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Political system

Political system. Political system is a vast concept. It includes all interactions, structures and activities which are related to the taking of authorities decisions and their implementation. Characteristics of political system. Persistent pattern of human relationship

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Political system

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  1. Political system Political system is a vast concept. It includes all interactions, structures and activities which are related to the taking of authorities decisions and their implementation.

  2. Characteristics of political system • Persistent pattern of human relationship • Use of legitimate force • Comprehensiveness • Universality of political system • Universality of political structure • Universality of political functions • Sub-systems and their dependence • Existence of boundaries • Adaptable • Multi-functionality of political structures • Mixed character of political systems • Environment and its impact on political sysyem

  3. Functions of political system according to David Easton Input in the form of demand • Demand for the allocation of goods and services • Demand for the regularisation of behavior • Demand for participation in political system • Demand for communication and information

  4. Input in the form of support material support obedience support participatory support attention and respect support

  5. Output functions • Extraction • Regulation of behaviour • Allocation of goods and services • Symbolic output

  6. Functions of political system according to Almond • Input Function • Political socialization and recruitment • Interest articulation • Interest aggregation • Political communication • Output Functions • Rule making functions • Rule application • Rule adjudication

  7. Difference between the state and political system • State is an abstract concept whereas political system is a reality • Difference in their constituent elements • Difference in their boundaries • The state consists of people whereas political system consists of their political relations and political roles • Difference in their functions

  8. All states are alike whereas political system can be of different kinds • There is inter-dependence of parts in political systems, but no such thing in the state • Difference in respect of the element of sovereignty • State is permanent, political system keep on changing • State is an explanatory concept, political system is an analytical concept • Political socialization and political culture has special importance in political system not for the state • State include only formal and legal institutions whereas political system include both formal and informal organizations • State is an old concept, whereas political system is a modern concept

  9. References • Aggarwal R.C., Principles of Political Science, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, 1976. • Badyal, J.S, Political Theory, Raj Publishers, 2012, Jalander. • Garner James Wildford, Political Science and Government, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1951. • Gauba O.P, An Introduction to Political Theory, Macmillan Publisher, Delhi, 2009. • Heywood Andrew, Political Theory An Introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, New Yeork, 2005. • Misra K.K & IyengarKalpana. M, Modern Political Theory, S.Chand Company, New Delhi, 1988. • Ray Amal, Political Theory Idess and Institutions, The World Press Priviate LTD. Calcutta, 1988 • Johari J.C, Principles of Modern Political Science, Sterling Publishers, New Delhi, 1989.


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