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Blood. Blood Circulation. Powered by the pumping action of the heart Functions of blood Carries respiratory gases, nutrients, and hormones Helps body regulate temperature Blood volume Males: 5 – 6 liters Females: 4 – 5 liters. Overview: Composition of Blood.

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  1. Blood

  2. Blood Circulation • Powered by the pumping action of the heart • Functions of blood • Carries respiratory gases, nutrients, and hormones • Helps body regulate temperature • Blood volume • Males: 5 – 6 liters • Females: 4 – 5 liters

  3. Overview: Composition of Blood • Contains cellular and liquid components • A specialized connective tissue • Blood cells – formed elements • Plasma – fluid portion and fibrinogen • Hematocrit – measure of % RBC • Males: 47% ± 5% • Females: 42% ± 5%

  4. Overview: Composition of Blood Figure 17.1

  5. Blood Plasma • Straw-colored, sticky fluid portion of blood • Approximately 90% water • Contains • Ions – Na+ and Cl- • Nutrients – Sugars, amino acids, lipids, wastes, and proteins • Three main proteins • Albumin, globulins, and fibrinogen

  6. Formed Elements • Blood cells • Erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets • Staining of blood cells • Acidic dye – eosin – stains pink • Basic dye – methylene blue – stains blue and purple

  7. Figure 17.2b

  8. Erythrocytes – Red Blood Cells (RBCs) • Oxygen-transporting cells – 7.5 µm in diameter (diameter of capillary 8 – 10mm) • Most numerous of the formed elements • Females: 4.3 – 5.2 million cells/cubic millimeter • Males: 5.2 – 5.8 million cells/cubic millimeter • Have no organelles or nuclei

  9. Erythrocytes – Red Blood Cells (RBCs) • Hemoglobin – oxygen-carrying protein • Biconcave shape – 30% more surface area • Why is this important? • Live 100 – 120 days • Originate in the bone marrow

  10. An Erythrocyte Figure 17.3

  11. Leukocytes – White Blood Cells (WBCs) • 4,800 – 11,000/cubic millimeter • Protect the body from infectious microorganisms • Function outside the bloodstream in loose connective tissue • Diapedesis – circulating leukocytes leave the capillaries

  12. Leukocytes – White Blood Cells (WBCs) • Two types of leukocytes • Granulocytes • Agranulocytes • Never Let Monkeys Eat Bananas

  13. Relative Percentages of the Different Types of Leukocytes Figure 17.5

  14. Granulocytes • Neutrophils – most numerous WBC • Phagocytize and destroy bacteria • Nucleus – has two to six lobes • Granules pick up acidic and basic stains Figure 17.4a

  15. Eosinophils – compose 1 – 4% of all WBCs • Play roles in • Ending allergic reactions, parasitic infections Figure 17.4b

  16. Granulocytes • Basophils – about 0.5% of all leukocytes • Nucleus – usually two lobes • Granules secrete histamines • Function in inflammation mediation • Similar in function to mast cells Figure 17.4c

  17. Agranulocytes • Lymphocytes – compose 20 – 45% of WBCs • The most important cells of the immune system • Nucleus – stains dark purple • Effective in fighting infectious organisms • Act against a specific foreign molecule (antigen) Figure 17.4d

  18. Agranulocytes • Two main classes of lymphocyte • T cells – attack foreign cells directly • B cells – multiply to become plasma cells • Secrete antibodies

  19. Agranulocytes • Monocytes – compose 4–8% of WBCs • The largest leukocytes • Nucleus – kidney shaped • Transform into macrophages • Phagocytic cells-travel in body tissues looking for cell debris and bacteria, fungi, etc. Figure 17.4e

  20. Platelets • Cell fragments • Break off from megakaryocytes • Function in clotting of blood

  21. Summary of Formed Elements Table 17.1

  22. Blood Cell Formation • Hematopoiesis – process by which blood cells are formed • 100 billion new blood cells formed each day

  23. Bone Marrow as the Site of Hematopoiesis • Bone marrow – located within all bones • Red marrow – actively generates new blood cells • Contains immature erythrocytes • Remains in epiphyses, girdles, and axial skeleton

  24. Bone Marrow as the Site of Hematopoiesis • Yellow marrow – dormant • Contains many fat cells • Located in the long bones of adults • Tissue framework for red marrow • Reticular connective tissue

  25. Stages of Differentiation of Blood Cells B-lymphocytes are precursors to plasma cells which actually form antibodies Figure 17.8

  26. Disorders of the Blood • Disorders of erythrocytes • Polycythemia • Abnormal excess of erythrocytes • Anemia • Erythrocyte levels or hemoglobin concentrations are low

  27. Disorders of the Blood • Disorders of erythrocytes (continued) • Sickle cell disease • Inherited condition • Results from a defective hemoglobin molecule • Erythrocytes distort into a sickle shape • Hemachromatosis • Inherited • Abnormal excess of iron

  28. Disorders of the Blood • Disorders of leukocytes • Leukemia – a form of cancer • Classified as lymphoblastic or myeloblastic • Disorders of platelets • Thrombocytopenia • Abnormally low concentration of platelets

  29. The Blood Throughout Life • First blood cells develop with the earliest blood vessels • Mesenchyme cells cluster into blood islands • Late in the second month • Liver and spleen take over blood formation • Bone marrow becomes major hematopoietic organ at month 7

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