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In Matthew 23:37-39, Jesus laments the failure of the religious leaders and warns against false teachers. Learn the characteristics of false leaders and how to discern the truth. Be like the Bereans and check everything against the word of God.
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Savior’s LamentMatthew 23:37-39 The religious leaders have failed to damage the reputation of Jesus, but they have discrediting themselves Pay attention and be careful of false religious leaders - 1 John 4:1
The Savior’s LamentMatthew 23:37-39 Characteristics of false religious leaders: 1) Self-proclaimed authority. 2) Hypocritical demands. 3) Loveless & uncaring. 4) Pretentious displays of piety. 5) Proud & arrogant
The Savior’s LamentMatthew 23:37-39 Jesus labeled the scribes & Pharisees as: Hypocrites, Sons of hell, Blind guides, Serpents A brood of vipers
The Savior’s LamentMatthew 23:37-39 They kept people from heaven; Robbed widows; Created self-righteous disciples; Were liars; Majored on minor points & ignored justice, mercy & faithfulness; Were robbers & self-indulgent; Plotting murders
The Savior’s LamentMatthew 23:37-39 False teachers abound, so be like the Bereans to know the word of God to check them against it Jesus’ laments over the heard-heartedness of the nation to heed both His warnings and call to salvation
The Lament Over JerusalemMatthew 23:37-39 Jerusalem, “City of Peace,” the center for the worship of God, was violent against God’s prophets “Kill” and “stone” are both present active participles - the violence was still occurring
The Lament Over JerusalemMatthew 23:37-39 Jesus’ intense lament was over Jerusalem and the nation it represented.
The Savior’s DesireMatthew 23:37 The simile is of a hen protecting her chicks from danger - that is the Savior’s desire Jesus has given stern warning to the people and their leaders about the danger of God’s wrath facing them
The Savior’s DesireMatthew 23:37 God’s stated desire is for people to repent and find refuge in Him (2 Peter 3:9; Psalm 36:7; 91:4) Man’s sin has separated him from God and brought the curse of death (Genesis 3; Romans 6:23)
The Savior’s DesireMatthew 23:37 Jesus came to redeem man from sin & death (John 3:16; 1 Peter 3:18; 1 Timothy 1:15; John 10:28)
Unwilling PeopleMatthew 23:37 Jesus was willing to save them, but they were not willing to be saved by Him and instead rejected Him God is sovereign, but man also has a responsibility God is sovereign in salvation - John 6:44; Ephesians 2:1-10; Daniel 4:35
Unwilling PeopleMatthew 23:37 The Bible does not teach fatalism / determinism / double election Being damned because God did not choose you is not the same thing as being damned because He did. We must teach what God does say & be careful not to go beyond that based on what God does not say
Unwilling PeopleMatthew 23:37 Fatalism / double-election are contrary to what the Scriptures do teach about God’s judgment of man Judgment based on not being in book of life & condemned by what is written in the book of deeds - Rev. 20
Unwilling PeopleMatthew 23:37 Determinism makes many passages nonsensical - such as Matt. 23:37, 1 Tim. 2:3-4; Matt. 11:28-30 God is sovereign, and He has given man responsibility to respond & obey His commandments
God’s Call to Repentance Repentance - a change of mind resulting in changes of action consistent with new beliefs Repentance in salvation involves a change in mind to recognize the truth about sin, self and the Savior
God’s Call to Repentance Repentance was the foundational message of John the Baptist, Jesus, & the apostles (Lk. 24:27; Acts 17:30) Failure to repent will result in perishing (Luke 13:2-5)
God’s Call to Believe God calls people to believe in Jesus both generally & specifically - Acts 16:31; John 3:16; 11:26; There is a universal offer of salvation to mankind - Romans 10:8-13 Those who refuse to believe will be judged - John 3:18; 1 John 5:10
God’s Call to Believe God calls for all to repent, believe and be saved and anyone that does not will be judged accordingly Salvation is provided freely by Jesus Christ, but it cannot be appropriated by the unwilling
God’s Call to Believe Salvation requires belief in the facts of the Gospel: Jesus’ identity, atonement, resurrection, return God’s requirement of repentance & belief is a response to God’s grace, not a means of earning salvation
God’s Call to Believe There is no salvation for those unwilling to accept God or the terms of His offer of grace
A Desolate HouseMatthew 23:38 The kingdom would come in a spiritual form - the church - and Israel would be destroyed & taken captive This would be done according to God’s warnings in the Torah, especially Deuteronomy 28
A Desolate HouseMatthew 23:38 God is longsuffering, but eventually the time comes when He judges the ungodly for their sin
A Hope for the FutureMatthew 23:39 “Until” is a word of certainty - it will absolutely happen by the exercise of God’s sovereign will Jesus public ministry of teaching, miracles and healing had ended God keeps all His promises, and the Messiah will return to the praise of the nation of Israel
A Hope for the FutureMatthew 23:39 Zechariah 12:10; 13:1-2,9 - Messiah returns, Israel is cleansed, the remnant will be God’s people The Lord’s promises of both judgment of the unwilling and redemption of the willing are true
Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