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LOCAL GOVERNMENT PENSIONS. Why we are balloting. The Government wants you to pay more, work longer and get less in retirement Pensions are deferred pay – so this is just another pay cut

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  2. Why we are balloting The Government wants you to pay more, work longer and get less in retirement • Pensions are deferred pay – so this is just another pay cut • The NUT has already taken action in schools – we’re also part of the alliance of local government unions defending the LGPS • Vote YES in the ballot if you want to keep a decent pension scheme

  3. The Government’s agenda Pay more, work longer, get less… • higher contributions • higher normal pension ages • lower accrual rates • “career average” pensions • lower pension increases in retirement

  4. Our campaign so far Negotiations with Government since April - but little or no progress • NUT, ATL, UCU strike in schools 30 June • TUC Congress – up to 20 unions declare for action • Education unions lobby 26 October • Joint petition - www.decentpensions.org.uk • Planned national action if necessary on 30 November

  5. The NUT’s LGPS ballot Members in school improvement and support services • Ballot covers those eligible for LGPS membership • Ballot opens 20 October, closes 16 November • Members with unclear records have been contacted by NUT • Anyone not receiving a ballot paper should still contact us

  6. The attack - the long term Government proposing changes to all public sector schemes from 2015 • Normal pension age to rise to 66 and eventually 68 • “Career average” basis for future accrual • CPI not RPI increases (already implemented) • Higher employee contributions assumed • Lower pension accrual rates

  7. The attack - the short term (1) Government wants £900m "savings" from LGPS before 2015 • No justification for this from scheme valuations • LGA and Pickles refusing to acknowledge “savings” already accruing from workforce reductions or from the RPI CPI switch

  8. The attack – the short term (2) LGA proposes changes from 2014: • Normal pension age to rise to 66 for everyone immediately – faster than Government plans • Contributions increase for all over £15,000 - this means 2.5% more for most NUT members, on top of current 6.8% or 7.2% • Or pay the same and get a 1/68th pension not 1/60th – almost 15% less

  9. The attack – the short term (3) Government proposes changes from 2012 : • Approach 1: £450m from contribution rises – a 1.8% to 3.5% increase for NUT members; and £450m from cutting accrual rate to 1/65th; or • Approach 2: £300m from contribution rises – a 1.6% to 3% increase from NUT members; and £600m from cutting accrual rate to 1/67th

  10. Vote Yes - support the action Our aim: to persuade the Government to negotiate in good faith • Vote Yes and support the action • Meet with colleagues and contact other unions (Unison, Aspect, AEP) • Take part in strike activities on the day • Show the Government its proposals are unacceptable. • Stay involved in the Union’s campaign

  11. Find out more www.teachers.org.uk/soulbury www.teachers.org.uk/pensions • NUT's pensions loss calculator for Soulbury officers • Briefings on the Government’s attack on our pensions • Update reports on the LGPS

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