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Cherokee County Schools CIPP Indicators

Cherokee County Schools CIPP Indicators. Exceptional Children’s Program 2013-2014.

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Cherokee County Schools CIPP Indicators

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  1. Cherokee County SchoolsCIPP Indicators Exceptional Children’s Program 2013-2014

  2. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA) and Article 9 of North Carolina state law require that the Department of Public Instruction monitor local education agencies (LEAs) on a regular basis to ensure compliance with state and federal laws, rules, and regulations that govern the provision of special education and related services to children with disabilities. The purpose of this monitoring is to focus federal, state, and local resources on improved results for children with disabilities and their families. The Exceptional Children Division is responsible for conducting all monitoring activities through the Continuous Improvement and Focused Monitoring System. As a component of the CIFMS, each LEA must submit a Continuous Improvement Performance Plan (CIPP). The CIPP aligns with the federal requirements of the State Performance Plan and the Annual Performance Report. The following documents are provided for LEA use in reporting to the State Education Agency (SEA). Source: http://ec.ncpublicschools.gov/reports-data/cipp-monitoring

  3. 2013-2014 CIPP Steering Committee Anne Boring-Chair of Committee: Indicator 1, 3, 4, 8, 9 – Member of Indicator 11, 12, 15 Elaine Penland- Chair of Committee: Indicator 5, 10, 12, 15 - Member of Indicator 11, 12 Kim Gibson- Chair of Committee: Indicator 2 -Member of Indicator 3 Judy Zeigler- Chair of Committee: Indicator 6, 7, 12 - Member of Indicator 8 Courtenay Sumpter- Chair of Committee: Indicator 11 - Member of Indicator 10 Debbie Jacobs - Chair of Committee 14 - Member of Indicator 5, 13 Connie McClure- Member of Indicator 5, 8 Thomas Graham- Member of Indicator 1, 2, 14 Sherry Henry- Member of Indicator 1, 3, 9 Shannon Raper- Member of Indicator 15 Continued on next slide

  4. Wendy Adams - Member of Indicator 6, 7, 11 Brandy Joyner - Member of Indicator 3, 6, 7 Christy and Andy Russell - Member of Indicator 8 Amy Brown - Member of Indicator 2, 13 Melissa Reid - Member of Indicator 3, 9 DJ McClure - Member of Indicator 14 Kelly Gentry - Member of Indicator 4, 10 Maria Wilson - Member of Indicator 14

  5. Indicators 7, 11, & 12 Indicator 7 was due August 16, 2013 Indicators 11 & 12 were due October 22 Class Size, Caseload, and Transportation Forms Were all due October 22

  6. Indicator 7: Percent of Preschool children with IEPs who demonstrate improved: 2013-2014 Data Positive social-emotional skills (including social relationships); Acquisition and use of knowledge and skills (including early language/communication and early literacy); and Use of appropriate behaviors to meet their needs. Total Number of Students: 25

  7. Indicator 11: Percent of students referred for whom a referral was received and placement determined within 90 days. 2013-2014 Data

  8. Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed by their 3rd birthdays. 2013-2014 Data

  9. Indicator 12: Percent of children referred by Part C prior to age 3, who are found eligible for Part B, and who have an IEP developed by their 3rd birthdays. 2013-2014 Data

  10. Indicator 8 Parent Surveys are due February 28th

  11. Indicator 8: Parent Involvement 2013-2014 Data

  12. Parent Survey 2014Total Summary

  13. Indicators 1,2,3,4,5 Due June 1, 2014

  14. Indicator 1: Graduation Rate: Percent of students with disabilities (SWD) graduating from high school with a regular diploma. Cherokee County Schools met this target in 2013 with a graduation rate of 86.2% 2012 – 2013 Data

  15. Indicator 2: Dropout Rate: Percent of Students with Disabilities dropping out of high school. Cherokee County Schools met this goal in 2013 with 0.43% 2012 – 2013 Data

  16. Indicator 3: AMO, Participation, & Proficiency Rates: Participation and Performance of Students with Disabilities on statewide assessments. http://www.ncpublicschools.org/accountability/reporting/leaperformancearchive/ http://www.ncaccountabilitymodel.org/SASPortal/mainUnchallenged.do?unchallenged=yes 2012-2013 Data

  17. Indicator 4: Suspension/Expulsion Rates:

  18. Indicator 5: Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

  19. Indicator 14

  20. Indicator 14: Post Secondary School Outcomes 2013-2014 Data

  21. CIPP Activities for 2013-2014

  22. CIPP Calendar activities

  23. CIPP Calendar activities

  24. Plans to address improvement for students with disabilities in Cherokee County: • Implement North Carolina State Improvement Project (NC SIP) countywide for K-3 teachers • Provide curriculum based measurement training in math for all EC teachers • Provide an Autism Classroom at Murphy Middle School based on rising numbers of students with autism in middle school • Requested PRC 29 funds to hire an additional PRC 29 teacher for EC students with behavior needs at the middle school level. • Provide an education night for parents and/or guardians with children with disabilities • Provide an autism training for all EC teacher assistants

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