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Experimental study of double GEM readout using MediPix2 chip. A. Bamberger, M. Debatin, J. Ludwig, M. Titov, N. Vlasov. GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier). Thin metal-coated polymer foil chemically pierced by a high density of holes (technology developed at CERN). Typical geometry:
Experimental study of double GEM readout using MediPix2 chip A. Bamberger, M. Debatin, J. Ludwig, M. Titov, N. Vlasov A. Bamberger
GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) Thin metal-coated polymer foil chemically pierced by a high density of holes (technology developed at CERN) Typical geometry: 5 µm Cu on 50 µm Kapton 70 µm holes at 140 mm pitch F. Sauli, Nucl. Instrum. Methods A386(1997)531 F. Sauli, http://www.cern.ch/GDD A. Bamberger
DRIFT TRANSFER • positive ion feed back minimized • high rates • small rate of discharges for highly ionising particles...see later Advantages of GEM F. Sauli, 2002 IEEE Proceedings A. Bamberger
I+ e- Induction gap e- S1 S2 S3 S4 Properties • gas amplification up to 6000 easily achievable with Ar/CO2 • sufficient for min. ionizing particles in gas thicknesses of few mm A. Bamberger
Comparison µMEGAS and GEM Discharge probability with α-particles Spatial resolution in laboratory tests µMEGAS: 15 µm GEM: 40 µm BUT: many orders of magnitude NIM A 477 (2002) 23 NIM A 425 (1999) 262 replottet from NIM A 424 (1999) 321, NIM A 479 (2002) 294 A. Bamberger
semitransparent drift electrode Double GEM 10·10 cm² 28 channels readout electronics resistive chain for HV <4000 V A. Bamberger
Some features of the apparatus • all essential elements within the gas tight box: compact, easy handling i.e. tilting is possible • Noise reduction due to short leads • breaking gas volume/flow for changes turned out to be an affordable disadvantage (recovery within a few hours) • Multi electrode analog readout (L3 muon amplifiers 7x4): important for checking gas gain A. Bamberger
Overall view pocket for MediPix2 board and cable A. Bamberger
thickness of drift field 6 mm • transfer gap 2 mm • induction gap 2 mm Double GEM Gas: Ar/CO2 resistors for protection drif t elektrode GEM 1 GEM2 readout elektrode ΔVGEM= 350 – 400 V, ED , ET , EI~ 2.5 kV/cm subject to further optimisation A. Bamberger
strip readout Homogeneity and energy resolution for 55Fe photons • homogeneity < ±5% • energy resolution of photo- electrons of 5.9 keV: FWHM 28% A. Bamberger
New readout electrode configuration with 2x2 cm2 before after HCAL readout ! movie shows 4x4 matrix with source A. Bamberger
Inserting MediPix2 into the GEM stack gap for separation of electrodes crosses MediPix2 A. Bamberger
Close-up of the arrangement • surface of MediPix2 level with readout plane • „ring“-like electrode helps to detect possible discharges near MediPix2 due to cross talk, • „dummy“ MediPix2 with bonds showed no obvious discharging up to 4000 V, Eind= 3.5 kV/cm • readout of MediPix2 normal functioning over many hours A. Bamberger
source colli-mator MediPix2 Readout with MUROS2 • the parameters: lower threshold between 2000 - 3000 e- • upper threshold ~ 10 times higher • HV 3900 V, 410 V across GEM • Collimated 55Fe source used: 4 mm opening at a distance of 35 mm A. Bamberger
14 mm 14 mm Short term shot of 55Fe photons estimates blob size: 10 x10 pixles = 550x550 µm2 at gain ~ 3 103 A. Bamberger
180 s exposed sample and displacement of colim. source source with collimator moved by 2 mm structure of joint between GEM electrodes seen A. Bamberger
MediPix2 exposed 30 min to source w/o collimator: Boundary of GEM electrodes steep slopes A. Bamberger
Some considerations for the resolution Basics: • transverse diffusion of Ar/CO2: 150 - 200 μm/cm • size of energy deposition of 5.9 keV photon 300 – 500 μm • defocussing effect GEMs Comments: • drift space is 6 mm cone like, slanted tracks reveal 1.) • dispersion of edge due to electrode boundary reveals 3.) (two bounderies of the doube GEM setup involved !) • the „hit over threshold“ feature complicates the disentangling 7 mm no source A. Bamberger
Further investigations • oberservation of min. ion. tracks • quantify broadening due to drift volume • use 50µm pitched GEMs • reduce transfer and induction gap (1 mm), (are bonding loops above the chip a problem?) • use gas mixtures with other nobel gasses A. Bamberger
Consideration for low photon energy spectroscopy: Conversion in gas or in Si • at low energies (few keV) signal/noise dominated either by statistical fluctuations of primary clusters (GEM/μMEGAS) or by the „baseline“ fluctuation (Si converter with coupled electronics like MediPix) • σ/N = 0.13 (5.9/E)0.5 for double GEM • σ/N = 200/1639 (5.9/E) for Si (σ = 200 e-) • break-even-energy at 5.3 keV Therefore it is favorable to use gas based amplifiers below a few keV A. Bamberger
Summary • extremely robust operation of GEMs (no faulty GEM, or visible change of hole during operation during 2 month observed) • HV-stable condition for operation of a „naked“ MediPix2 (~week) with a double GEM. No broken MediPix sofar! • acurate position resolution seems to be achieveable A. Bamberger
The effort would be in vain without the help of • F. Sauli • M. Campbell • E. Heijne • X. Llopart • A. Zwerger MANY THANKS ! A. Bamberger