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Literary Elements of DRAMA

Literary Elements of DRAMA. by: Molly Craig. Drama is. the art of composing, writing, acting, or producing plays; a literary composition Intended to portray life or character or enact a story, usually involving conflicts and emotions exhibited through action

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Literary Elements of DRAMA

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  1. Literary Elements of DRAMA by: Molly Craig

  2. Drama is . . . the art of composing, writing, acting, or producing plays; a literary composition Intended to portray life or character or enact a story, usually involving conflicts and emotions exhibited through action and dialogue, designed for theatrical performance.

  3. The purposes of drama are . . . • Sharing the human experience • Tradition and culture • Recreation • Artistic expression

  4. 3 types of drama elements are . . . • Literary • Technical • Performance

  5. Technical Elements • Scenery • Costumes • Props • Sound and music • Lighting • Make up

  6. Scenery scenery: the theatrical equipment, such as curtains, flats, backdrops, or platforms, used in a dramatic production to communicate environment.

  7. What are costumes? Costumes are the clothing and accessories worn by actors to portray character and period.

  8. What are props? Props (short for properties) is any article, except costume or scenery, used as part of a dramatic production; any moveable object that appears on stage during a performance, from a telephone to a train

  9. Sound and Music the effects an audience hears during a performance to communicate character, context, or environment.

  10. What is lighting? Lighting isthe placement, intensity, and color of lights to help communicate environment, mood, or feeling.

  11. What is make up? Makeup is the costumes, wigs, and body paint used to transform an actor into a character.

  12. Works Cited http://www.ket.org/artstoolkit/drama/glossary.htm http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/images/a-site-to-see-clip-art-HA010201923.aspx

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