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IB Film Study. Teacher - Mr. Hinton Email: hinton.mark@cusd80.com IB Film, (Wednesday) 2:20 – 6:15 pm Room: 716 Phone: 480-812-7718 Media Center Phone 480-812-7701
IB Film Study • Teacher - Mr. Hinton • Email: hinton.mark@cusd80.com • IB Film, (Wednesday) 2:20 – 6:15 pm • Room: 716 Phone: 480-812-7718 • Media Center Phone 480-812-7701 • Conference Time: Prearranged with teacher at lunch/afterschool in Media Center Mon., Tues., Thurs. hintonmark@chandler.k12.az.us
IB Film Day 1 • Learning Goal (LG #1): • Choose a computer • Type password 1,2,3,4,5 • Open Safari (Compass on Dock)
IB Film Day 1 • Learning Goal (LG #1): • What is IB Film anyway? • This two year class should be for students who are doing IB Diploma or Certificate.
Big Picture • IB Film is a two year course of study. This class will focus on three IB Film Exams that require a lot of time. • During your Junior year you will learn the film skills necessary to help prepare for your three IB exams in your Senior year. • During your Senior year you will continue to learn & apply what you have learned in your Junior year and focus a good portion of your time on preparing and doing your three IB Film Exams.
Big Picture • So, in this class you will be preparing for these three exams for what IB requires. However, you will also be required to do additional film assignments outside of what IB requires since this is a film class. • So remember in your Junior year you are preparing for the exam. • In your Senior year you will focus a lot of time on the three IB Exams.
Big Picture • So in this class you will receive a grade from IB for the quality work you put forth. That grade will come approximately July 2013. • You will also do film assignments as part of this Chandler High School class. You will receive a grade for the effort & quality of work you turn in. More on grading later
Big Picture • You are also in a vocational class which also has requirements which you will complete along with the IB Film requirements. • The vocational standards are also required to meet in addition to the IB requirements. These standards will be taught through out the class. The vocational part pays for the funding of the equipment you use in this class such as computers, software, cameras, tripods, and other equipment etc.
Big Picture • So let’s see how much you already know about the three IB Film exams. • Give the Pre-Assessment
Big Picture-PP Production Portfolio=PP • This film class will teach you the skills necessary for the creation of a fiction movie 4-5 minute Standard Level or a 6-7 minute movie & trailer for Higher Level. • Group work: The film project may be undertaken as a group project, but all accompanying documentation must be individually produced.
Big Picture-PP • Students cannot present the same edit of their film projects for internal assessment due to the different assessment requirements. • Roles of Assessment must be one of the following: director, writer, editor, cinematographer, Sound designer-recordist- mixer. • 50% of the exam is the Production Portfolio (PP).
Big Picture - PP • This class will also teach you about importance of recording or journaling your experiences while doing the movie. • You will create either a minimum1200 Standard Level or a 1750 Higher Level written production portfolio. • A 100 word rational is required.
Big Picture-Oral • You will also learn the necessary cinematic terminology to do an Oral Presentation. This verbal analysis will be: • 9-10 minute Standard Level • 14-15 minute Higher Level • A significant 5 minute scene from a selected IB feature film which will be created under testing conditions. • Oral Presentation is 25% of exam score.
Big Picture-IS • The last IB Film Exam is an Independent Study Documentary typed script encompassing 4 different movies. At least one of those movies must come from another country. • You will do a film analysis from those four movies. This Documentary Script will be a maximum Standard Level of 8 to 10 pages and Higher Level 12 to 15 pages. A 100 word rational is also required.
Big Picture-IS • This Independent Study must be done with very little help from me. • Independent Study is 25% of exam score. • We will study and analyze various Independent Studies in class. • In class we will talk about the mechanics of what you have to do to type a written documentary.
Big Picture-IS • The Documentary will include your investigation into areas as genre, theme, direction, use of sound, color, editing & lighting. It should center on Film Theory or Film History. You will be the narrator! • However, this is totally on your own. You will submit a rough draft to me. I will make comments and then you will need to make adjustments from the rough draft & then turn in a final copy in March.
Big Picture • Fill in the circle game: 1. Groups of two 2. You are to figure out where each of these statements fit. You are to read what it says to each other and then place it in the correct part of the circle. 3. You must finish the task before the timer goes off. You will have 5 minutes. 4. You will have 15 seconds to study the circle. Score points you must read each statement.
