/C department = $353,000.00 (Note: Appropriations have been allocated) – Maintenance Department = $475,000.00 –
FACILITIES YEAR 1 PRIORITY 1CONTINUATION STATUS (OCTOBER 2016) Continued A timeline of tentative completion dates have been created. Met with all principals to compile campus needs (September 2016). Monthly inspection of play grounds have been implemented. Currently working on a project to replace 1 chiller at Riverside MS ($90,000). NEXT STEPS Prioritize campus needs. Purchase A/C equipment and install at Dr. Raul Garza Jr. Elementary, Landrum Elementary, Rangerville Elementary and Dr. C.M. Cash Elementary. Schedule roof project within next 60 days at Raul Garza Elem. Complete chiller project at Riverside MS November 30, 2016.
FACILITIES YEAR 1 PRIORITY 2 Priority 2 San Benito CISD will develop a detailed comprehensive long range plan, for the future development and renovation of the campus / district facilities and to provide a 21st Century learning space that ensures student readiness for higher education. YEAR 1 GOAL FA.P2-YEAR 1 GOAL: Strategic Planning Committee shall introduce highlights to community via presentations and social media. STATUS (OCTOBER 2016) Create a web page to showcase projects of the Buildings & Grounds and Construction & Energy departments on the San Benito CISD Website. A catalog of images of facilities are being created to show renovations and developments needed. Buildings & Grounds link (http://bng.sbcisd.net/ ), Construction &Energy link (http://construction.sbcisd.net/) Meetings have and will be conducted to discuss renovations and developments and cost analysis. Currently assessing the condition of the score board being conducted by Spectrum by the end of October 2016. NEXT STEPS Images of renovations and developments will be presented via San Benito CISD Website for the community to see. Assess and compile long range roofing needs based on the Facility audits. RFP (Request for Proposal) will be released to secure a Facility Consultant in October 2016. High School Track renovations, which have been budgeted in FY 2016-2017. A/C assessments done in 2016. Assess portable buildings and determine condition district wide.
FACILITIES YEAR 1 PRIORITY 3 PRIORITY 3 San Benito CISD will expand the quality of technology infrastructure to accommodate emerging technologies that support academic innovation and technology integration into teaching and learning to prepare students for the 21st Century. YEAR 1 GOAL FA.P3-YEAR 1 GOAL: To conduct a needs assessment to evaluate technology needs. STATUS (OCTOBER 2016) Conducting campus surveys. Survey link https://www.surveymonkey.com/results/SM-Y92P7YXX/data-trends/ Utilizing curriculum and efficiency audits to compile data. Campus visits to evaluate and assess existing needs. NEXT STEPS Finalize and compile campus needs. Evaluate and utilize E-rate funding and other resources to address any deficiencies identified district-wide.
FACILITIES YEAR 1 PRIORITY 4 PRIORITY 4 San Benito CISD will combine the efforts of the Maintenance/Energy departments to develop and implement a comprehensive preventative maintenance plan. YEAR 1 GOAL FA.P4-YEAR 1 GOAL: To establish a comprehensive maintenance program to correct deficiencies. STATUS (OCTOBER 2016) Cross training has began to provide Maintenance and A/C employees with the knowledge base of detecting any deficiencies that may be needed. Maintenance department has identified safety manuals for playgrounds. A/C department has developed and implemented a check list for HVAC equipment inspections including a Freon log. Two technicians were selected and received training on Sept 29, 2016 for HVAC certifications. Inspections have and will be performed on a quarterly basis to help prevent any major repairs. Maintain monthly playground inspections and also complete safety inspection checklists. Mr. Montes, Director of Energy & Air Conditioning, has attended a course on HVAC to continue his HVAC license. Working on manuals for standard operating procedures as per efficiency audit. NEXT STEPS Mr. Garcia, Director of Buildings & Grounds, will be trained in IPM (Integrated Pest Management) and Asbestos certifications (December 2016). Training will be provided to all custodians on the Standard Operating Procedures.
FACILITIES YEAR 1 PRIORITY 5 PRIORITY 5 FA.P5: San Benito CISD will improve the functionality, energy efficiency and security of all campuses and district facilities. YEAR 1 GOAL FA.P5-YEAR 1 GOAL: To analyze the functionality, efficiency and security of all campuses. STATUS (OCTOBER 2016) School Fencing will be assessed and estimates for repairs will be compiled. Placement of Surveillance cameras will be assessed to determine how many are needed and locations. Removal of brushy areas and foliage around the school district will be assessed. NEXT STEPS Continue implementation of all of the above items.