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BUSINESS ETHICS & INDIAN ETHOS IN MANAGEMENT Ethics culture and values, Importance of culture in org, Indian ethos and value systems, concepts of dharma, Nishkama karma and purusharthas ; Model of management in Indian socio political environment .
BUSINESS ETHICS & INDIAN ETHOS IN MANAGEMENT Ethics culture and values, Importance of culture in org, Indian ethos and value systems, concepts of dharma, Nishkama karma and purusharthas; Model of management in Indian socio political environment . Work ethos Indian heritage in production and consumption
Taking a cue from the recent Satyam Computer Services fraud case that has hit the corporate image of India, software body Nasscom announced the formation of a Corporate Governance and Ethics Council today.
ETHICS Ethics is a set of standards, or a code or value system, worked out from human reason and experience, by which free human actions are determined as ultimately rightor wrong, good or evil If an action agrees with these standards, it is ethical; if not , it unethical
MORALITY the standards that an individual or a group has about what is rightand wrongor goodand evil
MORAL STANDARDS The norms about the kinds of actions believed to be morally rightand wrong as well as the values placed on the kinds of objects believed to be morally goodand morally bad
BUSINESS ETHICS a specialised study of moral right and wrong that concetrates on moral standards as they apply to business institutions, organisations and behavior
ARGUMENTS AGAINST……………. in a free market economy, the persuit of profit will ensure maximum social benefit a managers most important obligation is to the company Business ethics is limited to obeying the law
ARGUMENTS SUPPORTING ETHICS ethics applies to all human activities business cannot survive without ethics ethics is consistent with profit seeking customers and employees care about ethics
RABINDRANATH TAGORE The moral side represents training of unselfishnesss, control desire, the spiritual side represents sympathy and love. They should be taken together and never seperated We long for things not because they are great in themselves, but because they are great in themselves, but because our greed exaggerates them………These exaggeratins ……..break harmony of our life at every step, we lose the true standards of life
VIVEKANANDA all the secrets of success is there to pay as much attention to the means as to the end Ethics itself is not the end
MAHATMA GHANDHI honesty is the best policy trusteeship
SRI AUROBINDO the kernel of the true ethical being remains the same will, character, self discipline, self mastery
PURUSHARTHA These four steps are Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The word Dharma means that which holds society and the world. By following its rules, one becomes virtuous. For our purpose we may describe Dharma as right conduct.
By Artha we mean wealth, family, friends, education etc. These should be earned in the right way. That can be done only by following the rules of Dharma. If we observe Dharma in the right way, we earn the right kind of Artha. The first leads to the second.
Kama means desire or love. This desire should be moral. If we practise Dharma and earn Artha in the right way, our Kama too will be of the right type
Moksha is the last step in the journey of man’s life. The first three steps will naturally lead to the last step. If, however, we make a mistake in the earlier steps, we will not reach the last step. The word Moksha means liberation. A person who is liberated has no further birth or death. So, he need not suffer the pains and enjoy the small pleasures of the earth.
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Objectives of business Owners of business Customers Employees Creditors Government Competitive institutions Local community National interest
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Objectives of business maximum profit, reasonable profit social, human and national ,
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Owners of business investment on profitable project risk in establishing new business safeguard interest of minority shareholders info to every member of the progress
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Customers quality, price and usability purity and safety pricing of goods correct measure and weight protection of consumer right warranty misleading ad and publicity MRTP
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Employees appointment promotion transfer security training and development wages and salaries labour welfare
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Creditors utilisation of loans on profitable schemes observation of terms and conditions of loan maintaining of proper accounts of loan timely payment of interest timely repayment of loans
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Government payment of taxes proper assessment of taxes implementing government policies maintaining proper accounts donation to political parties
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Competitive institutions while criticizing the policies of competing institutions ethical considerations are necessary
ISSUES IN BUSINESS ETHOS Local community health, education, living standards (coke, tata) waste disposal social welfare and community development environment protection priority in employement
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Divinity of human being Balance Individual Divine element in individual Based on scriptures Emphasis on values, human and ethics Emphasis on duties and responsibilities All work is worthy
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Divinity of human being one can be a perfect being
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Balance desire and desirelessness even a king be the knower of reality egJanaka
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Individual if you are good world is good
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Divine element in individual individual is a portion of cosmic consciousness
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Based on scriptures veda,
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Emphasis on values, human and ethics knowledge is not power but character
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS Emphasis on duties and responsibilities
INDIAN ETHOS AND INSIGHTS All work is worthy work is worship Bhagwat-Gita
Model of management in Indian socio political environment . the most important tenets of Indian model HUMAN VALUES HOLISM There are three types of moral theories in ethics utilitarian : greatest good for greatest number all people have basic rights theory of justice
Business Ethics: Five part structure the specification of moral judgment moral judgment and moral standard justification of moral judgment logical reasoning and moral judgment moral judgment and moral responsibility
Relevance of value in Management; dharma or divine nature – east Values integrity - west
Relevance of value in Management; Integrity wholeness goodness courage self discipline Dharma spirit righteousness (godliness) fearlessness
ValuesvsSkills To become need value , to do we need skill Becoming ( need value) must precede doing (skill) Values are internal skill is external
Why value based holistic management Exploitation of nature 2 Man – machine equation
Value Driven Management Managerial Effectiveness Value orientation (is central) Pure mind Four traditional methods of mind purification GYANA RAJA BHAKTHI KARMA Path of knowledge Knowing self Path of mind control meditation Path of devotion Self surrender Path of action Selfless action
Holistic Approach: Based on spiritual principle of unity, oneness, non dual universe is undivided whole entire humanity is ONE
Ethical relativism morality is just function of what a particular society happens to believe
Ethics Management • A helping hand rather than accusing finger • Prevention rather than repression • Tailor made approach rather than uniform approach • Process orientation rather than product orientation • Evolving rather than starting from nothing • Integrated effort rather than fragmented effort • Continuing attention rather than single
Role of organisational culture in ethics Tool to promote ethical corporate behavior fostering core values based on ethics focus on dominant beliefs
Structure of ethics management The elements of ES according to their function in a Mexican NPO http://soc.kuleuven.be/io/ethics/paper/
Ethics committee ethics steering committee for ethics policy formulation guidance co ordination up dating policy
Communicating ethics Communicating formal or informal top management commitment , leadership are communicated in many ways speeches directives company publications policy statements most important actions
Ethical Audit Before launching on an audit Purpose Type and topics Context Process People Analysis and reporting Follow up
Corporate governance set of systems and processes ensure that company is managed in the best interests of stake holders Social responsibility Business Ethics Business Policy Public Policy