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Heads Up 13 March 2013. Update for the NHS Yorkshire and Humber Regional Leadership Council. Welcome!. This is the fortnightly brief Leadership and Organisation Development update for busy senior leaders in NHS Yorkshire and Humber We distribute it to :
Heads Up13 March 2013 Update for the NHS Yorkshire and Humber Regional Leadership Council
Welcome! • This is the fortnightly brief Leadership and Organisation Development update for busy senior leaders in NHS Yorkshire and Humber • We distribute it to : • Members of the YH Regional Leadership Council • NHS YH Chief Executives, HRDs and Leadership and OD leads • Please feel free to share it more widely • Any questions, comments or suggestions for improvements warmly welcomed at joanna.valentine@yorksandhumber.nhs.uk
National News • Core Programmes • Funding A design event was held last week and we are awaiting details of the proposed content of the new national leadership development programmes. We know that leadership styles and impact on team climate is going to be central using the tools that we have used extensively with great feedback in this region. FOUNDATION PROGRAMME Hay and the Open University have been commissioned to create the foundation programme which is likely to be delivered virtually with local support. It will be heavily action/application oriented. MID LEVEL: A consortium led by KPMG, Manchester Business School and the University of Birmingham are lading the development of the Leading leaders programme and including Patient Voices in the design and development work. This programme is likely to be run nationally for cohorts of 48 participants as a 2 year programme with the option of completing a Masters degree. SENIOR Programme : will be run nationally in Leeds over 8 – 12 months and will take content from within the service a well as nationally and internationally We will be contacting HRDs and Leadership leads shortly to share the content and discuss how we can best embed these programmes in the region There are still some concerns about regional funding but these are being explored
Regional News We have two branding options for you to consider, either of which can be produced in the Academy Purple and Grey for work we do as Local Delivery Partners, and in HEE branded blue and orange for work we do regionally. The HEE one will have our LETB name on it once we know what that is. A decision is anticipated this week. The designs are attached for your consideration – if you have a strong preference then email joanna.valentine@yorksandhumber.nhs.uk by Friday 22nd March. You will see we have retained the dandelion image originating in our Innov8 work • Branding • Vision and Strategy • OD network • Transformation We will be starting the regional consultation on our Leadership 2020 Vision and strategy at the RLC meeting on 23 April. We have received a number of leadership lead nominations from Chief Executives to engage in developing this and will be chasing shortly for further nominations • The YH Strategic OD network held it’s first conference call last week and identified two key strands of work for collaborative work : • Response to Francis (informed by the Government response due imminently) which will consider • Values based recruitment • Identifying, aligning and embedding organisational values to create a culture of high quality patient care • Aligning organisational policies with espoused values • Service Integration and System leadership - looking at how we practically develop strategic change interventions that develop the whole system of health and social care within a service. • A workshop is being arranged for April to begin to map the first of these – what good practice already exists and what questions we want to address together; and we plan to scope some work for the second theme in one particular location so that we can prototype and share any approaches developed. Kathryn Winterburn has just returned from the Microsystems Festival in Jonskoping where she attended as part of the new YH AHSN team. We are currently exploring with the AHSN how we might contribute to the delivery of their business plan, in particular how we might build on existing practice in the region to develop the proposed Transformation Academy. Anyone with a strong interest in being involved should contact Kathryn.Winterburn@yorksandhumber.nhs.uk