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I have dreamed a dream. The thing is gone from me

I have dreamed a dream. The thing is gone from me. A New Look At Daniel 2. A New Look At Daniel 2. A New Look At Daniel 2. Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night dream Dan. 2:19. Rome Daniel 2:40. And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron.

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I have dreamed a dream. The thing is gone from me

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  1. I have dreamed a dream. The thing is gone from me

  2. A New Look At Daniel 2 A New Look At Daniel 2 A New Look At Daniel 2

  3. Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night dream Dan. 2:19

  4. Rome Daniel 2:40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron Legs - The Roman Empire

  5. Roman Feet Daniel 2:41 The Roman feet are intermingled with another power (PAPAL) The Kingdom shall be divided T

  6. Daniel 2:41 WesternRoman Empire falls 476 Papal Roman Empire Rules 538 - 1798 Eastern Roman Empire Daniel 2:44 In the days After the division Western Roman Empire

  7. The Iron and the ClayThis is not mentioning 10 countries • “The mingling of church-craft and state-craft is represented by the iron and the clay.” SDA Bible Com.#4 p.1168, 9 • The fall of the Western Roman Empire was in 476. In 508, 32 years later the unity of the Catholic Church and State brought about the abomination of desolation. In 538, or another 30 years later, the Church is well established in the political arena which continues for 1260 years. • The Church (Papacy) ruled Europe for 1260 years. The breakup started with Martin Luther, the Protestant Reformation. • The mingling of Church and State was at the prophetic time allotted to it. (See Daniel 11:31 – they) (508)

  8. The legs represent the Roman Empire Babylon 626 - 539 Media-Persia 539 - 331 Greece 331 - 168 Rome 168 - 476 Rome Divided 476 - 1798 168 - 476 644

  9. Daniel 2:41 • Daniel 2:41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. • Rome continues in another phase.

  10. The Roman Empire is to be divided (Dan. 7:25 & 12:7)

  11. A Bible Verse To Remember • Job 11:6 “And that he would show thee the secrets of wisdom, that they are double to that which is….. • In some instances there are double applications

  12. How the Empire was divided • At the death of Emperor Theodosius in 395 The Empire was divided between his two sons. • 1.   18 year old son Arcadius ruled in the East (Constantinople, today called Istanbul) • 2.   11 year old son Honorius ruled in the West • ( Rome) • “Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire” by Edward Gibbon, Vol. 2, pgs 71 & 91.

  13. Dividing The Empire • If you divide something how many parts do you have? { 2 } • Is it proper to divide the Empire and not take into consideration both parts? • You divide the Roman Empire • The Western Roman Empire • The Eastern Roman Empire • They are both part of the Roman Empire

  14. When the Roman Empire falls, the legs, there are only two feet left

  15. Both legs are the Roman Empire Place one foot in Rome The other in Istanbul

  16. The legs of iron both are Roman Why have we only considered the western half of the Empire? Why consider only the Western half of the Empire? Why have we only considered the Western Empire Why have we only why have we considered onlythe western half of the Empire What are we to do with the Eastern section of the Empire? Both are Roman Place one foot in Rome and the other in Constanople What are we to do with the eastern section of the Empire

  17. The Western Empire divided within itself The Western Roman Empire was divided into the ten countries of Europe by the year of 476 A.D. The Western Roman Empire / after the division From 395 to 476 = only lasted 81 years

  18. The Ten Horns 1. Suevi 2. Visigoths 3. Vandals 4. Alamanni 5. Burgundians In the days of these Heaven shall set up a never be destroyed 6. Ostrogoths 7. Lombards 8. Franks 9. Anglo – Saxons 10. Heruli 538 - 1798 kings the God of Kingdom which shall The Western Roman Empire

  19. The Western Roman Empire • The division of the Western Roman Empire into the ten countries of Europe was in 476 A.D. • Dan.2:44 “In the days of these kings – the God of heaven sets up a kingdom. • The time of the setting up of God’s Kingdom does not have much relevancy seeing that was over 1500 years ago. • 2010 – 476 = 1534 years and counting • Is there something else that we have overlooked?

  20. Note Daniel 2:41,42 Once Again • Verse 41, 42 “the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. And [as] the toes of the feet [were] part of iron, and part of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. • Note, the strength doesn’t go away in 395 when the kingdom was divided. • The Western Roman Empire continues until 476 • The Eastern Roman Empire continues until 1449 • Here is the fulfilling of the prophecy, partly strong and partly broken. We are living in the time of the toes.

