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1792 Election Results (16 states in the Union)

This text explores the breakdown of revolutionary and constitutional consensus, the consequences of the 1800 election, Jefferson's foreign policy, the Louisiana Purchase, the War of 1812, and the emergence of sectionalism, among other topics.

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1792 Election Results (16 states in the Union)

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  1. 1792 Election Results (16 states in the Union)

  2. 1792 Election Results

  3. 1796 Election Results (16 states in the Union)

  4. 1796 Election Results

  5. I. Breakdown in Revolutionary and Constitutional Consensus • Revolutionary-Dec. of Ind., Continental Army, Leaders agree • Articles of Confederation does not create a real Nation • Constitutional Consensus • Development of Political Parties and Intense Partisanship especially after Jay’s Treaty • Federalists have the upper hand during 1780s

  6. I. Breakdown in Consensus contd. • Alien and Sedition Laws-Purpose?? • Quasi War with France ends because Adams chooses Nation over Party.

  7. 1800 Election Results (16 states in the Union)

  8. 1800 Election Results

  9. 1800 Election Results (Into the House of Representatives!!)  1 vote for each State 

  10. II. Revolution of 1800 A. Consequences of the Election of 1800 1. 12th amendment 2. Hamilton v. Burr Rivalry intensifies B. Why did Jefferson call the Election of 1800 a Revolution? 1. Inaugural Add. renewed consensus? 2. In what ways did Jefferson seek consensus? In what ways did partisanship continue?

  11. III. Change of Power • Peaceful-Remarkable • Two Jeffersons? • How did Jefferson attempt to maintain consensus? • Hamilton’s Framework? • Alien and Sedition Act lapses. • Patronage

  12. IV. Jefferson v. Marshall • In other ways Partisanship contd. • Midnight Appts • Repeal of Judiciary Act of 1801 • Impeachments of Pickering and Chase • MARBURY V. MADISON 1803

  13. V. Jefferson’s Foreign Policy • A. Military Reduction • B. War w/Tripoli

  14. Jefferson’s Foreign Policy contd. • C. Louisiana Purchase • Jefferson’s Policy? What was he prepared to do? • Robert Livingstone • Why did Napoleon offer Louisiana? • Did Jefferson have Ideological Problem with purchase? Strict Constructionism? • Federalist Party’s reaction?

  15. Louisiana Purchase

  16. Lewis and Clark Expedition • Purposes? • Significance of Sacajawea?

  17. Lewis and Clark ExpeditionISSUES • Intense Labor- Need Calories but is that sufficient? • Guidance? -Rocky Mtns Fall

  18. Lewis and Clarks Route

  19. When Animals Attack: How to Survive • Grizzly Bears, Black Bears, Mountain Lions

  20. Jeff. For. Policy • D. Neutrality during the Napoleonic Wars • 1803 War Resumes • Rule of 1756 but “Broken Voyage” • Battle of Trafalgar v. Battle of Austerlitz

  21. Change in War: Challenge to American Neutrality • 1806 Orders of Council • Impressment • 1807 Chesapeake Affair • HMS Leopard • 1807 Embargo Act

  22. Effects of the Embargo • Negative • Positive • Assessment: Why Fail

  23. Failure of Peaceable Coercion • Madison takes office 1809 • Embargo Act Repealed • Non Intercourse Act • 1810 Macon’s Bill #2 • 1810 War Hawks: Henry Clay Sp of House • John C. Calhoun, Richard Johnson, William King

  24. War of 1812: Why ? • Continued Impressment • Continued Violations of Free Trade • War on the Wabash: Tecumseh and Tippecanoe. William Henry Harrison • War Hawks • Economic Recession 1808 • Ultimately why did the US go to war in 1812 and not in 1807?

  25. War of 1812-14 • Canadian Strategy • US Ineffective except for • Battle of Thames-William H. Harrison • Tecumseh Killed • Great Lakes-Erie: Oliver Perry • Washington Burned in Raid • Naval War: USS Constitution, President, Dec. of Ind. Etc.

  26. Naval Duels • Good for Morale • But • British 800 Men of War • US 9 Men of War British stop offering this type of Battle Blockade Delaware and Chesapeake 1812 New York 1813 New England 1814

  27. USS Constitution v. HMS Guerriere

  28. British Offensive1814 Uh Oh! • Napoleonic War over • Troops that defeated him sent to America • Main Thrust: Niagara and Lake Champlain • Thomas MacDonough • Washington Burned but just raid • Battle of New Orleans 1815 (After Treaty): Andrew Jackson v. Gen. E. Pakenham

  29. Treaty of Ghent: Status Quo Antebellum • Significance of War and Treaty 1. 2nd War for Independence 2. Increased Unity 3. Heroes 4. Stimulated Manufacturing 5. Indians 6. Rush Bagot Agreement 7. Federalist Party: Hartford Convention

  30. Monroe: Era of Good Feelings? • Nationalism and Consensus • Revived B.U.S. • Tariff of 1816: Why necessary?

  31. American System

  32. Panic of 1819 • Causes • Effects

  33. Missouri Compromise: Emergence of Sectionalism • Missouri • Tallmadge Amendment? • Henry Clay brokers Compromise • Terms? • Issues

  34. Missouri Compromise Map

  35. Judicial Nationalism • Marbury v. Madison 1803 • McCulloch v. Maryland 1819 • Cohens v. Virginia 1821 • Gibbons v. Ogden 1824 • Fletcher v. Peck 1810 • Dartmouth College v. Woodward 1819 John Marshall: Extend Judicial Review, Fed. Supremacy, & Prop./Contracts

  36. Monroe Foreign Policy • Treaty of 1818 • Florida Crisis • Andrew Jackson • John Quincy Adams • Adams-Onis Treaty/ Florida Purchase Treaty • Monroe Doctrine • George Canning and JQ Adams

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