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Educational Reforms for Good Governance

This educational reform initiative aims to address the challenges faced by India's education system, focusing on increasing literacy rates, reducing drop-out rates, and ensuring quality education for all. With a comprehensive analysis of the current state of education in India, the proposal outlines strategic actions that the government can take to transform the system and pave the way for good governance. By emphasizing the role of government in facilitating rather than controlling education, advocating for private sector involvement, and promoting vocational training, the proposal seeks to create a sustainable framework that will lead to improved governance, poverty reduction, and environmental sustainability.

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Educational Reforms for Good Governance

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  1. Educational Reforms for Good Governance Governance – Key to ending Poverty & Pollution 18th of June, 2005. Bombay, India. Chief Guest – Dr Ola Ullsten Chairman World Council for Corporate Governance & Former Prime Minister of Sweden By Krishan Khanna, Chairman & Founder ofi Watch

  2. Transforming Education ………….…..The Challenge 1 600 million are NOT literate (based on the 3R’s) 300 million unemployed/employable age, 18 to 50 (our estimate) 46 million registered with employment offices (GOI) 26 million born every year (GOI) 762 million or 71% below the age of 35 years (GOI) 290 million below poverty line @ Rs. 10/day (GOI) 490 million below poverty line @ US$ 1/day (WB) (our estimate) 700 million below poverty line @ US$ 2/day (WB) (our estimate) Per capita US$ 525 per person per year, US$1.64/day (GOI)

  3. Transforming Education ……………...The Challenge 2 • Drop-out rate kindergarten to 10+2, is 94% • 6% go for Higher & Technical education in 15,000 colleges • 70% of all graduates are Arts Graduates • 30% in Engineering, Medical, I.T., Software, Management, Commerce, Science, Law & special subjects • About 3% of the Youth receive Relevant Education • Balance 97% - how to address their aspirations?

  4. Transforming Education ………….…..The Challenge 3 • Rs. 78,000 cr. or US$18 billion/yr spent on education • 10% by Central Govt. and 90% by State Governments. • 4% of GDP spent on education – not enough – more required • 9% of GDP or additional US$25 billion required per year • Educational Cess may mobilize additional US$1.5 billion / yr • Central & State Govts. are in deficit by 11% of GDP • Private participation from citizens & NRI’s is a solution • Relevant & World Class Education in Primary, Secondary, Vocational, Higher & Technical required

  5. Transforming Education ………Role of Government 1 • Facilitator and not a Controller • Like in Business & Industry remove License Raj • All subsidies from higher education to be diverted to primary & secondary education • Allow education to be recognized as an Enterprise • Allow tax breaks in investment in Education till 2025 • Recognize that education business is US$ 2500 billion per year. And is 5 times bigger than I.T. and software which is US$ 530 billion per year

  6. Transforming Education ………Role of Government 2 • Only 1% of new jobs go to Government, 2% to private ‘organized’ sector and 97% to ‘unorganized’ sector • Relevance of Vocational Education & Training, where 95% of the population is given an opportunity to learn skills / trades / competence in 3000 areas. This is missing in INDIA! • Can get engineers, but not international quality plumbers, masons, etc • Education & Training is a big employment generator • Capitation Fees will be resolved by decontrol & deregulation • Fee Structure for 15,000 colleges cannot be decided by a group of Supreme Court Judges, but only by free & competitive market forces

  7. Transforming Education …….…..Actions to be taken • Promote 100% literacy • Decontrol & deregulate education as was Industry in 1991 • Allow private participation in education with minimum of 25% free education for the SC/ST and Below Poverty Line population • 100% Enterprise Skills Education in schools, Class 1st to 12th • 95% of population for Vocational Education & Training • Link-up Industry-Enterprise-Learning-Research – on a dynamic basis • Make India as the world’s best and largest ‘Educational Hub’. Primary to Higher & Technical Education • World Class Education will result in GOOD Governance for INDIA

  8. krishan@vsnl.comwww.wakeupcall.org Thank You

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