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FREEDOM :. Religious Liberty Soul Competency Priesthood of All Believers. FREEDOM. I. Introduction A. An Important Concept B. Freedom versus Toleration C. Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Religion. Walter B. Shurden The Baptist Identity: Four Fragile Freedoms.
FREEDOM: Religious Liberty Soul Competency Priesthood of All Believers
FREEDOM I. Introduction A. An Important Concept B. Freedom versus Toleration C. Freedom of Conscience and Freedom of Religion
Walter B. ShurdenThe Baptist Identity: Four Fragile Freedoms The Four Freedoms: Bible Freedom Soul Freedom Church Freedom Religious Freedom “Baptists cannot be understood without some reference to the ideas in these four freedoms.”
Martin Marty“freedom, choice, and voluntarism” Walter B. Shurden “These themes describe the spiritual instinct of historic Baptist life, the stackpole around which Baptist convictions develop.”
Walter B. Shurden Freedom OF religion Freedom FOR religion Freedom FROM religion
Toleration “In a country with an established religion, toleration means that the government permits religious practices of other sects besides the state religion, and does not persecute believers in other faiths. It is a partial status, and might still be accompanied by forms of religious discrimination. Religious toleration as a Government policy merely means the absence of religious persecution; unlike religious liberty, it does not mean that religions are equal before the law. Toleration is a privilege granted by Government (which it may do by law or charter), not a right against it; governments have often tolerated some religions and not others.”
Walter B. Shurden “Religious toleration is a concession; religious liberty is a right. Religious toleration is a measure of expediency; religious liberty is a matter of principle.”
Walter B. Shurden Soul freedom is “the historic Baptist affirmation of the inalienable right and responsibility of every person to deal with God without the imposition of creed, the interference of clergy, or the intervention of civil government.”
FREEDOM II. Freedom in Baptist Thought A. Baptists Were Birthed Seeking Freedom B. Biblically C. Theologically
Walter B. Shurden “Baptists did not turn toward the idea of ‘a free conscience.’ They began in the seventeenth century screaming and agitating for liberty of conscience.”
Biblical TextsOn Church and State Daniel 6.10 Acts 5.29 Matthew 22.15-22 Romans 13.1-7 Revelation 13
Theological PointsWalter B. Shurden Baptists agree that “Each individual, therefore, is competent under God to make moral, spiritual, and religious decisions. Not only is the individual privileged to make those decisions, the individual alone is responsible for making those decisions.”
Theological PointsWalter B. Shurden THE NATURE OF GOD who created us as free beings and is biblically portrayed as a liberating Deity. Thus, “God, not nations or courts or human law, is the ultimate source of liberty.” THE BIBLICAL VIEW OF PERSONS who are created in the image of God. Thus, “Human personality is sacred and life’s highest value. To deny freedom of conscience to any person is to debase God’s creation.” THE NATURE OF FAITH “To be authentic, faith must be free. Genuine faith cannot be forced or denied by the state.”
FREEDOM III. The Political/Religious Scene A. General View in 16th/17th Century Europe B. The Appearance of Baptists
Bill J. Leonard “A religious establishment is any religion that receives special privileges or status from the state, thereby occupying, implicitly or explicitly, a unique place over other religions in the society.”
E.Y. Mullins “Men in general regarded the separation of Church and State as a doctrine of anarchy and chaos, and honestly believed that its practical application would quench the sun of religion in the heaven of men’s spiritual hopes.”
Bill J. Leonard “If the church is to be composed of persons who have professed faith in Christ for themselves [which is the heart of the concept of a believer’s church], then uncoerced faith is essential to genuine religious experience. Therefore, no state-or-church-sanctioned requirements that attempt to coerce faith through an implicit or explicit established religion . . .is acceptable under God.”
