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An Unsustainable Life

An Unsustainable Life. Group #2: Ryan Coleman, Ryan Handley, Shelby Nease, and Matthew Olson. Matt. An outgoing person, who likes to work hard, but also relax regularly. 2 Siblings, both out of college. A PSU grad and a WVU grad. Likes making friends.

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An Unsustainable Life

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  1. An Unsustainable Life Group #2: Ryan Coleman, Ryan Handley, Shelby Nease, and Matthew Olson

  2. Matt • An outgoing person, who likes to work hard, but also relax regularly. • 2 Siblings, both out of college. A PSU grad and a WVU grad. Likes making friends. • Likes buying golf equipment and nice clothes • Works at a golf course in home town. • Plays golf and Tennis or any other sport in his spare time. Loves hanging out with friends, and having a good time. • No political views.

  3. Ryan C. • I have two siblings, both are entering high school. I have a pretty close group of friends back home. • I’m pretty simple with material things but just recently got an iPhone. • I work for my dad, helping him remodel homes. • I like snowboarding, sports, running, and other fun activities.

  4. Shelby • I’m pretty easy to get along with and like to be nice to everyone. • My family consists of my parents and my younger sister who will be a junior this upcoming school year. I also have a good group of friends that I am close with from my hometown, and I hope to establish a new set of friends here at Penn State. • I like to check out all the new things available, but I don’t buy much. • I have been a lifeguard at my high school pool for the past 2 and a half years and have babysat since I was 12ish. • I like to play any type of sport and exercise regularly. • I hate politics: I’ll leave that up to the professionals.

  5. Ryan H. • I like to be a generally nice and easy person to get along with. God is the number one thing in life, and family comes in second. • My immediate family is the most important group of people in my life, and a few good friends are also very important. My three younger brothers are who I am closest to and relate most to. • I like to work for good things such as, a smartphone, and a Mac. • I’ve worked for a couple different companies such as Moe’s Southwest Grill and Hershey Park. • I like to play sports, mainly basketball. I like playing video games and hanging out with friends.

  6. Technology take over • Examples of Industries • Lego is completely run by robots • Mail services • Libraries • Car manufacturers • Newspapers • Technological things like robots are more capable of doing jobs faster, more efficiently, and do not require wages like humans • In the 1950’s, unemployment rates were about 3%, and now it has grown to almost 10%

  7. Pollution • The average adult consumes 3,000 gallons of polluted air per day. • •Vehicle exhaust contributes to 60% of carbon monoxide emissions in the U.S. and up to 95% in large cities • •40% of U.S. rivers are too polluted for aquatic life to survive • •Over 80% of items in landfills can be recycled, but they’re not

  8. Depleting Resources • As technology increases we begin to use up fossil fuels at a much faster rate than ever before. • The United States uses about 17 million barrels of oil every day. • Petroleum accounts for nearly 40% of our country's energy. • Coal is used to produce almost 60% of our nations electrical power, and accounts for 22% of our overall energy consumption. • Natural gas, a third form of fossil fuel, accounts for roughly 23% of The United States energy usage. • The U.S. is home to 5% of the world's population, yet consumes 26% of the world's energy. • We need to use technology to create better and alternative ways for energy and conserve what fossil fuels we still have.

  9. New Dangers • 16 % of fatal crashes are caused by cell phone usage. • Increased by 6 % from 2005 to 2009 and is still on the rise. • 48% of American aged 12-17 say that they have been in a car while the driver has been texting. • 21 % of car crashes involving teenagers (16-19) has been caused by cell phone usage. • Due to America’s endless need for instant communication, many more dangers to the road have surfaced.

  10. Bibliography • http://www.umich.edu/~envst320/fossil.html • http://lifebeforetext.com/Statistics.html • http://www.dailymarkets.com/economy/2008/11/16/us-unemployment-rate-from-1950-to-present/ • http://www.macroevolution.net/air-pollution-graphs.html

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