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Explore the superiority of Jesus to religion in Colossians 3:20-23 and discover how trusting in Him is essential for a vibrant Christian life. Jesus is superior over creation, the church, and all other religions. Discover the Christian's position in Christ and the dangers of legalism, mysticism, ritualism, and asceticism. Find true righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Superiority of Jesus to Religion Colossians 3:20-23 All revivals begin with professing believers being serious about trusting the Lord and walking with Him Replacing the sufficiency of Jesus Christ with anything else results in a loss of a vibrant Christian life.
The Superiority of Jesus to Religion Colossians 3:20-23 Jesus is superior over: Creation (Col. 1:13-17) The church (Col. 1:18-23) Philosophy & all religions (Col. 2:6-15) Colossians 2:16-23
The Superiority of Jesus to Religion Colossians 3:20-23 The effort of religion has always been to replace what God has said with something man has devised Even the religious practices of ancient Judaism were only shadows of what was to come in Jesus Christ
The Christian’s Position Died in Christ - Colossians 2:20 A statement of our position from the negative standpoint of dying Being “dead in our transgressions” was your spiritual state without Jesus (Ephesians 2:1) Being made alive in Christ is having your soul regenerated to be able to commune with God
The Christian’s Position Died in Christ - Colossians 2:20 Having “died with Christ” refers to a change in your relationship to the Law & sin and yourself. Galatians 2:20 Romans 6:3-5 Romans 6:6-23
The Christian’s Position Dead to the World - Colossians 2:20 “Elementary principles” refers to the “first in a series,” what is “rudimentary” Galatians 4:3 - Paul speaks about foundational religious practices - as in training children Paul is not against rudimentary training, but the Christian life goes far beyond that
The Christian’s Position Dead to the World - Colossians 2:20 Laws restrict sinners by fear of punishment, but the godly act righteously out of love for God & others Paul is not questioning their position in Christ, but contrasting it to their response to the false teachers The Law was a schoolmaster or tutor to bring us to Christ (Galatians 3:24)
Submission to the Beliefs Colossians 2:20-23 Paul challenges their submission to the decrees of the false teachers They were being inconsistent with their professed belief in Jesus
Submission to the BeliefsAscetic Dogmas – Col. 2:21 These express categorical prohibition of the specific conduct to prevent the action from ever taking place Possibly an escalation of increasing dietary restrictions More probably a caricature of the general tone of the kinds of decrees they were being made
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Destiny – Col. 2:22 The legalist perceives holiness to be related to the physical world instead based in the spiritual world Matthew 15:10-20 - defilement comes from what proceeds from the heart of man True holiness arises from within a person who has been changed by the Holy Spirit
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Source – Col. 2:22 Jesus rebuked the Pharisees & scribes for “teaching as doctrines the precepts of men” (Matthew 15:9). Church covenants must be in strict accord with the Scriptures themselves Submission to such covenants must be from the correct heart - they cannot be the “church’s rules”
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Source – Col. 2:22 Be a Berean (Acts 17) that always returns to the Bible to see if what is taught is true
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Failure – Col. 2:23 These have a veneer of wisdom, but cannot bring about true holiness Legalism substitutes a list of rules that seem helpful until a circumstance outside the rules is faced Mysticism gives the illusion of spirituality, but it perverts the understanding of God and His will
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Failure – Col. 2:23 Ritualism gives the appearance of holiness due to the care and reverence in carrying them out There only two religious rituals commanded by our Lord - Baptism and Communion At best, other rituals can only reflect holiness, but they cannot produce it - and they often hinder it.
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Failure – Col. 2:23 Asceticism is often a part of self-made religion and can include self-abasement & severe bodily treatment Asceticism is an effort to achieve piety by self effort instead of receiving it from God by faith
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Failure – Col. 2:23 Ascetics stress strict self-discipline to gain control over the flesh and gain superior virtue and spirituality Asceticism fails because sin originates in heart and only God can change it
Submission to the BeliefsTheir Failure – Col. 2:23 Ascetics lack peace with God because they reject the forgiveness of sin that comes only by faith in Jesus Beware of the legalism, mysticism, ritualism and asceticism that have crept into evangelical Christianity
Conclusions Jesus Christ is superior to all religions Man cannot achieve true spirituality, peace or piety by any religious works True righteous living only comes by faith in Jesus Christ and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