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Multiple Intelligence Theory. “ It is of the utmost importance that we recognize and nurture all the varied human intelligences…we are all so different largely because we all have different combinations of intelligences.” Howard Gardner.
“It is of the utmost importance that we recognize and nurture all the varied human intelligences…we are all so different largely because we all have different combinations of intelligences.” Howard Gardner • Gardner challenged the established view of “IQ” by suggesting intelligence has more to do with a capacity for: • 1. solving problems • 2. fashioning products in a naturalistic and context rich environment.
8 Intelligences • Logical-Mathematical: • Use numbers effectively • Reason well • Sensitivity to logical patterns • Functions and abstractions • Categorization, classification, calculation and hypothesis testing • Linguistic • Use words effectively • Orally • Writing • Manipulate syntax • Rhetoric • Mnemonics • Explain • Meta-language
8 Intelligences • Bodily-Kinesthetic • Use body to express • Use hands to transform things • Coordination, dexterity • Balance, strength • Speed • Physical capacities (athlete/dancer, sculpture) • Spatial • Perceive spatial-visual world accurately (hunter, scout, quarterback) • Perform transformations on perceptions (architect) • Orient spatially • Sensitivity to spatial relationships, line, color, form
8 Intelligences • Naturalist • Expertise in the classification of species • Sensitive to natural phenomena • Discriminate among items in environment • Musical • Ability to perceive • Discriminate • Transform • Express in musical forms • Sensitivity to rhythm, pitch, melody, timbre, tone of music • Global or formal understanding of music
8 Intelligences • Intrapersonal • Self-knowledge • Accurate picture of oneself- strengths and weaknesses • Aware of inner- moods, motivations • Capacity for self-discipline, understanding and self-esteem • Interpersonal • Sensitive to others • Can “read” others’ moods, expressions • Can influence people • Good interpersonal communication skills • “Interstate”- between states; Interpersonal- between people
Criteria for the 8 Intelligences • 1. Potential isolation by brain damage • 2. existence of savants, prodigies and exceptional individuals • 3. distinctive developmental history • 4. evolutionary history and plausibility • 5. support from psychometric findings • 6. support from experimental psychological tasks • 7. Identifiable core operations • 8. Susceptibility to encoding in a symbol system
Key Points • Each person possesses all 8 intelligences • Most people can develop each intelligence to an adequate level of competency • Intelligences work together in complex ways • There are many ways to be intelligent in each category.
MI Theory is a cognitive model that seeks to describe how individuals use their intelligences to solve problems and fashion products. • It is not tied to the senses (as modalities) or tied to personalities (as Myers-Briggs). • MI concentrates on how the human mind operates on the contents of the world.
Identify Your MI • Test designed to get you to diagnose yourself. Only measures small part of self. • Model for looking at teaching strengths- what you gravitate towards. Can be more deliberate about equality towards all the intelligences/students. • Crystallizing experiences/paralyzing experiences are two key processes that affect MI.