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Web to print marketing portal sales process

Web to print marketing portal sales process. Presented by Simon Ellington. Step 1 - Consultation. Consultation Challenge - THIS IS NOT ABOUT PRINT its about the marketing process Stakeholders - Marketing director, FD, SD > often not print buyer

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Web to print marketing portal sales process

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Web to print marketing portal sales process Presented by Simon Ellington

  2. Step 1 - Consultation

  3. Consultation • Challenge - THIS IS NOT ABOUT PRINT its about the marketing process • Stakeholders - Marketing director, FD, SD > often not print buyer • What is the business plan / marketing plan for the year? • How are they currently managing their marketing? • Walk through the process from enquiry to re-order • What are their pain points? • Do they fit any of the ‘good fit’ situations?

  4. Step 2 - Demonstration

  5. Demonstration • Challenge - To show the benefits of the solution in their context • Stakeholders – Ensure you are in front of the complete decision making team ‘is everyone here’ IT, procurement, marketing, financial etc • Use case study projects wherever possible • Concentrate on identified client pain points not product features • Talk about budget management, approvals processes, production of non-printed items. Build value in the solution not just the output. • Use metrics to validate Return on investment

  6. Step 3 – Business Proposition

  7. Business Proposition • Challenge - Maintain value of solution, overcome inertia, fear of change, make the benefits tangible • Model time / cost savings or use benchmarks or case study figures • Create a project plan with milestones aligned with business objectives • Define sales model • Up front + print • Up front + ongoing + print • Ongoing + print • Rebate model

  8. Step 4 – The Close

  9. The Close • Challenge - Gain commitment from customer to proceed now! • Reinforce deliverables against milestones – to get to an effective launch at point x we need to start now • Minimise the need for the client to supply / do anything initially • Create sample site look + 1- 2 products from what you already have • Let the user trial the solution, but just for a few users and one template… let them see the benefits in a live environment

  10. Need more information? Interested to find out more about ROI360'S range of web to print and cross media marketing products? Call: 0845 602 3558 Email: simon.ellington@roidistribution.com Visit: www.roi360.co.uk

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