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Class of 2024 Welcome to Grade One!

Class of 2024 Welcome to Grade One!. A guide to help transition your student into first grade at Bournedale and Peebles Elementary Schools.

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Class of 2024 Welcome to Grade One!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Class of 2024Welcome to Grade One! A guide to help transition your student into first grade at Bournedale and Peebles Elementary Schools

  2. Information in this Presentation has been created by the members on the Kindergarten-Grade One Transition Team: Abby Downing, Valerie Howard, Dianne Lehtonen, Carol Maley-Makrys, Annmarie Ridings, Nancy Shaw and Liz CarpenitoThe article “What to Expect: Starting Grade One” by Sarah Michaelis will be referenced continually and available to you in full at the end of the presentation.

  3. What do I need to do before the school year begins? • Teach your son/daughter their phone number and address in case of an emergency. We don’t recommend writing it down on their backpacks in case they are lost. • Remind your child that they may not be sitting next to their friends. Encourage them that they will make a lot of new friends throughout the year. • Become familiar with the building to help tell your child what their classroom may look like and that some classes may have groups of tables, while others may have desks in rows. • Sign up for enews on the Bourne Public Schools webpage. You will be emailed all information pertinent to your child. • Begin a bedtime routine and morning routine a couple of weeks before school starts so you are all prepared for the first day of school.

  4. Who do I contact if I need information at Bournedale Elementary ? Bournedale Elementary School 41 Ernest Valeri Road, Bournedale, MA 02532 Phone: 508-743-3800 Fax: 508-743-3801 Principal: Jeanne Holland Assistant Principal: Liz Carpenito Secretaries: Noreen Baranowski and Lois Bailey Social Worker: Abby Downing School Nurse: Sue Harrington Transportation Coordinator: Sue Downing Grade One Teachers: Kathi Cremeans, Kathy Cristadoro, Gina Femino, and Carol Maley-Makrys

  5. Who do I contact if I need information at Peebles Elementary ? J.F. Peebles Elementary School 70 Trowbridge Road, Bourne, MA 02532 Phone: 508-759-0680 Fax: 508-759-0619 Principal: Wayne Francis Assistant Principal: Liz Carpenito Secretaries: Donna Cox and Kathy Anderson Social Worker: AnnMarie Ridings School Nurse: Donna Beers Transportation Coordinator: Sue Downing Grade One Teachers: Erica Amaral, Barbara Concannon, Toni Morris, Trisha Rubin, and Nancy Shaw

  6. During the first month of school… • REMEMBER, this is a tough transition for some students, but we are used to these situations! Do not hesitate to contact us for help and guidance through this time. We are all in this together. • Keep an open line of communication with your child’s teacher. • Ask specific questions when they get home. “Who did you sit beside in library today?” “What did you learn in phonics today?” • Attend the Back to School Night so you are aware of your child’s routines throughout the day and the teacher’s expectations. Set up a time for a parent conference. Back to School Night is not the time to have a parent conference with the teacher! • Peebles September 20th; Bournedale September 27th

  7. During the first month of school… • Allow your child to unwind when they get home and if possible, let them take a break from too many extra-curricular activities. Spending the whole day at school is tiring for them. • Continue to keep your child on a consistent bedtime and morning routine. • Know the school’s schedule. The more consistent and prepared your child is, the smoother the transition will be. • School opens at 8:45a.m. and dismissal is at 3:00 p.m. • Your child’s teacher will be sending home notices within the first couple of days letting you know when they will have Phys. Ed., Library, Music, etc. • Be sure to check your child’s folder EACH NIGHT and keep papers with important information in a separate folder at home.

  8. LUNCH! • The cafeteria can be a nervous topic for a lot of new first graders. They are not used to eating in such a large setting. • The link for My NutriKids is located on the Bourne Public Schools webpage. • Please be mindful of what you are packing for lunch. Although there are people in the cafeteria to help, someone is not immediately available to help your child open containers! • Some students are also too nervous to ask and unopened food often gets thrown away. • Allow your child to practice with you opening containers and even offering suggestions for what they might like packed in their lunches. • Make sure you don’t send in anything that needs to be heated up. The students do not have access to a microwave.

  9. Transportation • Remind your child that there are the same rules on the bus as there are in school. The bus driver needs to concentrate on the road and needs the students to cooperate. • Bus passes cannot be given out for students to ride on another bus unless it is an emergency. Students are only able to receive a pass to get off at a different stop with a parent note. • If you will be driving your child, be sure you know the drop off locations at each building. We also request that you do not leave your child unattended. Students should not be in the building before 8:45 a.m. • Please remember the times of the day. When your child is tardy or dismissed early, they are missing valuable classroom time. • If you or anyone else will be picking up your child, please be sure to send in a note, or call the school by noon of that day.

  10. Office Procedures • Students need to be signed into school in the morning if they arrive after 9:00a.m. Please do not send your child in alone, an adult must sign them in. • Students need to be signed out if they are being dismissed to a parent, guardian or another adult with permission. • All visitors in the building are required to sign in and wear a name tag so they are able to be identified. • Parents are not able to go down to the classrooms from 8:45a.m. to 3:00p.m. unless there is a scheduled parent conference or they are scheduled to volunteer in the classroom.

  11. The following forms will be provided for you to take home with you: • Alternative Transportation • Free and Reduced Lunch • CORI forms (if you would like to volunteer or attend field trips) • Steps to navigate through links on the Bourne Public Schools website. • Before and Aftercare Information • List of recommended materials for grade one • PTA Membership Forms • Full article “What to Expect: Starting Grade One” by Sarah Michaelis

  12. Thank you for your time! We’re looking forward to working with you and your child! A copy of this presentation will be available to you on the Bournedale and Peebles Elementary websites.

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