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Vermont PBIS Classroom Coaching Opportunity

Join the fourth cohort as Classroom Behavior Practice Coaches to support VT PBIS schools develop evidence-based classroom management practices. Application Deadline: Nov. 1st. Decision by Nov. 11th. Training and support provided.

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Vermont PBIS Classroom Coaching Opportunity

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  1. Introduction​ ​to​ ​VTPBIS​ ​Classroom​ ​Behavior​ ​Practice​ ​Coaching​ ​Opportunity Sherry Schoenberg

  2. Overview of Opportunity • Fourth cohort • Selected individuals will receive training and consultation to become Classroom Behavior Practice Coaches • Funding support from the Vermont Agency of Education • Goal: to help Vermont PBIS schools and Supervisory Unions/Supervisory Districts develop the capacity to build and sustain evidence-based classroom management supports for teachers

  3. Application Deadline: November 1st! Decisions Announced: November 11th!

  4. Model Four Key Questions • What is a Classroom Behavior Practice Coach? • Why are CBPC’s important? • How are CBPC’s trained and supported? • How can you apply to become a CBPC? Trainings Consultation & Support Web Supports

  5. What is a Classroom Behavior Practice Coach (CBPC)?

  6. 1. What is a Classroom Behavior Practice Coach? • Support teachers' implementation of evidence-based classroom management practices (e.g., behavior specific praise, opportunities to respond, etc.) • Provide direct training in specific classroom management skills • Deliver performance feedback to teachers practicing the skills in the classroom • Use a problem-solving consultation model to help teachers address specific problem behaviors • Collect and analyze data to monitor the skills being developed

  7. 2. Why are CBPCs Important? In VT, Classroom ODRs > All other Locations

  8. Implementing PCBS practices result in desired outcomes for students schools Increase in Sustainability Effective behavior support leads to: • Increase in Appropriate Behavior • Examples: • On-Task • Prosocial • Increase in Academic Achievement • Examples: • Engagement • Achievement • Decrease in Inappropriate Behavior • Examples: • Off-Task • Disruptive (Lewis et al., 2004; Simonsen et al 2008) (Childs et al. 2016; Mathews et al., 2014)

  9. 3. How are CBPCs Trained and Supported?

  10. Overview of Materials • Classroom Management Practice Checklist • Supporting and Responding to Student Behavior • PBIS Technical Brief on Systems to Support Teachers’ Implementation of Positive Classroom Behavior Support • Self-Assessment of Systems to Support PCBS • Action Plan

  11. Overview of Training Series Content As a result of attending this session, you will be able to: • Discussthe context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented • Identify critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices • Describe the key elements of effective professional development and implementation systems to support staff • Provide an overview of the VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model

  12. Where do we start? As a result of attending this training, you will be able to: • Discussthe context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented • Identify critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices • Describe the key elements of effective professional development and implementation systems to support staff • Provide an overview of the VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model

  13. Goal of Teaching Behavior problems disrupt learningEngaging learning prevents behavior problems Student Achievement Classroom Management Good Teaching (Gest & Gest, 2005; Stronge, Ward and Grant, 2011)

  14. We can do this! • We need to support teachers’ implementation of evidence-based classroom management practices… and we can! • We know what evidence-based classroom management practices look like • We have a science to support implementation • We have tools to describe and illustrate what implementing evidence based classroom management “looks like” • So, what are we waiting for?

  15. Let’s get started! As a result of attending this webinar, you will be able to • Discussthe context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented • Identify critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices • Describe the key elements of effective professional development and implementation systems to support staff • Provide an overview of the VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model

  16. Acknowledgements for this Section(Authors of Supporting and Responding to Student Behavior):

  17. Now, turning our attention to supporting teachers. As a result of attending this webinar, you will be able to: • Discussthe context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented • Identify critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices • Describe the key elements of effective professional development and implementation systems to support staff • Provide an overview of the VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model

  18. Acknowledgements for this Section PBIS Technical Briefon Systems to Support Teachers’ Implementation of Positive Classroom Behavior Support Drs. Jennifer Freeman, Brandi Simonsen, Steve Goodman, Barb Mitchell, Heather George, Jessica Swain-Bradway, Kathleen Lane, Jeff Sprague, & Bob Putnam

  19. Multi-tiered Framework of Professional Development Support (adapted from Simonsen, MasSuga, Briere, Freeman, Myers, Scott, & Sugai, 2013)

  20. So…what are we going to do? As a result of attending this webinar, you will be able to • Discussthe context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented • Identify critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices • Describe the key elements of effective professional development and implementation systems to support staff • Provide an overview of the VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model

  21. VT Behavior Practice CoachingOverview of Training 2019-2020 PLUS up to two sessions with a coach and on-going E-Consultation

  22. VT Behavior Practice CoachingExpectations and Timelines • Develop Multi-Tiered Framework for Supporting Educators’ Implementation • Work with leadership team to develop detailed action plan • Commit to up to two sessions with a VTPBIS coach to support this work • Collect pre-implementation (baseline) data Spring 2020 • Implement starting Fall 2020 • Collect on-going implementation data

  23. VT Behavior Practice CoachingOverview of Evaluation • Existing Data • Classroom Office Discipline Referrals (ODR) • Classroom Item on Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) • Checklists During Training • Classroom Management Assessment (CMA) • Classroom Systems Assessment (CSA) • Possible Additional Sources of Data • School Climate Survey

  24. “Thank you folks for this opportunity. It has been really wonderful and inspiring. I've left both in-person trainings with a strong sense of direction and several actionable items I am very excited to implement…These resources will be helpful to teachers in our program and can grow to be embraced as another facet of our PBIS supports.” “Staff was very willing to pilot things for me. They seem very open to trying new things that will support this initiative.” “The data on my self-assessment was very enlightening. Increased OTR's can change a classroom.” “I became more comfortable and confident in discrete observation.”

  25. Quick Recap As a result of attending this training, you will be able to: • Discussthe context in which positive classroom behavioral support (PCBS) practices are implemented • Identify critical positive classroom behavior support (PCBS) practices • Describe the key elements of effective professional development and implementation systems to support staff • Provide an overview of the VT Classroom Behavior Practice Coaching Model

  26. How can you apply to become a Classroom Behavior Practice Coach (CBPC)?

  27. Criteria • Highly recommended that at least two individuals apply as a team • VTPBIS school implementing at the Universal Level with fidelity • 70% on recent TFI or 80% on post-implementation SET • SU/SD and school established classroom management as priority for improvement and plan to align this work with other key initiatives • School leadership team has defined process for positively acknowledging staff and promotes a culture of support around performance feedback

  28. Criteria • Administrator and school leadership team endorse role of the CBPC and agree to allocate the time needed for training, coaching, and support • School/SU/SD agrees to allocate time for the CBPC to conduct a half-day training to all staff in the fall of 2020 • School leadership team agrees to develop systems and processes to sustain this level of support for classroom teachers

  29. Criteria: CBPC • Holds an existing position in the school/SU/SD • Pre-existing behavior management and data analysis skills • Commits to participating in the entire learning series • Commits to doing observations and collecting data on classroom management practices

  30. Instructions • The school administrator must complete Part One: School Readiness Checklist • The individual applicant(s) must complete Part Two

  31. Instructions • Send signed and completed application to Anne Dubie at anne.dubie@uvm.edu; or fax to Anne Dubie at 802-656-1357 • You can contact Amy Wheeler-Sutton at 518-421-3965 or send an email to amy.wheeler-sutton@uvm.edu if you have any questions.

  32. Application Deadline: November 1st! Decisions Announced: November 11th!

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