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Top 50 mLearning Resources
Apple education offers everything – from apps for learning to case studies to an online store for parents & students to a range of tutorials on Information Technology. It also has a section for tutorials for Teachers & Administrators. Apple Education Go there
Mobile Learning Transforming the Delivery of Education and Training With topics ranging from Advances in Mobile Learning, Research to Applications of Mobile Learning, this eBook can be used by anyone who is interested in mobile learning in education and training. Go there
Marc Prensky Blog Marc Prensky is an internationally acclaimed speaker, writer, consultant, and designer in the critical areas of education and learning. His blog is a collection of thoughts on digital games, game-based learning, digital technology, training & learning and a lot more. Go there
M-Learning.org, Tribal's Digital Learning Studio, is a good resource to find wealth of information about mobile-learning, best practices, research and free resources. M-Learning Org Go there
Mobile Learning thinking: Get on your skateboard to keep up! This paper, written by Margaret Robertson, is a personal compilation of ideas and selective excerpts from research conducted by ARC. The paper takes up some of the issues facing the education & business world with reference to ongoing ARC funded research projects. Go there
This article on EDUCAUSE Quarterly by Alan Livingston, talks how mobile phone usage among students is virtually universal thereby presenting an opportunity for higher education to pursue. Its also talks of how higher education has failed to notice the potential of mobile devices to provide students with educational experiences and services. The Revolution No One Noticed: Mobile Phones and Multimobile Services in Higher Education Go there
Will at Work Learning Will Thalheimer's research-based commentary on learning, performance, and the industry thereof is an interesting resource to find everything on learning, eLearning, new technologies in learning etc. You will also find book reviews, articles on food & drinks and industry news. Go there
Futures of Learning is a collective blog dedicated to the topic of new media and learning. You can read about mobile phone practices, digital youth, digital media, gaming, media illiteracies, social media, book reviews etc. Futures of Learning Go there
Cell Phones in Learning is a conversation about integrating student cell phones into classroom curricula by Liz Kolb. It includes interesting topics like The Future of Cell Phones, iPhone & Smart Phone In Learning, articles on Cell Phones and Student Learning and some noteworthy tutorials as well. Cell Phones in Learning Go there
mLearning World mLearning World is your destination for everything mobile. Asynchronous Learning, eduCasting, eduChaos, iPad, PDA, podcasting, Learning 2.0, Web 2.0 – find it all in here. Go there
Mlearning Bibliography A complete list of references to help you find facts and get started on mLearning. Go there
Managed by Karl, a professor, consultant, speaker, scholar, and expert on the convergence of learning, technology and business operations, Kapp Notes is a blog that discusses issues concerning learning, e-learning and the transferring of knowledge from retiring baby boomers to incoming gamers. Kapp Notes Go there
Find all the news and views on ubiquitous, mobile, connected 21st century learning. ULearning is a new way to conceptualize what education in the 21st century needs to become. ULearning Blog Go there
Mlearning Blog The goal of this blog is to deliver information, news and interesting interviews on mobile learning and micro learning. You can read about Augmented Reality, Android, Apps, iPhone, iPod etc. Go there
This site is about the news, projects and research related to mobile learning on the continent — by Africans, for Africans. It covers mlearningas well as mobile usage and adoption, especially by youth. Efforts from related sectors, such as mHealth projects that involve mLearning, are also described. Mlearning Africa Go there
This site covers mobile learning (m-Learning), e-Learning, mobility, mobile devices. Right from laying the basics of mLearning to video tutorials for AIR for Android, this is the place to get started. MLearning is Good Go there
The Mobile Learning Engine (MLE) for Moodle Narrates the experience with University of Canberra’s Moodle-based learning environment : the free and open source Mobile Learning Engine (MLE). Go there
3D Animation for Mobile 3D Animations for Mobile is an article on Ignatia Webs, that talks about a Tibotec mobile project – the technicalities of the same, and use of iClone in 3D animations. You can also view the video embedded to get an idea of the animation results. Go there
Upside Learning Blog This blog is about innovation, design, development, and trends in the Learning Solutions domain. You can learn about the key considerations to be taken into account before implementing mobile learning, read about their experience in implementing SCORM for mobile devices, learn the tips & tricks in designing graphics for mobile devices etc. Go there
Derek Bruff’s Blog Talks of the several ways in which clicker technology can be used to enhance teaching practices. Go there
The mLearnopedia content community collects and organizes the best information from around the web that will help you learn and stay current on mobile learning. Mlearnopedia Go there
Learning 2Go The award winning Learning2Go initiative is currently the largest collaborative mobile learning project for pupils in the UK. The initiative shows how successfully mobile learning can be used to give students access to ‘anywhere, anytime’ learning. Go there
eLearning Roadtrip This blog is all about sustaining innovation and accelerating mainstream adoption of learning technology solutions. Go there
Are You Ready for Mobile Learning? Lists the most common mobile communication/ computing devices, their features and functions, their potential instructional uses, and the pros and cons of using them for mobile learning. Go there
Mobilearner Mobilearner explores children's mobile phone use in public spaces looking for learning opportunities. This site also captures the author’s ideas, research, and connections from along the way. Go there
