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Successful Project Management: The Triple Constraints Guide

Learn how to define project goals, start successful negotiations, and stay within budget. Avoid common performance, time, and cost problems to achieve project success. Gain insights on project proposals, strategic planning, and bid decision-making for effective project management practices.

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Successful Project Management: The Triple Constraints Guide

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  1. The Triple Constraints 2. Defining The Goals of A Project How to Start Successful Project Negotiations and Contracts 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  2. 效能規格 系統規格 時程 時間 預算 成本 預算 系統規格 合 超過 成本 更好 格 時 間 低於 成本 變差 太早 太晚 The Triple Constraint Successful project management means accomplishing the performance specifications on or before the time limit and within the budgeted cost. Performance problems Time problems Cost problems • Schedule delay or sleep. • Resources are not being used as efficiently as plan. • Price reduction without cost reduction. • Initial cost estimates are simply too optimistic. • Inadequate cost consciousness. (沒有成本概念). • Funding may not occur according to plan. • “Better” is the enemy of “good enough”. • Resources are not available when required. • Those assigned to it are not interested in their tasks. • The performance specification is raised. • Poor communication between the contractor and customer. • Ambiguous communication between the contractor (boos) and the customer (project team) may lead to a quality disappointment. • Technical difficulty from too optimistic assumptions. • Poor design job or mistakes in executing contract performance. Clarify Unclear Specifications Time Is Money!!! 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  3. define complete plan/replan Proposal lead monitor (metrics) How to Start Successful Projects • Proposals bridge the defining and planning activities on projects. • A good proposal includes a thorough plan for work performance that embodies the triple constraint. 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基


  5. Response ability Winning the competition Project value requirement Bid / No Bid Decision Proposal effort Company long-term goals STRATEGIC ISSUES Strategic 1 Current and near-term resources Framework 2 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  6. THE PROPOSAL PROCESS 1.Authorization. 2.Selection of a dominant theme. 3.Preparation of the statement of work. 4.Development a plan to satisfy the triple constraint. 5.Adjustment to remove inconsistencies and inadequacies. 6.Approval. 7.Submission. 8.Postsubmission follow-up, including presentations and contract negotiations. adjustments authorization approval theme fixation submission SOW post-submission plan 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  7. STRATEGIC CONCERNS • The basis of a successful strategy is to filter out losing projects. • Reject consumer project efforts in an industrial product company. • Reject a fixed price contract for a technical development, scientific advance, invention, or something not previously accomplished. • In summary, avoid projects that are inconsistent with your organization’s long-term goals or current and near-term resources, such that • Unlikely to win the proposal competition. • Unlikely to satisfy the intended triple constraints. • Insignificant or irrelevant. 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  8. Project Value • Market request. • Apply important new technology. • Enhance the organization’s reputation. • Commercial new product. • Accept future financial commitments for new capital or facility investments. The Requirement BID/NO BID DECISISONS • Whether there is a real requirement. • Whether the funds are really available. Response Ability Winning the Competition • Is there advance information about the project available to it? • Concern the customer. Is it an individual or a commercial organization? (internal or external) • First to prepare a winning proposal and second to perform the proposed work. If some capabilities are not actually present. There must be a viable plan to make them available when they are needed. 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基


  10. Customer’s goals Contractor’s goals 1. Authorization 2. Theme Fixation • Authorization form: estimated schedule, funding, customer, estimated bid price, competition, proposal plan, approvals • This proposal process frequently Starts before an RFP.(preproposal) • A proposal itself can be considered a project with a triple constraint. • Understand the subtle different minds of customers and either harmonize them of deduce who has the most influence. • Working with the customer (when this is permitted). • If everyone in your organization understands what the theme is, your proposal should be acceptable to your prospective customer. The Details of Proposal Process 3. SOW 4. Plan • Content: It should identify measurable tangible, and verifiable acceptance criteria. • Clarification: After it is drafted, the SOW should be reviewed with the customer prior to further work on the proposal. No too much “gold plating”. • The act of writing the proposal forces the organization to think through and attempt to simulate the entire project. • Simulation: To identify any potential problem areas in the prospective system before building it. • The triple Constraint: 1. Use Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to describe your approach to the performance dimension.2. Use schedule chart, in which each activity corresponds to a WBS element, to describe your approach to the time dimension. 3. Use a complete cost breakdown for each activity to describe your approach to the money dimension. • Checklists. 5. Adjustments • Someone discovers that two departments contributing to the proposal have duplicated their efforts or have made differing assumptions about some significant item. • Someone discovers new information or corrects some oversight. 6. ApprovalForm: >schedule for job >title >customer >Total bid price>cost>fee>summary SOW>submitted package>summary of risk>key people promised> financial commitment requited>warranty 7. Submission 8. Post-submission Presentation and Negotiation • Watch your data • Check requested format in RFP. 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  11. Customer Financial Risk Contractor Fixed price Cost reimbursable 承包商方代表 客戶方代表 管理處 管理處 履約或 行銷人員 履約或 採購人員 專案 經理 專案 經理 合 約 專案團隊 支援小組 專案團隊 支援小組 Contractual Form CPIF→Cost Plus Incentive Fee : FFP→Firm Fixed Price: Similar to CPFF except the fee is not preset or fixed but rather depends on some specified incentive. The price and fee are determined and do not depend on cost. T and M>>Time and Material : NEGOTIATIONS AND CONTRACTS FP→Fixed Price: The customer agrees to pay the contractor for all time and material used on the project, including a fee as a percentage of all project costs. Same as FFP. CPFF→Cost Plus Fixed Fee: The customer agrees to reimburse the contractor’s actual costs, regardless of amount, and pay a negotiated fixed fee independent of the actual costs. Contract Negotiation 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  12. Customer’s name and address and specification of authorized signatures. • Contractor’s name and address and specification of authorized signatures. • Statement of supplies (items), services, and prices (i.e.,SOW). • Preservation, packaging, and packing instructions. • Delivery or performance period. • Inspection and acceptance terms. • Contract administration data. • Special provisions (funding limitations or customer furnished equipment). • General provisions (reference to federal procurement regulations, overtime payment terms, or similar) such that, for example manufacturers have been obligated to pay criminal and civil penalties for violations of federal regulations. • Patent terms, conditions, and ownership rights (if not covered in items 8 and 9). • List of required documentation. Legal Aspects: Contract Items 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

  13. 承包廠商 發包廠商 外包 可行性評估 不投 策略規劃 招標 投標 需求分析 準備 RFP 接受評估 淘汰 廠商評估 概念設計 收到RFP 送出RFP 可行性評估 準備專案 建議書 建議書 評審 遞交 建議書 自製 議價 不寫 競標選廠 參與競標 淘汰 成立專案團隊 議定合約 成立驗收小組 Project之建案流程 國立中興大學資訊管理系 沈肇基

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