IB FILM Assessment Overview 50% Production Portfolio (Internal Assessment by teacher-Externally Moderated by IB) Component: One completed film project with an associated trailer & written documentation encompassing & connecting both: Max: HL=1750 words or SL=1200 words HL film 6-7 minutes including titles –Individual rational for the film- Max. 100 words SL film 4-5 minutes including titles – Individual rational for trailer- Max. 100 words Group work: The film project may be undertaken as a group project, but all accompanying documentation must be individually produced. Students cannot present the same edit of their film projects for internal assessment due to the different assessment requirements. Roles of Assessment must be one of the following: director, writer, cinematographer, Sound designer-recordist- mixer, editor. 25% Oral Presentation - External Assessment Component: To give an oral presentation to the teacher of a detailed critical analysis of a continuous extract lasting no more than five minutes from a prescribed film. The teacher selects 3 films from a IB prescribed list. Students will choose 1 of the 3 Films. Films are not studied in class. Students will have 4 weeks to prepare. SL= Max. length 10 minutes HL= Max. length 15 minutes • 25% Independent Study - External Assessment • Component: Film Theory or Film History with some textual analysis • SL=Minimum of 2 Films or HL= Minimum of 4 Films • Must produce a script for a complete short documentary from more than one country. • HL Documentary Script 12-15 pages - Rationale: Max. 100 words • Documentary Script SL=Max. 8-10 pages Rational: Max. 100 words • Comments from celebrities or others must be annotated. • Investigate genre, theme, direction, Use of sound, color, editing and lighting. • Target audience 14 to 18 years of age • Topic must be discussed in cinematic terms • Student is the narrator
IB FILM Assessment Overview Oral Presentation - External Assessment • Independent Study - External Assessment
Big Picture-Learning Activity • What exam will score you more points? What is the percent of that exam? • What additional requirement to the PP is added to the higher level person doing a movie? • Can you do well in one of the exams and maybe not so well in one of the others. Explain your self?
Big Picture-Learning Activity • What two exams require a rational? • How many words is the rational? • Which exam do you have to do on your own without much help from the teacher? • What length for HL & SL is your typed Production Portfolio? • Can you list the 5 areas of assessment as it relates to the making your movie?
Big Picture-Learning Activity • Which exam gives a detailed critical analysis of a continuous extract lasting no more than five minutes from a prescribed film? • What is the required number of page range for Higher Level & Standard Level students for their Independent Study? • Who is the narrator of the Independent Study?
Big Picture-Learning Activity • How many films do you have to analyze for your Independent Study? • What else do you have to consider as it relates to these films for the Independent Study? • Which exam will you investigate genre, theme, direction, use of sound, color, editing and lighting? • For the Independent Study what is the target age group?
Big Picture-Learning Activity • Which exam focus on Film Theory or Film History with some textual analysis? • How long is the movie for Standard Level Student? • How many words is the Production Portfolio for the Standard Level Student? • Who is the narrator in the Independent Study? • How long will you speak with your Oral Presentation at HL & SL • What would you say is the most important thing you learned from this activity?
Big Picture • Post Assessment • Let’s take a closer look at the nature of Film.
Big Picture • Learning Goal (LG #2): • We have talked about the three IB Film Exams. • Post Assessment (LG #2) • So now lets discuss what we will learn and apply in IB Film. • And understand the Procedures & Operations of our IB Film Class.
Big Picture • Learning Goal (LG #2): • Review the Procedures & Operations of our IB Film Class. • Students will be able to know & apply policies & procedures in IB Film. (SWBAT)
So, what do we do? • Study film • Research film • Discuss film • Write about film • Write for film • Create films - different genres, many lengths
So, what do we create? • Lots of short scenes and practice exercises • PSA • Short fiction films • Trailers • Documentaries • Other filming to be announced later
So, what do we write? • Notes • Answers to quiz & test questions • Short critiques • Evaluations of student work • Film reviews of major works • Scripts • Etc.
So, what do we do with all of this? Use our: • Brains • Creative spirit • Energy and enthusiasm • A sense of wonder about the world • Being to class every week and being on time to class. • Doing the required work on time
IB Film I & II • How many are in IB Film I • Both levels will meet together but will often be doing separate things. • As we have talked about what IB Film is all about let’s go over the Syllabus and Grading Procedures.
IB Signing in & out • Students must check with me before leaving the classroom for any reason. That also includes for filming. Always have a Film Permit Pass or Restroom Pass when you leave class.
