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RBINS OD Nature. Use and validation of biogeochemistry data in European MSFD. H. Wehde D. Vanderzande S. Salon K. Baetens S. Legrand C. Solidoro G . Cossarini. What is MSFD. Marine Strategy Framework Directive
RBINS OD Nature Use and validation of biogeochemistry data in European MSFD H. Wehde D. Vanderzande S. Salon K. Baetens S. Legrand C. Solidoro G. Cossarini
What is MSFD • Marine Strategy Framework Directive • Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council 17 June 2008 • Objectives (43) • protection and preservation of the marine environment • prevention of its deterioration • where practicable the restoration of that environment in areas where it has been adversely affected
MSFD and biogeochemistry • (26) establishment of environmental targets and monitoring programs for ongoing assessment, • Indicator in annex III (plankton, nutrient enrichment, …), IV and V Annexes with guidelines of what should be monitored • (35) publication of programs of measures and updates thereof, and report • (44) programs should be ecosystem based • Biogeochemistry products mainly useful for MSFD descriptor 5 :“Human-induced eutrophication is minimised, especially adverse effects thereof, such as losses in biodiversity, ecosystem degradation, harmful algae blooms and oxygen deficiency in bottom waters.”
Situation in Belgium • AquaMar • EU-FP7 project aimed at supporting the development of Marine Water Quality Information Services for the reporting requirements of WFD & MSFD. • DG-ENV Belgium • Federal Public service -Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment- • Responsible for the WQ assessment of the Belgian part of the North Sea and coordination of the actions needed to reach a ‘good’ environmental state in 2020 • Frame the actions into the International Directives (OSPAR, MSFD & WFD)
Belgium -Water Quality Assessment- July 2010 The WFD was transposed into Belgian law: report on the chlorophyll / eutrophication state of the Belgian parts of the North Sea Requested CHL product as stated in the Belgian law (13-07-2010) Parameter: chlorophyll a (90 percentile in µg/l) Period: growing season (March-November) for 6 years Area: Belgian part of the North Sea CHL-90P classes to be used: 0.00 - 6.67 (µg/l) 6.67 - 10.00 (µg/l) 10.00 - 15.00 (µg/l) > 15.00 (µg/l)
Nr of observations at stations in the Belgian waters WQ Belgian waters: current monitoring strategies In-situ observation stations since 2007
Image processing CHL P90 2009 (µg/l) CHL mean 2009 (µg/l) Classification Statistics Reporting WQ product Downstream service: product generation for Belgian needs Should be the same product as MyOcean intermediate product – cfpg 10 of http://catalogue.myocean.eu.org/static/resources/myocean/pum/MYO2-OC-PUM-009-ALL-V3.2.pdf Daily NRT CHL map productsfrom MERIS (ACRI-ST)
Validation of the ingredients: how accurate are the CHL products from MERIS? Match-up analysis CHL-90P Validation of the WQ product: how accurate is the final product and what is its value to the user? Simulation analysis Validation of WQ products Daily NRT CHL map products from MERIS (ACRI-ST)
CHL-90P Validation of the WQ product: how accurate is the final product and what is its value to the user? Validation of WQ products Daily NRT CHL map products from MERIS (ACRI-ST)
CHL (µg/l) ≠ CHL (µg/l) - Identical NrObs (=50) - Different sampling distributions due to clouds, sensor malfunction, flagging, etc… Sampling issues This is what we get… This is what we want… CHL (µg/l)
Simulation Analysis: How significant are these sampling issues? 3D MIRO&CO generated timeseries for every pixel in the BCZ
Simulation Analysis: Sampling issues NrObs Apply 3D MIRO&CO generated timeseries to every pixel using actual sampling schemes of 2004 & 2005 2004 2005
Improved Multi-temporal P90 products • General improvement of the CHLP90 product (Decrease of mean error of 30% to 9%) • Presented errors only deal with sampling issues!!! • Difference in succes between the years caused by specific characteristics of CHLP90 product • If there are no observations in the AB period it is impossible to improve the CHLP90 product