FREEDOM IV. Freedom in Baptist History: Some Selected Documents A. John Smyth 1612 B. Thomas Helwys 1612 C. Roger Williams 1636 D. Issac Backus 1724-1806 E. John Leland 1791 F. John D. Freeman 1905 G. E.Y. Mullins H. “Baptist Ideals” 1964 I. James E. Wood 1970s and 1980s J. “A Pronouncement of Religious Freedom” 1939
John Smyth 1612 Propositions and Conclusions concerning True Christian Religion “83. That the office of the magistrate, is a disposition or permissive ordinance of God for the good of mankind: that one man like the brute beats devour not another (Rom. xiii), and that justice and civility may be preserved among men: and that a magistrate may so please God in his calling, in doing that which is righteous and just in the eyes of the Lord, that he may bring an outward blessing upon himself, his posterity and subjects (2 Kings, x. 30,31).” “84. That the magistrate is not by virtue of his office to meddle with religion, or matters of conscience, to force and compel men to this or that form of religion or doctrine; but to leave Christian relgiion free, to every man's conscience, and to handle only civil transgressions (Rom. xiii), injuries and wrongs of man against man, in murder, adultery, theft, etc., for Christ only is the king, and lawgiver of the church and conscience (James iv. 12).”
Thomas HelwysA Short Declaration of the Mystery of Iniquity1612 “For we do freely profess that our lord the king has no more power over their consciences [referring to Roman Catholics] than over ours, and that is none at all. For our lord the king is but an earthly king, and he has no authority as a king but in earthly causes. And if the king’s people be obedient and true subjects, obeying all human laws made by the king, our lord the king can require no more. For men’s religion to god is between God and themselves. The king shall not answer for it. Neither may the king be judge between God and man. Let them beheretics, Turks, Jews, or whatsoever, it appertains not to the earthly power to punish them in the least measure. This is made evident to our lord the king by the scriptures.”
Roger WilliamsThe Bloody Tenent of Persecution It is “a spiritual rape [to] force the consciences of all to one worship,”or “to batter down idolatry, false worship [or] heresy [with] weapons, [such as] stocks, whips, prisons [or] swords.” Further, the “civil state is bound before God to take off that bond and yoke of soul-oppression and to proclaim free and impartial liberty to all the people. . . .” His concept of freedom extended to all people: “Indians . . . French, Dutch, Spanish, Persians, Turks and Jews . . . [all of whom] should be permitted in their worships if correspondent in civil obedience . . . .”
The Charter of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 1663 “And whereas, in their humble address, they have freely declared, that it is much on their hearts (if they may be permitted), to hold forth a lively experiment, that a most flourishing civil state may stand and best be maintained, and that among our English subjects, with a full liberty in religious concernments; and that true piety rightly grounded upon gospel principles, will give the best and greatest security to sovereignty, and will lay in the hearts of men the strongest obligations to true loyalty.” “That our royal will and pleasure is, that no person within the said colony, at any time hereafter, shall be anyway molested, punished, disquieted, or called in question, for any differences in opinion in matters of religion, and does not actually disturb the civil peace of our said colony; but that all and every person and persons may, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, freely and fully have and enjoy his and their own judgments and consciences, in matters of religious concernments, throughout the tract of land hereafter mentioned; they behaving themselves peaceably and quietly, and not using this liberty to licentiousness and profaneness, nor to the civil injure or outward disturbance of others; any law, statute, or clause, therein contained, or to be contained, usage or custom of this realm, to the contrary hereof, in any wise, notwithstanding.”
Isaac Backus 1773 An Appeal to the Public for Religious Liberty “[When] church and state are separate, the effects are happy, and they do not at all interfere with each other: but where they have been confounded together, no tongue nor pen can fully describe the mischiefs that have ensued.’”