Blank SD Card –Mini DV Tape • Recommended that you have minimum: • IB Film I: 4-8 Gig SD card save film footage. Purchase from a store • IB Film II: Mini DV Tape saving film footage. • IB Film I & II: 4-8 Gig Flash Drive
Student Forms Collect Bell work for A, B, C • Student Information I & II form • Self Reflection on movies form • Email, Phone # & Class Schedule on back
Student Forms Review Other Paperwork-Homework Due Next week: (Parent Approval) A. Parent/Student CHS Video Production Signature sheet B. Student Attendance Requirements C. IB Film/Movie Parent Permission Slip D. Handout IB Film Circle Diagram E. Review video equipment Check out
IB Film Binder in the Cloud • This year your Binder is going to be in the Cloud. • Required to have a gmail account for this class with account for Google Docs. • How many have a gmail account? • Who doesn’t? • More on this later
Grading Weekly Class Participation:(100 Points) 1. On time to class 2:20 pm & not leave early, 30 points & being on time after breaks 2. Actively engaged including Bell work40 points 3. Responsible & Appropriate behavior in class30 points *No gaming, No downloading anything on computers including music. No listening to music. If there is something for a project you are working on then approval must be given by me. - No changing of the Desktop Screen, No Food & Drinks -You should only bring snacks for our break? There is NO leaving campus for any reason including going after food. No using photo booth
Grading • Being on time & in class on Wed. with needed material: Flash-drive, SD-Card, Binder, Pencil/Paper • Film terminology • Quizzes & tests including final exam-Attendance Incentive Policy • Brainstorm, Storyboards, Writing Scripts, Shot/Prop List • FCP Tutorial Chapter Assignments • Graphic Organizers & Movie Reviews • Class participation points • Assignments including ISM website • Written Documentaries & Oral presentations • Movie Projects & Film Projects • Daily ticket out of class reflections-Journal • Other assignments given by me. (Extra Credit)
Grading • Participation Points will apply to Appropriate behavior as we discuss the next few points: • This year you will be required to watch movies. Do NOT try to excuse yourself to do something else. Part of this class is to expose you to variety of genres films. • There will be films you will like and others you will dislike. • Please keep negative comments to yourself. You may not like a movie but others might!
Grading • You can find good in movies! As a teacher I will require you this year to look for what is good. Also what the director could have improved on in the movies according to what you watched! • If you have seen the movie before don’t spoil it for others. Don’t give away any part of the movie. Let the students experience the movie themselves!
Grading • Participation Point will be taken off for: • No electronics-laptops, cell phones, i-pods are to be used in class including listening to music or you will lose it. Administration is requiring it. Use it and you lose it! • Chatting/Small Talk/Sleeping while the movie is playing is NOT allowed. You are to watch and complete the worksheets. Enjoy the movie without interruption by others. (Points will be taken off participation grade & possible being referred to office.)
Grading Policy • You will earn points for every assignment/project/test/movie producing that you complete. • 1st Quarter = 40% of grade • 2nd Quarter= 40% of grade • Final Exam=20% of your grade.
Grading Policy • The following scale will be used to determine grades on assignments. Each assignment, quiz etc. will be given points: 90-100 % = A 80-89 % = B 70-79 % = C 60-69 % = D 0-59 % = F
Final Exam Exemption Incentive-Handbook • Students who have no more than 4 absences (one tardy or sweep counts as one absence) in the class and a grade of 75% or higher, and who are present in class on the final exam day, may elect to be exempt from taking the final exam. This policy does not apply to courses which may require final exams, including but not limited to IB, AP, and Dual Enrollment classes. This also includes leaving the class early. F and C on attendance are the only excused exempt for being absent.
Final Exam Exemption Incentive-Handbook • Taking the Final is not a punishment. How this works for IB Film 7th hour class: Students who has one complete day absence will take the final exam. • One IB Film Class that is 4 hours equals 5 regular school days.
Final Exam Exemption Incentive-Handbook • Four Tardies includes: • *Being late for class • * Getting help from other teachers • * Leaving early from class for various reasons • *Because there are so many events afterschool • F=Fieldtrips and C=Campus • Campus Activities will be used sparingly. • *F & C=Limited prior approval from me.
Post Assessment for Learning Goal #2: Review the Procedures & Operations of our IB Film Class.End Learning Goal #2