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Short Stories To Read Online For Free

Find here the Best free Most Iconic, Synonyms,Moral, Fiction Short Stories in English To Read Online, Kosative provides us World's Greatest Short Stories online for free.<br>

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Short Stories To Read Online For Free

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  1. Short Stories To Read Online For Free If you're Finding Beauty in Horror Best Stories To Read Online Free, We Providing you Prima Ballerina Meltdown Free Short Stories Books Online - Kosative.com. Here is where the willows blow. Where the alpine sheaths melt the flames cool snow. Where the monocles hang by the noose and time is its own recluse. Clocks will stop to the bouncing wane, vestals deep to the earthly pain. Where a paradox can be bound in two- where demons bathe in open view. Where spewing lumens seize to be sewn Kosative D. speaks the unknown. Kosative D. is a writer who shares madness with thought of rhyme and rhythm. He plays with words like clay, finding beauty in horror and elegance between each verse. A symphony of words; music for the mind. All traversing the unwritten lines of a philosophical kind. He twiddles the harp of the pen-rattles each sentence with dissonance and then spews ink to the harsh voids of this world. There is nothing more than greatness to be found in words-for insanity is a mere memory of our perception of the real; and illusion is merely drenched in ink and ivory. The web provides a remarkable medium for marketing short stories. The basic formula is this: Give away a few advertised, high quality, free, stories and offer others online for sale. Here are some of the specific procedures. There are several options for offering stories online. You can provide your advertised free stories as 'to be read online' or 'copy and paste' presentations. Msword or one of its compatible cousins (Open Office) may work better than PDF files on your website. The freebees can be presented as a group - "My Free Short Stories' or they can be sprinkled in among the total list of stories. That is perhaps the best marketing ploy. While folks search for the free stories they find others that may catch their fancy enough to purchase.

  2. The stories online that you have for sale will need to be formatted for downloading from a 'pay you' site such as payloadz (typically pdf). You upload your story files to be stored on their server and link each story to it. You set prices and so forth. There are special low fees (a nickel or so apiece) for items selling for under $2.00. Patrons order from your website (it can be quite simple), pay through the download site (payloads, etc.) and your earnings - less the transaction fee - is direct deposited into your bank account. How simple! Make sure some of your best stories are offered as your free short stories. When patrons find the free stories enjoyable they are more likely to purchase your other stories online. For several reasons it is best to make your free short stories your short, short, stories. They require less space and they can be read quickly. Web surfers are often impatient so to maintain their attention, make those free stories really short, easily read and understood, and ones that leave the readers with a real emotional reaction. Visit for click:https://www.kosative.com/

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