  21. Daniel 2:41“The Kingdom shall be divided” • The Kingdom was divided in 395 • The Western Roman Empire • The Eastern Roman Empire • You have to see this division • Revelation 8 is the downfall of Western Roman Empire • Revelation 9 is the downfall of Eastern Roman Empire

  22. The Ten Horns of the Eastern Roman Empire 1. Greece 6. Egypt 2. Galatia 7. Nabateanos 3. Asia Minor 8. Armenia 4. Libya 9. Macedonia 5. Syria 10. Thracia There were other countries also. \ one gone – Israel. These countries were all in the Empire before and after it was divided. Its not the time when the Eastern or the Western Empires were further divided that is important but rather when the Roman Empire itself was divided. That was in 395 that fulfilled the prophecy. The Eastern Roman Empire was already divided into countries

  23. Daniel 2 The Western Roman Empire was divided into the ten countries of Europe by the year of 476 A.D. This was a further breakdown of the Empire. Western Roman Empire from 395 to 476= 81 years only.

  24. The Contrast Of The Two Empires • The Eastern Empire continued • The Western Empire decreased and divided • The Eastern Empire spoke the Greek language • The Western Empire spoke the Latin language (Latin is the root for all the languages of the countries of Europe) • The Eastern Empire = Eastern Orthodox Church • The Western Empire = Roman Catholic Church

  25. The Rise and Fall of the Papal Roman Empire • The 1290 year prophecy 508 – 1798 In the days of these kings

  26. Revelation 9: 1 THE EASTERN ROMAN EMPIRE • 9:1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. • 9:5 And to them it was given that they should not kill them, but that they should be tormented five months:

  27. The 5th Angel or 5th Trumpet • The fifth angel sounded • Ottoman Empire - Muslims from Euphrates area • Attacked Byzantine Empire July 27, 1299 • Byzantine – Constantinople – Istanbul • V. 5 & 10 Five months = 150 days • 150 days = 150 years = 1449

  28. The Greek Empire • Byzantine attacked July 27, 1299 • 150 • City of Byzantine fell 1449

  29. Daniel 2 • Unless you have the division of the Roman Empire as predicted in Daniel 2, into the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire, the historical interpretation of Revelation 8 & 9 has no foundation or relevancy. • This subject of Daniel 2 continues in Revelation as the downfall of the Eastern Roman Empire (1449) begins the 6th Trumpet and is the ending of the first of the three woes. • Hebrews 6:1

  30. Daniel 2 • The Eastern Roman Empire had its downfall in 1449 {over 1000 years later} by the Ottoman Empire, known for its Muslim faith. • The downfall was all predicted in Revelation 9. • The Eastern Roman Empire was from 395 to 1449 or lasted for 1054 years.

  31. Revelation 9 predicts downfall of two Eastern Empires, Byzantine and Ottoman Empires 11.   in 1299 the Byzantine Empire {Eastern Roman Empire} was besieged and started to crumble. (5 months – verses 5&10) 12. Greek language was their language of the Eastern Roman Empire and contained Christian literature and Bibles in the original Greek language. 13. When the people fled because of the war they went west toward Europe. 14. Western Europe had been controlled by the Papacy and their religious literature in Europe was stalemated in the dead Latin language and their manuscripts of the Bible were in Latin and had been much corrupted. Latin is the language of the Vatican or the Papacy 15. Thousands of Greek manuscripts were secured by the learning centers of Europe including the Greek Bibles. 16. With this new literature and the Bible in Greek, Europe awoke as from a dream 12

  32. 4 of the 7 Trumpets of Revelation are in Rev. 8 • Rev. 8: 7 – 12 Four trumpets reveal the phases of the downfall of the Western Roman Empire • Rev. 8:13 reveals three woes that are to come • Rev. 9:12 First woe concludes with the downfall of the Eastern Roman Empire – July 27, 1449 • Second woe concludes with the close of probation Rev. 11:14 • The third woe consist of the seven last plagues and this time is also known as the time of the seventh trumpet (see Rev. 11:15 to 19)

  33. Revelation 9 • The historical interpretation gives the downfall of the Eastern Roman Empire • July 27, 1449. • Revelation 9:15 gives the downfall of Turkey (Ottoman Empire) at August 11, 1840 • {See G. C. 334} Exact prophecy

  34. The Josiah Litch Prophecy Revelation 9 The attack on the Byzantine Empire - July 27, 1299 Verse 5 & 10 Five months tormented Day = year in prophecy \ 5 months = 150 days or 150 years. 1299 150 July 2 7, 1449 The fall of the Byzantine Empire or the Eastern Roman Empire WRE 476 - ERE 1449

  35. The Josiah Litch Prophecy • The Ottoman Empire overthrows the Byzantine Empire on July 27, 1449 (by consent) (1453 Mehmet ll takes Constantinople) • The second woe (v. 12) commences at the same time. • All wars from 1449 until today are under the second woe and the sixth trumpet • The sixth Trumpet starts at the same time v. 13 or at July 27, 1449. • The Ottoman Empire is loosed for a prophetic time. Verse 15 • Year 360 days or 360 years. • Month 30 days or 30 years • Day 1 day 1 year • 391 TO BE ADDED TO 1449

  36. The Josiah Litch Prophecy • The 1449 date - Beginning of the Ottoman Empire • Add 391 years from prophetic time found in verse 15 • 1840 July 27 • Then you add 1 hour • One hour is 1\24th of a prophetic day • Thus a day equals a year in prophecy or 360 days • You divide 360 days by 24 and you get 15 days • To the date 1840 and July 27 you add 15 days and you have • August 11, 1840 • This was the date given by Josiah Litch for the fall of the Ottoman Empire, two years in advance. The historical event happened on that exact day!