Ignatia Web A blog on eLearning techtaleswith social media in low resource and mobile settings. Go there
M-Learning: Emergent Pedagogical and Campus Issues in the Mobile Learning Environment Through a series of case studies, this research bulletin describes the current state of wireless, mobile learning (m-learning) in higher education. It explores the impact of mobile technologies on new learning spaces and on teaching and learning behaviors, both inside and outside the classroom. Go there
This case study, which examines educational applications of mobile technology in The Netherlands, is ECAR's first case study from outside of North America. The experiences of the 3 participating universities offer guidance and insights to institutions of higher education in the United States and elsewhere. Using Mobile Technology to Enhance Students’ Educational Experiences Go there
Talks how audio / voice (along with text) make delivery of certain types of learning content possible. Voice: The Killer Application of Mobile Learning Go there
Provides an update on the development of mobile phone technologies and its potential for supporting and/or delivering some elements of teaching and learning processes. Also reports briefly on the work and key findings of the mLearning research and development project. Mobile Technologies and Learning Go there
Mobile Learning Technologies and the Move towards ‘User-Led Education’ This paper provides a strong argument for shift in pedagogical paradigms. It examines current needs in industry and society to argue for this shift, provides some pointers to possible solutions, and considers the role mobile and wireless technologies can play in this project. Go there
Squidoo Cellphone Learning Your destination to learn all about cell phones – from articles on growth of cell phone use to tutorials on developing cell phones. Go there
The Mobile Learner The blog aims to investigate the effectiveness of mobile devices on student learning, discuss issues of importance with regards to the use of mobile technologies in classrooms and engage in conversation about how to reach students on their level. Go there
Talks about the statistics for mobiles and then goes on to classify the mobile services into an hierarchical structure. Mobile Services Taxonomy Go there
The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2009 is a longitudinal extension of the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2008 studies on how information technology affects the college experience. The ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2009 Go there
M-Learning The evolving technologies committee is charged with identifying and monitoring evolving technologies and their impact on higher education institutions. This submission is on M-Learning. Go there
Five Types of Mobile Learning Lists the ways in which Smartphones can be used in student learning. Go there
Disruptive Mobile Learning (Presentation) A presentation that talks about connecting learning inside and beyond the classroom so as to achieve the 3 Cs (Construction, Conversation, Control) of effective lifelong learning. Go there
This paper presents a practical approach to mLearning - special design issues that must be considered to make learning truly any place, any time. Called as Mobile Interactive Learning Objects (MILOs) which are used within a Mobile Learning Engine (MLE) that runs on mobile phones, MILOs can offer manifold possibilities for new kinds of communication and explorative learning. Mobile Phones as a Challenge for Learning Go there
Right from the history of mobile learning to the digital divide to its implementation, examples and references, this wiki page is your one stop destination to knowing all about mLearning. mLearning Wikipedia Go there
2009 Horizon Report The report identifies and describes six areas of emerging technology(mobiles being one of them) likely to have a significant impact on teaching, learning, or creative expression in higher education within three adoption horizons: a year or less, two to three years, and four to five years. Go there
The report, by Cooney Center Industry Fellow Carly Shuler, makes the case that our nation’s leaders should not overlook the role mobile technologies can play, if well deployed, in building human capital and in helping to stimulate valuable innovation. Pockets of Potential Go there
The Mobile Learning Institute delivers engaging, personalized, project-based learning right to classrooms and community centers across the United States. It helps teachers and students develop the 21st-century skills they need to design, develop, and complete the collaborative digital arts projects that will shape their future. Mobile Learning Institute Go there
Enabling Mobile Learning This article, by Ellen D. Wagner, talks about the current mobile landscape, debates why not mobile for learning, things to be kept in mind while using mobile technology for learning, discusses the things that make mobile viable today, current mobile trends in education and the future mobile landscape. Go there
Augmented reality adds information and meaning to a real object or place. Unlike virtual reality, AR does not create a simulated reality. The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on this technology. 7 Things You Should Know About Augmented Reality Go there
Duke University: Mobile Devices in Education This discussion paper on Mobile Devices in Education discusses the things that others schools are doing with mobile media devices inteaching and learning, the potential uses that seem interesting and useful etc. Go there
This page provides links to some general resources on e-learning to help you understand what it is and its potential in education and training. Learning Light E-learning Center Go there
Location-aware applications deliver online content to users based on their physical location. The "7 Things You Should Know About..." series from the EDUCAUSE Learning Initiative (ELI) provides concise information on this technologies. 7 Things You Should Know About Location-Aware Applications Go there
This blog, by the team at m-learning.org, has all the trends links in mobile learning and the tech that drives it. You can read on m-learning travels, digital learning, and many other interesting topics. Mob Learn Go there