Isaac Backus 1774A Plea Before the Massachusetts Legislature “That which has made the greatest noise is a tax of three pence a pound upon tea; but your law of last June laid a tax of the same sum every year upon the Baptists in each parish, as they would expect to defend themselves against a greater one. And only because the Baptists at Middleboro have refused to pay that little tax, we hear that the first parish in said town have this fall voted to lay a greater tax upon us. All America are alarmed at the tea tax; though, if they please, they can avoid it by not buying the tea; but we have no such liberty. We must either pay the little tax, or else your people appear even in this time of extremity, determined to lay the great one upon us. But these lines are to let you know, that we are determined not to pay either of them; not only upon your principles of not being taxed where we are not represented, but also because we dare not render that homage to any earthly power, which I and many of my brethren are fully convinced belongs only to God. Here, therefore, we claim charter rights, liberty of conscience. And if any still deny it to us, they must answer it to Him who has said, ‘With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.’"
John Leland 1791The Rights of Conscience Inalienable "Every man must give account of himself to God, and therefore every man ought to be at liberty to serve God in a way that he can best reconcile to his conscience. If government can answer for individuals at the day of judgment, let men be controlled by it in religious matters; otherwise, let men be free."
John LelandA Chronicle of His Time in Virginia "The notion of a Christian commonwealth should be exploded forever...Government should protect every man in thinking and speaking freely, and see that one does not abuse another. The liberty I contend for is more than toleration. The very idea of toleration is despicable; it supposes that some have a pre-eminence above the rest to grant indulgence, whereas all should be equally free, Jews, Turks, Pagans and Christians."
Amendment One of the Constitution of the United States of America “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”
John D. Freeman "We did not stumble upon the doctrine. It inheres in the very essence of our belief.“ "This truth has indestructible life. Crucify it and the third day it will rise again.”
E.Y. Mullins The Axioms of Religion 1. “The Religio-Civic Axiom: A Free Church in a Free State.” 2. “The Church is a voluntary organization, the State compels obedience. . . . The direct allegiance in the Church is to God, in the State it is to law and government.”
Baptist Ideals “Both church and state are ordained of God and are answerable to him. Each is distinct: each has a divine purpose; neither is to encroach upon the rights of the other. They are to remain separate, but they are to stand in proper relationship with each other under God. The state is ordained of God for the exercise of civil authority, the maintenance of order, and the promotion of public welfare. The church is a voluntary fellowship of Christians, joined together under the lordship of Christ for worship and service in his name. The state is not to ignore God’s sovereignty or reject his laws as the basis for moral order and social justice. Christians are to accept their responsibilities for the support of the state and for loyal obedience to civil authority in all things not contrary to the clear will of God. The state owes the church protection and full freedom in the pursuit of its spiritual ends. The church owes the state moral and spiritual reinforcement for law and order and the clear proclamation of those truths which undergird justice and peace. The church is responsible both to pray for the state and to declare the judgments of God as they relate to government, responsible citizenship, and the rights of all persons. The church must take seriously and practice consistently the principles which it declares should govern the relation of church and state.”
James E. Wood “Religious liberty is rooted in the inviolable sacredness of the human conscience.“ "To the degree that Baptists have been sensitive to the rights of conscience and the worth of every individual person, they have reflected, at least in some manner, a concern for human rights. “
FREEDOM V. The Priesthood of All Believers A. A Key Baptist Doctrine B. Biblical/Theological Background C. Baptist Writings
Walter B. Shurden Priesthood of the believer is “the historic Baptist affirmation of the inalienable right and responsibility of every person to deal with God without the imposition of creed, the interference of clergy, or the intervention of civil government.”
Biblical Passages Exodus 19.6 1 Peter 2.5-9 Revelation 1.5b-6; 5.10; 20.6
Martin Luther “. . . we are all equally priests, as many of us as are baptized, and by this way we truly are [priests] . . . .”
Carolyn D. Blevins “Cyril Eastwood in The Priesthood of All Believers says that priesthood of all believers is ‘a spiritual privilege, a moral obligation, and a personal vocation.’ The privilege is access to God. The obligation is to the church which teaches priesthood. The vocation is the arena where priests serve. Being a priest is both a gift and a demand.”
John SmythPropositions and Conclusions “He [Christ] is become the mediatour of the new Testament (to wit) the kinge, Priest, and Prophet of the Church, and that the faithfull through him are thus made spiritual kings, Priests and Prophets.” Differences of the Churches of the Separation The church is a “kingly priesthood,” and the saints are “kings and priests.”
