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First BoG Meeting of IEEE CPMT in 2004. Report on Conference-Related Matters Ricky Lee VP-Conferences Las Vegas, Nevada, USA June 5, 2004. Presentation Outline. CPMT Sponsorship Options offered to 2004 Conferences Summary of 2004 Conferences
First BoG Meeting of IEEE CPMT in 2004 Report on Conference-Related Matters Ricky Lee VP-Conferences Las Vegas, Nevada, USA June 5, 2004
Presentation Outline • CPMT Sponsorship Options offered to 2004 Conferences • Summary of 2004 Conferences • Newly Proposed CPMT Sponsorship for 2005 Onwards • 2005 Conferences for Approval
Option #1: Financial Sponsorship---- • A pre-conference loan (USD2000-5000) may be provided by CPMT. • The conference organizers should make a budget plan showing a 15% (or more) surplus (Note: this is a budget plan only). • The benefits of the conference include full access to CPMT Newsletter, Call for Papers in CPMT Transactions, use of IEEE and CPMT logos, one-sheet publicity items, IEEE book indexing of conference proceedings, participation of Book Broker Program to IEEE Xplore, listing on CPMT website, and use of IEEE server for web content............ • After receiving the pay-back of pre-conference loan (if any), CPMT will share the actual surplus/loss with other co-sponsors (if any). CPMT Sponsorship for 2004
Option #2: Fixed Fee for Services---- • The conference may request any portion of the full services from CPMT with a negotiated price. • Typically, for publication-related benefits, the service fee starts from USD3000. CPMT Sponsorship for 2004
Option #3: Per-Attendee-per-Day Overhead---- • Based on the total registration, the conference pays for CPMT services on a per-attendee-per-day basis. [e.g., 100 people register for 2 days and 100 people register for 1 day; if the negotiated overhead is USD10 per-attendee-per-day, then the total charge paid to CPMT is USD10 x (100 x 2 + 100) = USD3000] • The amount of services provided by CPMT depends on the negotiated amount of overhead. • The conference can build this overhead in the registration fee. CPMT Sponsorship for 2004
Option #4: Exceed Break-Even Overhead---- • The conference set up a break-even point based on the registration head-count. [e.g., The conference organizers estimate, if there are 100 full registrations, then the conference will not lose money] • If the actual head-count of registrations exceed the estimated break-even point (or equivalent, considering partial registrations), then the conference pays for CPMT services based on the head-count exceeding the break-even point, either with a fixed fee per head or with a fixed percentage of registration fee per head. [e.g., the break-even point is 100 full registrations; if the actual head-count of full registrations is 150 and the negotiated overhead is USD60 (or 20% of full registration fee) per head, then the total charge paid to CPMT is USD60 x (150 - 100) = USD3000 (or Full registration fee x 20% x 50)] • The amount of services provided by CPMT depends on the negotiated amount of overhead. CPMT Sponsorship for 2004
Following is a relatively brief proposal for a simplified Conference financial relationship scheme that Marsha and I have put together after incorporating the inputs of Jim Morris (Past VP, Conferences), Paul Wesling (VP, Publications) and Ricky Lee (VP Conferences). We want to keep this very simple and offer very few options for consideration by the conferences. Since the CPMT began implementing the new policy requiring a financial relationship with all its conferences, considerable ill-will has been generated in Regions 8 (Europe, Middle East, Africa) & 10 (Asia/Pacific) which could potentially compromise our globalization efforts.Issues that have come up from Regions 8 & 10 include : - Some cultures feel that conferences should not make money and surpluses should be zero. - Some countries do not allow surpluses to be returned to IEEE in the US. - Conferences feel CPMT is interfering; trying to take control. - Conferences don't see value CPMT providesThe following approach would go into place as we abolish the "technical sponsor only" category.ADVANTAGES: - Simple to understand and administer. - Minimizes issue of sending "payment" to US/IEEE; paying fees/expenses less controversial. - Helps to ensure offset of expenses to CPMT.Comments on this proposal are welcomed. This proposal does not require Board vote but certainly warrants a period of open discussion and is open for constructive changes. Once we are done we will run this by you again with $xxx inserted as real proposed fees. CPMT Sponsorship for 2005 Onwards
