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Understanding Power Dynamics in Relationships

Explore the impact of power and control on aggression and violence in relationships. Reflect on the concept of power and how it influences behavior. Identify healthy and unhealthy uses of power in interactions. Recognize warning signs of abusive relationships.

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Understanding Power Dynamics in Relationships

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  1. Standard9.ICR.1 Objective: 9.ICR.1.5 Explain how power and control in relationships can attribute to aggression and violence.

  2. Read and Reflect # 9 Scholar: What is Power? Is it bad or good? Collegiate: What is aggression? How can power relate to violence or aggression? Genius: How can Power be used to control someone or something? What is it that someone who has power is seeking? Why? Why may someone who is powerful have influence over others?

  3. Puppeteer • Find a partner for this activity. • Decide who will be partner “A” and partner “B” • You will pretend you have an imaginary string that attaches the two of you together and one partner will lead the other around the room however they want without talking (safely and be aware of people’s personal space). • Partner “A” will lead partner “B” first.

  4. Puppeteer Questions • Who preferred being the puppeteer? Why? • Who preferred being the puppeteer? Why? • Did you ever feel uncomfortable during this activity? Why? • Did your partner try to lead you to do something you were not comfortable doing?

  5. Power What is Power? Is Possession of Control, authority, or influence over others.

  6. Power Is Power Good or bad? Power is neither good or bad, it simply is. How a person chooses to use power can be good or bad

  7. Healthy and Abusive relationships Handout • In a group of four write examples of healthy use of power (protection, nurturing, teaching) • Also write examples of unhealthy use of power (exclusion, labeling, harassment) • Each group will report their responses.

  8. Red or Green • As the teacher reads off a characteristic decide whether it is unhealthy or healthy by holding up a piece of construction paper. • Healthy: Green • Unhealthy: Red

  9. Red or Green

  10. Today’s objective We are going to examine and understand how power and control in a relationship can lead to aggression and violence.

  11. Puppeteer Activity • How did it feel to have power over someone? • How did this activity relate to power and control in relationships?

  12. Unhealthy relationships • Power is at the root of unhealthy, abusive relationships. • There is a need to control another person. • Not only does the person have to have power over another person, they believe they are entitled to it

  13. National and Global Facts 1 in 3 teenagers will experience violence in a dating relationship 80% of females will stay in an relationship who have been abused will stay in that abusive relationship. 1 out of 4 teenagers report verbal abuse in their relationships 1 out of 4 teens state they were pressured to perform oral sex or indulge in intercourse with their partner. 73% of teenagers say their boyfriend/girlfriends have spread rumors about them. 68% of teens say their girlfriend/boyfriend has posted embarrassing pictures of them through cell phones or social networking 30% of teens say their boyfriend or girlfriend texts 10-30 times and hour to know their whereabouts.

  14. Lindsey's Story • Highlight the warning signs in from the story while reading. • What were the warning signs that showed this was an unhealthy relationship? • Did the victim try any strategies that helped him/her get out of the relationship? Who did they turn to for help? What happened? • If the victim did not get help, what strategies would you suggest that may have helped in this situation?

  15. Teen Violence movies part 1 and 2 • Part 1 • part 2

  16. Alternatives to Power and Control Write an action or alternative action that would be a more healthy behavior than trying to control a boyfriend or girlfriend.

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