  37. Great Controversy page 334 In the year 1840, another remarkable fulfillment of prophecy excited widespread interest. Two years before, Josiah Litch, one of the leading ministers preaching the second advent, published an exposition of Revelation 9, predicting the fall of the Ottoman empire, and specifying not only the year but the very day on which this would take place. According to this exposition, which was purely a matter of calculation on the prophetic periods of Scripture, the Turkish government would surrender its independence on the eleventh day of August, 1840. The prediction was widely published, and thousands watched the course of events with eager interest. {GC88 334.4}

  38. Great Controversy page 334 At the very time specified, Turkey, through her ambassadors, accepted the protection of the allied powers of Europe, and thus placed herself under the control of Christian nations. The event exactly fulfilled the prediction. When it became known, multitudes were convinced of the correctness of the principles of prophetic interpretation adopted by Miller and his associates, and a wonderful impetus was given to the Advent movement. Men of learning and position united with Miller, both in preaching and publishing his views, and from 1840 to 1844 the work rapidly extended. {GC88 334.5

  39. EnlightenmentUnder the 6th Trumpet 1.  The dark ages receded as light floods across Europe 2. At the same time Columbus discovers America 3.    3. Erasmus printed the Greek New Testament for all Europe 4.    4. Luther assailed the corruption’s of the Latin Roman Catholic Church and their indulgences. a 5. Brought forth the Bible in the German language 5.    6. Revival and learning and the Reformation followed swiftly. 6.    7. Thus the biblical revealed date of 1449 as the fall of the Byzantine Empire was the death knoll of the Dark Ages. 8. All this enlightenment paved the way for the next date found in Revelation 9:15 which also amazes the entire Christian world when the Turkish Empire fell on August 11, 1840. 9. At that time (1840) the Advent movement was sweeping the world with a Judgment hour message.

  40. The Advent Time Prophecy This showed the world that the Advent movement had a knowledge of the book of Revelation and that they better take cogence to the other teaching they were preaching.   We see immediately that the former paved the way for the latter. Thus we also see that the importance in not the fall of the Empires as much as is the events that are transpiring at the same time. All this paves the way to the Advent Movement in its heyday in 1840. The Christian world was startled with the August 11, 1840 prophecy. This is awesome material!!!

  41. The Advent Time Prophecy • At this time frame we have: •  1.  The rise of the United States as a nation 1776 • 2.. The deadly wound of the Papacy in 1798 • 3.   The Advent movement with the great time prophecy and all its related teachings rising as His Remnant movement. 1844 • 4.    The French Revolution 1793 • 5.   The rise of Democratic governments - Kings fade from governments • 6. Thus an obscure chapter in the Bible becomes alive and vibrant with a spiritual application and confirmation that God is leading His Church and showing them the way.

  42. The Greek Bible • The language of the Eastern Roman Empire was Greek. The New Testament Bible was written in Greek. • The language of the Bible in the Western Roman Empire, Catholic, was Latin. Old Testament Hebrew Bible has 39 books Catholic Bible, Latin, 46 books + 2 extra chapters • in the book of Daniel.

  43. The King James Version • As the Eastern Roman Empire started to decline into the hands of those of the Muslim faith in the 1400s, many Christians fled to the west or to Europe. • They took their Greek Bibles with them. Thus there were many Greek Bibles in Europe and this was the source for the King James Version about one hundred years later. • The Geneva Bible 1555

  44. What is on the other side ofRevelation 9:15 • 1. Is the Muslim army of 200,000,000 before August 11, 1840 or is it after? • 2. Does the insurgence of Muslim power today enter into the Middle East situation for end time events? • 3. Do you see any handwriting on the wall regarding the Muslim faith verses the Christian faith, at the present time? • What are world events telling us today?

  45. In the days of these kings • 4. There are 25 Arabic counties with a population between 750 million to one billion • 5. Will the conflict that has already started between Islam and Christianity continue, seeing that Islam is militant by nature and wants the land of Israel? • 6.Why does our foreign policy protect Israel? • 7. Certainly the Devil will not let this false religion with nearly a billion people lay dominant as we near the end.

  46. Will the Muslim Faith play a role in last day events? • Will the Muslims be a scourge to Babylonian Christianity? This is a vital question T

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