OPTION #1:Traditional Financial Co-sponsorship- CPMT shares percentage of surplus.- Must budget a surplus of 15% (or other amount to be decided)- CPMT (and IEEE) must review and approve budget- Minimum percentage of financial sponsorship 25%OPTION #2:Administration Fee #1 (Option 2-1)- $XXX Franchise Fee for use of CPMT name and logo and expenses associated with conference publications acquisition. (TBD)- Includes access to CPMT mailing list (at fee charged independently by IEEE Conference Services; as per current process.)- Includes promotion by CPMT in Newsletter, on Home Page, etc.- Includes acquisition of Conference Proceedings for inclusion IEEE Xplore- Fee included as expense in budget Conference budget.- No CPMT budget approval needed.Administration Fee #2 (for conferences with no proceedings ) (option 2-2)- $XXX Franchise Fee for use of CPMT name and logo (TBD; flat fee suggested.)- Includes access to CPMT mailing list (at fee charged independently by IEEE Conference Services; as per current process.)- Includes promotion by CPMT in Newsletter, on Home Page, etc.- Fee included as expense in conference budget.- No CPMT budget approval needed. CPMT Sponsorship for 2005 Onwards
Motion #1: To approve 100% sponsorship of the 1st Workshop on Display Materials: Selection, Behavior, Performance (DM’2005), tentatively scheduled for April 2005, Santa Cruz, CA.Endorsed by Materials TCChairs:Ephraim Suhir, University of California at Santa Cruz., and Designed Nanomaterials (DNM), Inc., Los Altos, CABernd Michel, Fraunhofer Institute for Reliability and Microintegration (IZM), Berlin, GermanyS.T. Lee, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Content:The objective of the Workshop is to address the state-of-the-art, technical advances and hurdles, application trends and the major unsolved materials related problems in small and large display technologies, with an emphasis on the selection, characterization, and short- and long-term performance of the employed materials.It will be the first comprehensive and multifaceted symposium on the functional (optical and electrical), mechanical and environmental behavior and performance of materials used in display technologies. The symposium will provide a forum to discuss the materials behavior and performance in various types of displays: liquid crystal displays (LCDs), organic light emissive devices (OLEDs), organic electroluminescent displays (OELEDs), flexible displays (FOLEDs and FOELEDs), and other possible types of flat panel displays. We intend to bring together materials, mechanical, optical, electrical, reliability, industrial and manufacturing engineers, as well as applied physicists and chemists, to discuss and advance experimental and theoretical methods, techniques and approaches aimed at the understanding the materials behavior in, and mechanical (physical) design, packaging, and reliability evaluations and optimization of, display assemblies, structures and systems. 2005 Conferences for Approval
Motion #2: To approve 50% co-sponsorship of the First International Workshop on 3S Electronic Technologies, cosponsored by GaTech PRC, tentatively scheduled for Fall 2005, Atlanta, GA.Approved by Systems Packaging TCChair: Rao R. Tummala, PRC, Georgia Institute of TechnologyContent:This workshop reviews the latest R&D and manufacturing status of each of the three electronic technologies (SOP, SIP, SOC) around the world. It will also attempt to compare and contrast SOC, 3D stacking, SIP, SOP and MCM. Motion #3: To approve 50% co-sponsorship of the Organic Microelectronics, cosponsored by the American Chemical Society tentatively scheduled for April 2005, in the northeastern US.Approved by Materials TCChair: TBDContent:This workshop focuses on electroactive microelectronic organic materials and applications. This would include light emitting materials for displays, semiconducting materials for transistors and circuits and photoactive materials for photovoltaics. These would be all invited papers and would bring together the worlds experts in this area 2005 Conferences for Approval