Generate an error assessment for real RS data Mean CHL /TSM Time series for period 2003-2011 used as reference CHL-P90 2003-2011 *pixel specific time series which represent the mean CHL state of that pixel *These time series will be used for assessment of sampling frequency on relevant products (i.e. CHL-P90)
Error assessment of CHL-P90 products European Level product -1 -1 1 1
CHL-90P Conclusion: we can provide an optimized CHL-P90 product accompanied with an accuracy assessment. This product can directly be used to extract relevant information. Surface of class >15 µg/l CHL (red zone) in the BCZ
MSFD was transposed in Italy in October 2010 (D.Lgs. 190/2010) • National actions are coordinated by Ministry of the Environment and Protection of Land and Sea (MEPLS), supported by a Technical Committee • TechComm includes representatives from Ministry, local administrations, other Ministries (Agriculture, Defense, Foreign Affairs, Research, Culture, Economic Development, Regional Affairs) • ISPRA (National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research) gives scientific-technical support to MEPLS workflow: • Initial evaluation of marine waters for each marine region/sub-region: based on existent data (essential characteristics, pressures/impacts, socio-economical aspects and water quality decline costs) • Definition of GES: based on (1) a series of requisites of GES is defined for each marine region/sub-region based on the 11 qualitative Descriptors each Descriptor is based on different Indicators • Environmental Targets: based on (1) a series of environmental targets must be defined for each marine region/sub-region, with correspondent indicators to target efforts toward GES (2)
Other institutions (e.g. OGS, CNR) support ISPRA Different Descriptors are in charge of different institutions • Measurements are in charge to Regional Environmental Protection Agencies • D5 – Eutrophication Area of application = portion of sea beyond coastal water (D 2000/60/EC) till the limit of national waters (pale blue area in Fig) • 3 Indicators for D5: • Nutrient concentration not exceed a threshold • Chlorophyll not exceeding a limit (composition and species abundance to be considered) • oxygen concentration (monitorings are planning 2014-2018 in order to define the status, 2018 for definition of the limits) • GES: if 2 out of 3 are satisfied
MyOcean, biogeochemistry and MSFD • OGS via MyO MED-MFC_Biogeochem can give advice on descriptors: • D1 - Biological Diversity, e.g. indicator 1.5.1 (Habitat area) • D5 - Eutrophication, e.g. indicators 5.1.1 (water column nutrient concentration), 5.1.2 (nutrient ratios Si:N:P), 5.2.1 (water column chlorophyll concentration), 5.3.2 (dissolved oxygen) • MyO products: 3D fields of chlorophyll, nitrate, phosphate, silicate, oxygen • Validation: • Only chlorphyll (WP17 Quart. Rep) but NOT IN COASTAL AREAS • NO real-time data for nutrients validated only with past data (under progress) • NOTE: model validation can not be on the same line of product validation
MyOcean, biogeochemistry and MFSD • MyOcean provides a general overview of the state of the oceanic marine waters • MSFD addresses coordination • Marine environment • Also coastal waters as not referred to in other directives (12) • Transboundary issues require coordination between member states and third countries(13) • Adaptability in time due to dynamic nature of marine environment (34) • MyOceanis useful to keep the general overview. However, this must be refined by downstream services to fulfil MSFD monitoring duties. • HK metrics (cf. WP17.4) help to assess MyOceanBGC product accuracy with respect of the threshold values defined for characterizing the Good Environmental Status associated with MSFD D5 at the national level .
MyOcean, biogeochemistry and MFSD • MyOcean • website accessible on the web • Development of intuitive skill metrics • MSFD puts stress on Public information (36) • marine strategies • relevant information used for the development of the marine strategies in accordance with Community legislation on public access to environmental information
Conclusion • End users of MyOcean regarding MSFD/WFD • General public • Keep track of the general state of the European marine environment • Governments of Belgium, Italy and Norway who implemented the MFSD/WFDor parts of it (Norway) use more specialized products