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6 th Grade Health

6 th Grade Health. Chapter 12 Alcohol. What Is Alcohol?. Alcohol A drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables, and grains. Drugs affect the brain and central nervous system. Drugs cause changes in behavior. Alcohol is a drug. What Is Alcohol?.

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6 th Grade Health

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  1. 6th Grade Health Chapter 12 Alcohol

  2. What Is Alcohol? • Alcohol • A drug that is produced by a chemical reaction in fruits, vegetables, and grains Drugs affect the brain and central nervous system. Drugs cause changes in behavior. Alcohol is a drug.

  3. What Is Alcohol? • Alcohol belongs to a group of drugs known as depressants. depressants • Drugs that slow down the body’s functions and reactions Alcohol causes many people to do and say things they regret. Alcohol causes mood changes. Alcohol affects the ability to make good decisions.

  4. Reasons Not to Drink Alcohol You are takinghealth risks when you drink alcohol. Using alcohol is against the law for teens. You want to make decisions that help you become a strong person. If you don’t use alcohol, you will be better able to handle the challenges of everyday life.

  5. Intoxication/Reaction Time • If there is no food in the stomach, alcohol can reach the brain in under a minute and slow reaction time. • Drinking and driving is deadly because of what alcohol does to a person’s reaction time • The liver can only process about half an ounce of alcohol per hour. • Anything more stays in the blood causing intoxication. • Reaction time • The ability of the body to respond quickly and appropriately to situations • Intoxication • A person’s mental and physical abilities have been impaired by alcohol

  6. Alternatives to Drinking Alcohol Alternatives to drinking alcohol include: • Sports • Challenging your body • Being part of a team • Learning a new skill • Discovering a new talent • Pursuing interests in theater or the arts

  7. Assignment 1 1. State three reasons to not drink alcohol. 2. Evaluate how can positive alternatives help a teen avoid using alcohol?

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