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“Setting the Stage for College Success”

“Together We Can Make It Happen”. “Setting the Stage for College Success”. 1-800-742-STCC http://www.stcc.cc.tx.us. Social Reasons Health Quality of Life Personal Status Hobbies/Leisure. Economic Reasons Salary Savings Employment Working Conditions Mobility.

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“Setting the Stage for College Success”

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  1. “Together We Can Make It Happen” “Setting the Stage for College Success” 1-800-742-STCC http://www.stcc.cc.tx.us

  2. Social Reasons Health Quality of Life Personal Status Hobbies/Leisure Economic Reasons Salary Savings Employment Working Conditions Mobility Benefits of Obtaining a College Education

  3. Education and Training pays.. Median earnings for year-round, full-time workers age 25 and older, by educational attainment, 2001 Professional Degree $82,400 Doctorate Degree $75,200 Master’s Degree $56,600 Bachelor’s Degree $47,000 Associate Degree $36,400 Some College $34,300 $29,200 High School Grad. Some High School $22,400 Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

  4. Selecting a Major Certificate: • 6 months to 1 year to complete • Pre-THEA required • Programs between 43-59 semester hours requires THEA • Leads to employment • Courses do not transfer to a four year college • Courses lead to an Associate of Applied Science Associate of Applied Science Degree: • 2 years to complete • “Quick” THEA/ THEA required, unless Exempt • Leads to employment • A few courses transfer to a university • Some universities offer a Bachelor of Applied Arts Associate of Arts Degree or Associate of Science Degree: • 2 years to complete • “Quick” THEA/ THEA required, unless Exempt • Similar to the first 2 years of a four year college degree (bachelors degree) • Most courses transfer to public universities • Obtain copy of degree plan from accepting university for specific program requirements

  5. TESTING CENTER Results determine eligibility of courses Accommodations are available by approval of request only Testing Center Location: PCN A-131 Phone: (956) 928-3484/668-6474

  6. TESTING CENTER Common Terms: • College Ready- Passed all the areas on an Alternative Exam • Dev. Studies Affected- Have not passed 1 or more of the areas on an Alternative Exam • EXEMPT- Not required to take an Alternative Exam, unless Teacher Prep Major. Most common exemptions: • 3 hours of credit before the fall of 1989 • High scores on ACT, SAT or TAKS, time limit Testing Center Location: PCN A-131 Phone: (956) 928-3484/668-6474

  7. Financial Aid • Financial Aid offers Federal Pell Grants, scholarships, and work-study opportunities • 3 Methods for applying for FEDERAL Student Aid • Mail a free application for Student Aid (FAFSA) • Apply electronically at financial aid office • Apply online at www.fafsa.ed.gov • THINGS to REMEMBER • Students must re-apply for Federal Student Aid every year. • A students Financial Aid does not automatically transfer with a student to another school.  Check with the new school to find out what steps a student takes to continue receiving aid. • Student status/default loans disqualifies students for federal aid. Financial Aid Office Location: PCN A-152/161 Phone: (956) 618-8375

  8. STUDENT LIFE STUDENT ACTIVITIES • Student Government Association • Student Organizations • Student I.D’s • Special Events • Intramural & Recreational Activities Judicial Affairs/ OMBUDSPERSON • Investigates allegations of student violations of college policies • Enforces the STC Student Code of Conduct • Administers student discipline • Receives and evaluates student complaints and appeals within the college community • Provides mediation • Advocates for fairness VETERANS AFFAIRS OFFICE • Provides resources and information for veterans • Special Events & Meetings • Fundraisers • Community Outreach Services • Benefit Updates Student Life Office Location: PCN H-Student Lounge Phone: (956) 928-3530

  9. Developmental Studies Division • Developmental Courses • READ 70, 80, 90 • ENGL 71,81,91 • MATH 80, 85, 90 • Student Success Centers • Tutoring for most subjects • PLATO Computer tutoring program • CC Destinations • Retention Specialists • Serve as liaison between students and Dev. Studies faculty • Assist students taking developmental courses with the following issues: • Have difficulty staying in school • Have excessive absences and are at risk of being dropped from course • Have missed assignments and are at risk of failing course Retention Specialists Location: PCN H 217 Phone: (956) 683-2581/683-6713/688-2046

  10. Meet with an Advisor • Discuss major • Provide a copy of a Degree Plan • List of all classes • Pre-requisites • Bring a copy for future advisement sessions • Complete Advisement Form • Discuss THEA/Pre-THEA scores and developmental courses • Make list of courses a student must choose from • Complete bachelors within 40 attempted hours • Student’s responsibility to drop classes • Present this form to Admissions along with schedule planning form to register for courses Advising Center Location: PCN A-101 Phone: (956) 618-8372

  11. Academic Status • Good Standing • Cumulative GPA is 2.00 or above • Academic Probation • Cumulative GPA has dropped below a 2.00 • Continued Academic Probation • Previously on Academic Probation and cumulative GPA is below 2.00 and current semester GPA is 2.00 or above • Academic Suspension • Previously on Academic Probation and cumulative GPA is below 2.00 and current semester GPA is below 2.00

