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X-ray absorption in a GEM: Production of X-ray X-ray absorbsion in GEM detectors

X-ray absorption in a GEM: Production of X-ray X-ray absorbsion in GEM detectors Calculation of Charge – up effect Calibration of single GEM. 23-11-2011, RD51 miniweek. Yalçın KALKAN Uludağ University Physics Department Bursa -TURKEY. Production of X-ray.

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X-ray absorption in a GEM: Production of X-ray X-ray absorbsion in GEM detectors

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Presentation Transcript

  1. X-ray absorption in a GEM: • Production of X-ray • X-ray absorbsion in GEM detectors • Calculation of Charge – upeffect • Calibration of single GEM 23-11-2011, RD51 miniweek Yalçın KALKAN Uludağ UniversityPhysicsDepartment Bursa -TURKEY

  2. Production of X-ray

  3. Energy of X-ray photon Wavelength of X-ray photon ≈ 1.541 A Energy of X-ray photon ≈ 8 keV

  4. Absorption

  5. ExpanentialAbsorption

  6. 44.009 g/mol 39.948 g/mol 1 Atm R = T = 295

  7. AttenuationCoefficient of Argon AttenuationCoefficient of Carbondioxide

  8. Absorption of UnitDistance 0.176 1/cm

  9. Absorption of CopperLayer Absorption of CromLayer

  10. Absorption of Polyimide (Pmda oda) (www.beyochem.com)

  11. Charge-UpEffect (lowVoltage) (Garfield ++) (HighVoltage)

  12. Charge-upEffect (Bulk) Polyimide BulkResistivity BulkResistance Capacitance Relaxation Time

  13. Charge-upEffect (Surface) Polyimide SurfaceResistivity SurfaceResistance Capacitance Relaxation Time Forcm2area (5900 holes)

  14. Calibration of Single GEM

  15. Acknowledgements RobVeenhof, LeszekRopelewski - RD51, İlhan TAPAN, Özkan Şahin, MythraVarunNemallapudi, LauraFranconi, TurkishAtomicEnergyAuthority.

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