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U21 Summer School:Climate Adaptation Major Climate Change Adaptation Challenge ~In Japan~

U21 Summer School:Climate Adaptation Major Climate Change Adaptation Challenge ~In Japan~. Shinichiro Kawada Jun Kono Kumiko Matsukawa. Major challenge Japan Faces. Water related. Health related. Source:http://blog.canpan.info/sasakawa/archive/1087.

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U21 Summer School:Climate Adaptation Major Climate Change Adaptation Challenge ~In Japan~

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  1. U21 Summer School:Climate AdaptationMajor Climate Change Adaptation Challenge ~In Japan~ Shinichiro Kawada Jun Kono Kumiko Matsukawa

  2. Major challenge Japan Faces Water related Health related Source:http://blog.canpan.info/sasakawa/archive/1087 Source:http://chubu.yomiuri.co.jp/news_b/bosai080829_1.htm Malaria Flooding Hyperthermia Drought Source:http://sankei.jp.msn.com/photos/life/environment/080725/env0807251731002-p2.htm Source:http://www.mlit.go.jp/tochimizushigen/mizsei/c_actual/actual05.html

  3. Torrential rainfall Drought Effects to crop Flooding Water related Source:http://www.mlit.go.jp/tochimizushigen/mizsei/c_actual/actual05.html In Northern Japan In Central Japan In Southern Japan Source:http://chubu.yomiuri.co.jp/news_b/bosai080829_1.htm

  4. Hyperthermia Malaria Dengue fever Health related Source:http://blog.canpan.info/sasakawa/archive/1087 In Northern Japan In Central Japan In Southern Japan Source:http://sankei.jp.msn.com/photos/life/environment/080725/env0807251731002-p2.htm Source:http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/04/health/04denguefever.html

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