Thomas Helwys 1611A Declaration of Faith of English People at AmsterdamArticle 11 “That though in respect of Christ, the Church be one (Ephes. 4.4) yet it consists of many particular congregations, even so many as there shall be in the world, of which every congregation though they be but two or three has Christ given to them with all the means of their salvation (Matt. 18.20, Rom. 8.32, 1 Cor. 3.22) are the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12.27) and a whole church (1 Cor. 14.23). And therefore may, and ought when they are come together, to pray, prophecy, break bread and administer in all the holy ordinances although they have no officers, or that their officers should be in prison, sick, or by any other means hindered from the church (1 Peter 4.10 and 25).”
1644 London Confession of Faith Article XVIII: Christ “makes his people a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifice acceptable to God through him.” Article XLII: “Christ has likewise given power to his whole church to receive in and cast out by way of excommunication any member; and this power is given to every particular congregation, and not one particular person, either member or officer, but the whole.” Article XLIV: “And as Christ, for the keeping of this church in holy and orderly communion, places some special men over the church who by their office are to govern, oversee, visit, watch; so likewise for the better keeping thereof in all places by the members he has given authority and laid duty upon all, to watch over one another.”
FREEDOM • Some Concluding Thoughts A. A Cautionary Note B. Crucial Questions C. Freedom is Fragile D. Defended by Baptists E. Privilege and Responsibility
Absolute religious liberty is crucial to true freedom for all people.
“Baptist Distinctives and Diversities” “Baptists are unanimous in declaring that the state must not exercise direct control over the church, interfere with its free self-government under Christ, or bring legal pressure to bear upon the individual in matters of religious faith and practice. In practice, however, Baptists in different parts of the world interpret the application of this principle in varying ways. The crucial questions are as follows: 1. How far should Baptist churches and Baptist individuals accept tax concessions and other benefits from a State which is friendly to the Christian religion and desires to support it? 2. Does the separation of Church and State mean the complete elimination from State- controlled public schools of all forms of religious worship and instruction? 3. Can Baptists support the teaching of religion in State schools by ministers, whether Baptists or clergy of other denominations? 4. How much and what kind of State financial aid can be offered to received by church related schools?”
Dr. Shurden Baptist Identity: Four Fragile Freedoms “It is easy for a people—even Baptist people—to call for separation of church and state when the union of church and state limit their freedoms. It is easy for a people—even Baptist people—to distinguish between discipleship and citizenship when Caesar is less than friendly.” BUT “Power . . . can corrupt and blind us to our heritage.”
Leonard Busher 1614Religion’s Peace: or a Plea for Liberty of Conscience “persecutions do cause men and women to make shipwreck of faith and good consciences, by forcing a religion upon them even against their minds and consciences.”
Carolyn Blevins“The Priesthood of All Believers” “Being a priest involves individual and community responsibilities. First, I am a priest as an individual. I am my own priest. I have direct access to God. I can go to God directly in prayer. I can read the Scripture for myself and ask God’s guidance in understanding it. I must seek the wisdom and teaching of others, but I can also search for the meaning with the Spirit’s guidance by myself. I am responsible before God for my behavior and my beliefs. I cannot make someone else responsible for my relationship or lack of relationship with God. Second, being a priest means that each believer is responsible for using God-given gifts in ways that will serve the community. In the New Testament, gifts are discussed in four separate passages: Romans 12:3–8; 1 Corinthians 12–14; Ephesians 4:1–16; and 1 Peter 4:7–11. These passages claim that the Spirit gives each person a gift and that the gifts are different. Why does every Christian have gifts? To use for the good of the community. Each person’s gift is needed. Many different gifts are needed. Just as Jesus ministered to a variety of people in diverse ways, his followers are expected to use their diverse gifts to minister to the variety of people in their world. By doing so, Christians reflect the character of God.”