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My books- Learning to Go https://gumroad.com/l/learn2go & The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers http://routledge.com/books/details/9780415735346/ <br>Resources at http://shellyterrell.com/mlearning
Learning to Go! The Basics of Mobile Learning ShellyTerrell.com/mlearning Gum.co/learn2go Illustration by John Spencer, @SpencerIdeas
“… young people are reading and writing more than I ever did at their age, but they are doing it using their computers and mobile phones … The mobile is central, and will become even more so as time goes by.” - David Crystal Crystal, D. (2012). On myths and mindsets. DavidCrystal.com
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With textspeak & emojis, students … Add emotion to language Summarize Play with language Translate Create pictograms Decode Develop an international language ShellyTerrell.com/emoji
Interpret these emojis and text speak TMTH IDK CU SMH LOL BTW BRB ShellyTerrell.com/emoji
Use emojis to answer the following: Current mood: 樂 How many pets: Favorite color: Favorite foods: Hobbies: ✍ Dream Job:
Date of the 1st Seflie? 1839 Thechive.com/2015/07/28/the-crazy- evolution-of-the-selfie-14-photos
Selfie with a new friend Photobomb Usie Different perspective Teacherrebootcamp.com/back2schoolselfies
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How do I manage this? Photo by Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com, Flic.kr/p/ajJK1f
Apps? Budding Photographer by Dinuraj K, Flickr
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The Future? • Gesture based apps • Augmented reality • Virtual reality • Wearable technologies Pokemon Go App Google Cardboard CamMe App
Get a stylus Photo by MIKI Yoshihito (´・ω・), Flic.kr/p/b9aK74
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