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Motorcycle Safety

Discover the reasons behind motorcycle accidents in Thailand and learn how we can prevent them. Explore the survey results, causes, and solutions to ensure a safer riding experience for all. Let's work together to promote responsible motorcycle practices.

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Motorcycle Safety

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Motorcycle Safety By ALL OF US

  2. Introduction The reasons • There are too many serious motorcycle accidents in Thailand, • What caused the accidents? • What measures we can take to prevent or change the situation? • The Survey

  3. Speed Alcohol and drugs Telephone IPOD Carelessness Not understanding the rules Disobey rules Fatique Not using the signal No helmet Too many passengers Driving unsafe motorcycle Impatient Driving the wrong way Causes

  4. Observe the speed limit Drink don’t drive Stop if you need to use the phone Don’t listen to music when you ride the bike Know the rules of the road Don’t drive tired 2 People at the maximum Helmet can safe your life Maintain your bike regularly Police presence Solutions and Preventions

  5. The Survey 1) How many accidents have you had? Was alcohol involved? -13 total -1- yes with alcohol involvement -12-no (LIE) 2) How often do have a beer or two and then drive home? -3 – often -2- never (LIE) 3) How often do you swear at other people? - yes – all, average 3times/day 4) Do you think it’s YOUR driving that is a problem? - all – NEVER 5) Do you think there should be stricter rules? - all – yes 6) How often do you text while driving? - all – NEVER (but some said it’s because their hands are being holding a beer)

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