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URINALYSIS DIPSTICK TESTING. WellOne Primary Medical and Dental Care For Medical Clinical Staff. Click here to move on. WARNING. Conducting this test exposes the operator to potentially infectious material. Standard precautions, including glove use are required for this procedure.

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  1. URINALYSIS DIPSTICK TESTING WellOne Primary Medical and Dental Care For Medical Clinical Staff Click here to move on

  2. WARNING Conducting this test exposes the operator to potentially infectious material. Standard precautions, including glove use are required for this procedure. Click here to go back Click here to move on

  3. Urine test strips: Storage and Stability Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Store strips in original container at room temperature (15-30 C) out of direct sunlight Replace cap immediately after removing a test strip Do not remove the desiccant from the bottle (small white package that helps to collect excess moistures)

  4. Urine test strips: Storage and Stability Replace cap quickly Do Not expose strips to air Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on

  5. Considerations: Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on As with all laboratory test, definitive diagnostic or therapeutic decisions should not be based on any single result or method. The urinalysis is a screening test and any positive, significant results should be confirmed with a laboratory specimen. Color changes must be read exactly at the indicated time. Substances that cause abnormal urine color, such as drugs containing azo dyes (e.g. Pyridium, Azo Gantrisin) and riboflavin, may affect the readability of reagent areas on urinalysis reagent strips. The color development on the reagent pad may be masked, or a color reaction may be produced on the pad that could be interpreted visually and/or instrumentally as a false positive.

  6. Standing Order for Urinalysis for MA Staff: Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Collect and test urinalysis by dipstick on all children 3 years and older presenting for physical examination, all adult patients annually, and all patients with symptoms of urological involvement, i.e. Blood in urine, burning upon urination, frequent urination, odor of urine, pelvic or abdominal pain, vomiting, or confusion.

  7. Processing the Specimen: General Steps Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on • Identify patient using two patient identifiers (name and DOB) • Explain procedure to patient in culturally appropriate, age appropriate terms. • Perform hand hygiene before and after patient contact; before and after donning gloves.

  8. Specimen Collection Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Have patient urinate in clean, labeled specimen (name and date of birth) container Test the specimen as soon as possible: refrigerate specimen if unable to test within two hours and let specimen return to room temperature before testing.

  9. A freshly voided urine specimen is needed for the urinalysis. If the urine is more than _______ old, it must be refrigerated and allowed to _______________________ prior to testing. Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to view the previous slide 2 hours, chill on ice 2 hours, return to room temp. 3 hours, return to room temp.

  10. The correct answer is….. 2 hours Return to room temp. Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on A freshly voided urine specimen is needed for the urinalysis. If the urine is more than _______ old, it must be refrigerated and allowed to _______________________ prior to testing.

  11. Processing the Specimen: Testing Procedure Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Inspect reagent bottle to ensure the reagent has not expired. Remove one strip from bottle and replace cap promptly. Inspect strip for any signs of deterioration prior to use. Completely immerse end of strip briefly into the freshly voided urine specimen and remove immediately. Tap edge of strip against edge of specimen container.

  12. The test strip must be inserted into the urine and removed ___________. Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to view the previous slide in one minute in 20 seconds as quickly as possible

  13. The correct answer is……. Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on as quickly as possible

  14. Processing the Specimen: Testing Procedure Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Hold strip in a horizontal position to prevent possible mixing of chemicals.

  15. True or False: To avoid mixing of colors, the test strip should be held in a horizontal position after removing from the urine Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to view the previous slide True False

  16. The correct answer is true: Correct Way to hold strip Not Correct Way to hold strip Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Holding horizontally is correct. Holding vertically leads to mixing of chemicals and colors= invalid results

  17. Processing the Specimen: Testing Procedure Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on  Compare color of dipped end of stick with color chart located on the bottle. a. read Glucose and Bilirubin at 30 seconds. b. read Ketone at 30 seconds. c. read Specific Gravity at 45 seconds. d. read PH, Protein, Urobilinogen, blood and nitrate at 60 seconds. e. read Leukocytes at 2 minutes. Dispose of strip in regular trash.  Remove gloves and place in regular trash.  Perform hand hygiene.  Document results in patient's record.

  18. Processing the Specimen: Testing Procedure Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Test results must be interpreted by comparing the color of the test pad to the color on the bottle for the specific substance EXACTLY at the time indicated on the bottle. Test results read at times other than that on the bottle are of NO DIAGNOSTIC VALUE

  19. Just as you are half way done reading a test strip, a coworker approaches and begins talking with you. You are not sure how many seconds have gone by. At this point you must…. Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to view the previous slide Continue reading the test strip where you left off Wash your hands Discard the test strip and start over with a new strip

  20. The correct answer is: Test results must be read exactly at the times indicated on the bottle. Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Discard the test strip and start over with a new strip

  21. You are testing this specimen pictured below Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on

  22. At 60 seconds, you record the result as “trace” blood as indicated on the color chart You look again in about 90 seconds and notice the change in color to indicate “moderate” blood At this point you should………. Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on

  23. At this point, you should….. Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to choose this answer Click here to view the previous slide Change the results on the result form to indicate moderate blood Record the results as trace blood but verbally notify the provider of finding of moderate blood Record the results as trace blood

  24. The correct answer is….. NEVER INTERPRET RESULTS AFTER THE SPECIFIED TIME This result read after the specified time must be completely ignored an d not reported Click here to view the previous slide Click here to move on Change the results on the result form to indicate moderate blood Record the results as trace blood but verbally notify the provider of finding of moderate blood Record the results as trace blood

  25. You have reached the end of this program….. Start Over Click here to go back and review previous slide Exit For more information, refer to the manufacturer package insert at: http://diagnostics.siemens.com/siemens/en_GLOBAL/gg_diag_FBAs/files/urinalysis_pdf/clinitek_status/clinitek_status_multistix_10.pdf Once you are confident that you are comfortable with all the materials presented, proceed to the Urinalysis Dipstick Testing post-test at http://www.classmarker.com/professional/ Your username is the first initial of your first name followed by your full last name. Your password is= nwhealth

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