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Congestion Charging - The International Perspective

Congestion Charging - The International Perspective. Dr Nick Ayland Transport & Travel Research Ltd. Structure. Background Congestion charging options Examples from around the world Lessons to be learned Summary. Historic context. Congestion charging not a new idea

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Congestion Charging - The International Perspective

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  1. Congestion Charging - The International Perspective Dr Nick Ayland Transport & Travel Research Ltd

  2. Structure • Background • Congestion charging options • Examples from around the world • Lessons to be learned • Summary

  3. Historic context • Congestion charging not a new idea • Principles advanced by economists in the 1920’s • Research been done since 1960’s • UK landmark - Smeed Report 1964 • London supplementary licensing study 1973 • Singapore area licensing scheme 1975

  4. Historic context • Interest taken off over past 25 years • Congestion problems have grown • Greater awareness of environmental consequences • Technological advances - technical feasibility

  5. Area licensing and entry permit • Licence to use the highway within a defined area (eg. London) or to enter that area (eg. Edinburgh proposal) • Simple to understand • No in-vehicle electronics necessary • Doesn’t charge for every trip - restraint effect diluted • Practical restrictions on numbers of charged areas and complexity of tariff

  6. Cordon charging schemes • Cordon of charging points • Charge per crossing • Every trip crossing cordon is charged • Flexibility - possibility of shoulder charges / peak / off-peak etc • EFC requires in-vehicle equipment

  7. Multi Cordon and Zone Charging • Multi-cordon - 2 or more concentric cordons • Zone-based - zone boundaries intercept circumferential as well as radial movements • Finer level of influence • Charging patterns can better reflect problem traffic movements • Reduces boundary problems • More expensive to implement • More complex to understand

  8. Distance Based Charging • Charges based on measured distance travelled within charged area • Should be v. good at influencing demand • Generally requires VPS • Expensive to implement at present • But…being looked at

  9. United Kingdom • London Supplementary Licensing study 1973 • London Congestion Charging research programme 1992-5 • Bristol (ELGAR, INTERCEPT) and Leicester (LERTS) road pricing trials • Studies in cities such as Leeds, Nottingham, Belfast, Birmingham (1999 onwards) • PROGRESS demonstrations / studies in Bristol and Edinburgh 2000-2004 • Durham Congestion Charging scheme 2002 • London Congestion Charging Scheme 2003

  10. Norway • Bergen, Oslo, Trondheim, Kristiansand, Stavanger and others • Cordon charging • Original aim to raise revenue • Low charges - all day • Traffic volumes reduced • Bergen 6-7% for 5NOK (45-70p) • Oslo 6-10% for 11 NOK (£1-1.50) • Trondheim - zonal charging • Bergen being refocused as a congestion charging scheme

  11. The Netherlands • 1980’s - Protol, Autol proposals developed and researched • Early 1990’s - Spitsvignet - peak hour licensing • 1994 - Rekening Rijden - comprehensive road pricing in the Randstad • 2001 Rekening Rijden shelved • Current proposal - Mobimiles - distance based • Aim is to be operational in 2006 • All scheme proposals have fallen on political grounds

  12. Sweden • Interest since 1980’s • Stockholm and Gothenburg • Significant work on Stockholm scheme 1991-1997 • Dropped in 1997 • Gothenburg PROGRESS trials • SNRA review of options 2003 • Proposals have been made since then with view to 2005 implementation in Stockholm

  13. Singapore ALS scheme • Paper licence based entry permit scheme • 1975 to 1998 • Scheme adjusted 14 times • Significant impacts • Journey to work by PT 33% 1974; 67% 1994 • AM peak inbound car flows in 1992 approx half of pre-scheme flows

  14. Singapore ERP scheme • Introduced in 1998 • Replaced paper ALS scheme and adjusted area • Smart card EFC • Early results - additional traffic reduction • 17% AM peak reduction into charged area • 14.6% over whole day • Spreading into pre-peak • Monitoring and adjustment

  15. Hong Kong • 1983 - 85 Electronic Road Pricing Feasibility Study • Multi-cordon charging scheme design • Successful trial of ERP technology • 1985 - rejected by District Boards • 1997 - 99 major Feasibility Study • Looked at both DSRC and VPS solutions • Technological trials • 2001 - HK government shelved idea again

  16. Other Asia • Seoul - Namsan #1 and 3 tunnels • Charge for SOVs introduced 1996 • Reported 10% traffic volume reduction (1998) • Expansion to area charging scheme been considered • Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok - studies in 70’s, 80’s • Japan - Tokyo Metropolitan Government looking at congestion charging since 2000

  17. USA • Subject of research for some 20 years • Congestion charging for facility use • Area pricing concepts not seen as so appropriate • Partly because of decentralised land use in many US cities • Variable congestion-related charges on some existing bridges and facilities • PANYNJ toll bridges - 20% peak hour premium; reported 4-7% traffic reduction

  18. USA • HOT lanes - “Value Pricing” concept • Travellers pay to use spare capacity on dedicated HOV lanes • SR91 - Orange County,California - 4 new HOT lanes 1995 • San Diego - HOT lane created on I-15 in 1996; sensitive to demand since 1998 • Katy and NorthWest Freeways, Houston - HOT lane: HOV-2 pay $2, HOV-3+ go free

  19. Key lessons - politics • Politically difficult thing to do • Take account of local considerations • Perceived to restrain established freedoms • Schemes fall by the wayside • Long time to build up public acceptance and political confidence • Needs a political champion

  20. Key lessons - public acceptance • An adequate level of public acceptance is key • Thorough consultation / communication • Must be part of a package • Be clear what the objectives are • Say what revenue will be used for • Ensure that realistic alternatives are adequately considered and presented • Consider equity issues and include mitigation measures

  21. Key lessons - significant impacts • Evidence from implemented schemes • Significant congestion reduction effect • Borne out by London

  22. Key lessons - technology works! • Electronic licensing • Electronic tag technology • Integration with smart cards • All been shown to work • Satellite-based positioning systems still being proven • Likely to form a future option if prices are driven down

  23. Summary • Different types of congestion charging can be used to manage and reduce traffic demand • Several examples of implementations around the world • Many, many more studies and research programmes! • Lessons to be learned from successes and failures - politics, public acceptance, impacts, technology • Use that experience to maximise chances of success

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