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Economic Changes, Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution and Inventions of the 1800’s

Economic Changes, Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution and Inventions of the 1800’s. Miss Springborn Team 6. The American System .

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Economic Changes, Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution and Inventions of the 1800’s

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  1. Economic Changes, Industrial Revolution, Transportation Revolution and Inventions of the 1800’s Miss Springborn Team 6

  2. The American System • American System -Henry Clay’s plan to use tax / tariff_ money to build new roads and canals. We can improve our nation’s transportation by using our resources to do so. This pushes many new projects forward.

  3. New Roads- __Cumberland Road in the Appalachian mountain range • New Canals-_Erie Canal in the state of New York

  4. The Transportation Revolution • A period of rapidgrowth in the speed andconvenienceof travel • Two Important Inventions: Steamboatand the Railroad.

  5. The Steamboat • Invented by Robert Fulton • Made it fasterandcheaper to go upstream in rivers. • Very popular along the Mississippi River. • The first steamboat was called the Clermont and was used on the Hudson River in New York.

  6. The Railroad Train • Created by Peter Cooper • It became popular in the 1830’s • Railroad fever begins and continues for the next 60 years • By 1860 30,000miles of track had been laid.

  7. Canal System • Another important advancement was the Canal System. The most famous canal, the Erie Canal, connected the Hudson River and the Lake Erie and speedup both transportation and trade when it opened in 1825. Prices of shipping dropped rapidly and goods moved much faster. It also pushed more people westward. The Erie Canal is sometimes nicknamed Clinton’s Ditch after the Governor of New York, DeWitt Clinton who spent over $7 milliondollars getting it built.

  8. The Industrial Revolution • A period of RAPID growth in the use of machines in manufacturingandproduction • Before this time most Americansdependedheavily on theirfarmsand the use ofsimple machines

  9. When did this happen? • Begins in the mid to late 1800’s Why did this happen? • There is an increase in demand for goods and new inventions that make it possible to meet those demands

  10. What inventions??? • Slater’s Mills- Created by Samuel Slaterwho brought his ideas with him from Britain. • His mills used water and fast flowing riversto help power the machines

  11. What inventions??? • Interchangeable Parts- created by Eli Whitney. • This meant that pieces inside of machines were exactly the same, making it easier to replace if it broke.

  12. The Lowell System… • Created by Francis Lowell • He hired young, unmarried women from the local community that would live in boarding housesright near the factories. • These women became known as the “Lowell Girls”

  13. Video on the Lowell Girls…

  14. Results of the Industrial Revolution • More goods were available for people to buy • The economygrows at a very rapid pace attracting many new immigrants • People move to large citiesbecause of jobs • Workers begin to unite in unions to demand better working conditions • Workers protest by going on strike (or refusing to work) until conditions improve • The Middle Classemerges as a large social class

  15. Video on Industrialization:

  16. Other Inventions… • Telegraph- created by Samuel Morse • What did it do: allowed you to send messages great distancesthrough wires and using Morse Code. Made communication easier • Iron Plows- created by John Deere to help farmers in plowing their fields. This resulted in MORE crops.

  17. How a Telegraph works:

  18. More inventions… • Mechanical Harvester (reaper)- created by Cyrus McCormick to help with the farmers harvest. This resulted in MORE crops • Sewing Machine- created by Isaac Singer. Decreased time to sew something. More clothes could be produced

  19. More inventions… • Cotton Gin- created by Eli Whitney to help the cotton farmers of the South. What did it do? It separated the seeds from the cotton. Result: made it faster to process cotton and increased the need for Slaves. More cotton was produced in the South

  20. The Industrialization will cause waves of New Immigration from other Countries • Immigration-large numbers of immigrants came from Germany andIreland. • Most were seeking jobs or wanted to escape political oreconomic problems in their countries. • Some wanted a chance to own their own land or have religious freedom. They were escaping the hardships in their native countries. Immigrants had to get used to new language and new culture in America.