  12. Academic Status for Developmental Studies Affected Students • Good Standing • Cumulative GPA is 2.00 or above • Early Academic Alert • Current semester GPA has dropped below a 2.00 • Mandatory intervention • Previously on Early Academic Alert and current semester GPA continues to be below 2.00 • Academic Suspension • Previously on Mandatory Intervention and current semester GPA continues to be below 2.00

  13. Finding your GPA GRADING SYSTEM: It is the policy of STCC to measure student achievement and to report a student’s performance level for each course attempted or used toward graduation according to the following: GRADEGRADE MEANINGPOINT VALUE A Excellent 4 B Good 3 C Average 2 D Passing 1 F Failing 0 I Incomplete * W Withdrew * CR Credit by Exam * AUD Audit * N Non-Credit * * Not computed A grade of “I” is given when a student has not completed the required work for a course. The work must be completed the following semester (Fall or Spring) or the student will receive an “F” for the course. TO CALCULATE GRADE POINT AVERAGE (GPA): COURSEGRADESEM. HRS.POINTSTOTAL POINTS ENGL 1301 C 3 x 2 = 6 MATH 1414 F 4 x 0 = 0 ARTS 1301 B 3 x 3 = 9 PSYC 2301 D 3 x 1 = 3 KINE 1102 A 1 x 4 = 4 14 cr. hours 22 grade points Total Grade Points = GPA 22 Grade Points = 1.57 GPA Cr. Hrs Attempted 14 Credit Hours

  14. CAREER CENTER • Transfer Information and Career Resource Library • Career Assessments- DISCOVER • Assistance in choosing a degree or career • Special Events- Transfer Track and “Career Choices” JOB PLACEMENT OFFICE • Job Searches, Employment Opportunities, Resume Writing and Interviewing Skills • Special Events- Job Fairs Career/ Job Placement Office Location: PCN H-104 & 105 Phone: (956) 618-8353/668-6424

  15. COUNSELING/ DisAbility SUPPORT SERVICES /ADVISING OFFICE COUNSELING OFFICE • Academic Counseling • Probation and Suspension • GPA • Personal Counseling • Individual • Support Groups • Personal Growth and Academic Workshops • Focus Groups • Orientation ADVISING OFFICE • Academic Advising/TSI Advising • Required for TSI Liable Students • Degree Plan Maintenance • Registration Procedures DSS Office • Assessment for Special Needs • Classroom Accommodations • Adaptive Equipment & Assistants • Sign Language Interpreters • Referrals to Community Agencies Counseling/DSS/Advising Office Location: PCN A-101 Phone: (956) 618-8372

  16. SPECIAL PROGRAMS • PASS- Providing Academic Support to Students • Must be declared Associate of Applied Science (AAS) or Certificate major. Some services are provided for Undeclared Majors. • Career and Academic Advising • Mentoring • Child Care Assistance • Textbook Assistance • Tutoring PASS Office Location: PCN D-101 Phone: (956) 668-6489

  17. CHILD CARE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM • Offers child care services • Not limited to specific majors • Must receive financial aid Child Care Assistance Office Location: PCN G-152 Phone: (956) 688-2009

  18. Learning Communities… • What is a learning community? What are the objectives? How do you benefit?… • 2 classes are joined together along a common theme • Improve academic skills through teamwork • Two Instructors – more assistance • Back to Back classes • Same students in both classes, get to know classmates better, & make friends • What you learn in 1 class helps in the other class • Part of course is taught in class, part is taught on line • Assignments are often combined • Better grades, higher success rates • Less homework

  19. Distance Learning… • STC Distance Education is building student success by: • Providing equitable access to education • Transcending time and place barriers to education • Enhancing the learning experience of students in traditional face-to-face classes STC Distance Education Options: • Internet courses Telecourses • Videoconferencing Courses Web Enhanced Courses • Hybrid Courses The Virtual College of Texas • Distance Learning Class Experience • Instead of attending regular classes on campus, students take class using a computer, TV, or videoconference connection • Some instructors require students to meet for orientation, reviews, and exams. • Requirements for these classes are the same as attending traditional classes on campus. Students are required to attend and participate in class activities. • Assignments are submitted over the video-conferencing system, by fax, e-mail, or the web.

  20. Glossary An individual starting college for the 1st time will hear a number of words and phrases which may be unfamiliar. These are some of the words and phrases, which apply to college. • Course • Course Load • Course Pre-requisite • Credit Course • Credit hours • Developmental courses • Dropping/Withdrawing • Electives • Grade Point Average • Major or Field of Concentration • Non-transfer course/degree • Transfer course/degree • Learning community • Registration • Tuition & Fees • Semester/Term

  21. Becoming a Successful College Student • Attend ALL classes regularly • Obtain and read the course syllabus • Study your notes everyday • Ask questions • Seek out college support services • Become familiar with the college catalog and college policies • Ask for help when you need it • Enroll in a course load you can handle. It takes 2 hours of study time for every hour you spend in class

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