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Stats and the LLC

Explore how big data visualization can revolutionize library learning commons advocacy. Learn about trends, analytics, and the power of data in enhancing user experience.

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Stats and the LLC

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  1. Stats and the LLC How Big Data is a key to Library Learning Commons Advocacy

  2. Overview • Big Data is Big Business • Big Data to Learning Analytics • Library Data Beyond the Stacks • How Data Can Work for You • What's Next – Data 

  3. Big Data is a Big thing • The big data analytics market is set to reach $103 billion by 2023 • In 2019, the big data market is expected to grow by 20% • By 2020, every person will generate 1.7 megabytes in just a second • Internet users generate about 2.5 quintillion bytes of data each day • In 2019, there are 2.3 billion active Facebook users, and they generate a lot of data • 97.2% of organizations are investing in big data and AI • Using big data, Netflix saves $1 billion per year on customer retention                                                                                            (Tech Jury, 2019)

  4. What is big data? • Big data is the rapid expansion of structured, unstructured, and semi-structured data generated mostly from internet-connected devices. The volume, velocity, and variety of big data is what makes it so "big." • Internet of Things (IOT) is key to this trend 

  5. Top trends in Education - 2019 • Augmented Reality/ Virtual Reality • Personalized Learning • Internet of Things • AI and Big Data • Security                                       - Forbes 2019

  6. Big Data and Learning Analytics • “learning analytics is about collecting traces that learners leave behind and using those traces to improve learning” (Duval, 2012)

  7. Library Data is not just knowing your stacks

  8. Four functions of BiG Data

  9. Collecting Data – in the LLC

  10. How data can transform a space When is the LLC being used? Who is using the space?

  11. Feedback to Communication How do we respond to you? Is the space desirable?

  12. Literacy – where are we now? Reading Routine What are you reading?

  13. Literacy Trends What are the popular genres?

  14. Space for Learning How is the space used? Key subjects

  15. Technology or not?

  16. My Collection – Visualizing the stacks • Destiny Big Data helps in curation of my collection • Adding over 1000 novels over the past two years – circulation increases 100%

  17. BIg Data and MY Website • Visualizing your traffic provides feedback to make the changes necessary for future improved results

  18. Big Data Visualization and Student Learning • Students use the databases more than ever before- visualizations are helping them find information faster than ever before

  19. HOw Data can Work For You • Visualization includes: • Maps • Bar Graphs • Line Graphs • Scatter Plot Graphs • Infographics • Pie Charts • Timelines • Word Clouds • Tree Diagrams • Data as a visual tool for advocacy: • It takes only one-tenth of a second to comprehend a visual scene presented to us • Roughly half of our brain is wired for visual input • You process a symbol or pictograph and attach meaning to it in 250 milliseconds Animations of Data

  20. Facebook use and connections History of browser use on the internet

  21. Internet use

  22. What's NExt For your data?

  23. References • 9 Ways to Make Big Data Visual. (2018, September 18). Retrieved from https://www.import.io/post/9-ways-make-big-data-visual/ • Harper, L. M., & Oltmann, S. M. (2017, April 28). Big Data's Impact on Privacy for Librarians and Information Professionals. Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/bul2.2017.1720430406 • Learning Analytics and Educational Data Mining. (2012, January 30). Retrieved from https://erikduval.wordpress.com/2012/01/30/learning-analytics-and-educational-data-mining/ • Newman, D. (2018, November 13). Top 5 Digital Transformation Trends In Education For 2019. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/danielnewman/2018/11/13/top-5-digital-transformation-trends-in-education-for-2019/#4968f8e55d4d

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