  21. Nativists • People called Nativistswanted to limit those allowed in our country. • Many were prejudice against the large numbers of Catholicsthat were immigrating here. • They formed a group called the Know-NothingParty who wanted to make immigration difficult. • They were worried immigrants would steal their jobs by working for lower wages, not learn the new language and culture, and they feared the many Catholics now entering the mostly Protestant country. • What do you think? Should we limit immigration? Why or Why not?

  22. Social Movements of the 1800’s • Prison Reform-Dorothea Dixpushed to have the mentally ill removed from prisons and put into state hospitals. • Also she pushed to alleviate overcrowdingin jails. • She saw how horrible people were treated in the jails. Anyone with a mental illness was thrown into these prisons as well. She pushed for better treatment and demanded hospitals for the mentally illand better treatment of those in jails

  23. Other Movements • Temperance Movement- this group wanted to prevent alcoholism. • Some wanted to go as far as to suggest banning alcohol completely • The leader of this movement was a man named Lyman Beecher who spoke loudly against the “evils of alcohol”.

  24. Education…. • Horace Mann pushed for the creation of public schools allowing for more children to attend school and improve teaching conditions. • For the first time colleges were founded for women to study at the college level.

  25. Education…. • There was also a push for the greater education of the poor and former slaves • Opportunities for women and blacks were mostly found in the North andMidwest.

  26. Abolitionist Movement: • This group wanted the completeend to slavery and immediate emancipationof all slaves. • Opposition to slavery had been around since the start of our nation. The original drafters of the Declaration fought over whether to mention slavery or not.

  27. Abolitionist Movement • It was a huge issue during the Constitutional Convention as well with the 3/5 compromise. Slaverywas outlawed in Northern states in the early 1800’s. In 1831, William Lloyd Garrison started a fiery newspaper, The Liberator, in the north all about the Abolitionist movement. Frederick Douglass, a former slave now free, joined forces with Garrison to spread the message of anti-slavery. Many women, such as Angelina and Sarah Grimke, will join this movement and will find their voice to start the Women’s Right Movement.

  28. Women’s Rights Movement… • Women pushed to improve their lives including working towards voting rights, better education,and more rights in the law forprotection. • AT the Seneca Falls Conventionwomen gathered and wrote the Declaration of Sentiments that stated the rights they deserved and were being denied.

  29. Women’s Rights Movement… • They were fighting against the unequaltreatment of women in American society. This movement was led by women such as Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and even Frederick Douglass. Over 300 people attended the convention including many men and this is considered the STARTof the women’s rights movement.

  30. Quote by Susan B Anthony “ There will never be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers…the fact is, women are in chains, and their servitude (enslavement) is all the more despicable because they do not realize it! O to see and feel and to give them the courage and the conscience to speak and act for their own freedom, though they face scorn and contempt of all the world for doing it! ”

  31. Now, draw a picture advertising one of the social movements from this section of notes…

  32. Immigration Cartoons

  33. Growth of Cities in the United StatesLargest Cities in the United States

  34. Growth of Cities in the United StatesLargest Cities in the United States • What does the chart show happening for all the cities listed above? • GROWTH IN THE POPULTAION OF MAJOR AMERICAN CITIES IN THE EARLY-MID 1800’S • Why might Chicago have no population figure in 1820? • THE CITY DID NOT EXIST AT THAT TIME OR WAS EVEN BIG ENOUGH TO KEEP RECORDS

  35. Growth of Cities in the United StatesLargest Cities in the United States • What would be the major reason why Buffalo’s population grew rapidly between 1820 and 1860? • THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE ERIE CANAL LED TO A HUGE POPULATION BOOM • In the mid-1800’s thousands of Americans moved west, why would eastern cities such as New York City, Philadelphia, and Boston still gain much population? • THOUSANDS OF IMMIGRANTS TRAVELED FROM COUNTRIES SUCH AS GERMANY AND IRELAND AND SETTLED IN CITIES ON THE EAST COAST

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