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Mountain Building and Geologic Structures. Can you name these mountains?. Caledonians. Urals. Appalachians. Alps. Rocky Mountains. Himalayas. Andes Urals Appalachians Caledonians Great Dividing Range Himalayas Alps Rockies. Andes. Great Dividing Range.
Can you name these mountains? Caledonians Urals Appalachians Alps Rocky Mountains Himalayas • Andes Urals Appalachians Caledonians • Great Dividing Range Himalayas Alps Rockies Andes Great Dividing Range
Mountain Building (Orogenesis) Processes What Processes Build Mountains? • Volcanic Activity • Tectonic Activity • Folding – bending of rock • Faulting – breaking of rock
What Type of Igneous Structure? • Granitic Batholith – Sierra Nevada
Mountain Building • Mountain building processes thicken the crust • Mountains can be twice as thick as the average continental crust (70 K versus 35 K) • Mountains have deep roots
Isostasy and Isostatic Adjustment • Erosion removes weight • Crust rises • Eventually uniform thickness
How Do Rocks React to Stress? • Compression • Crumpling • Tension • Stretching • Shear Stress • Grind past
Rock Deformation • Rocks deform under stress • Temporarily • elastic deformation • Permanently • Plastic deformation - folds • Brittle deformation - faults
Folding Compression causes: Fold mountains and thrust faults Crustal shortening Thicker Crust in mountains
Topography Does Not Always Reflect Structure A B C • Some anticlines form valleys • Some synclines form ridges Rock hardness determines the topography • Hard rock forms ridges, soft rock forms valleys
Most Major Mountain Belts Include Fold Mountains • Compression crumples sediments when plates converge • Alpine structure includes complex folds and thrust faults European Alps
What is a Fault? • Faults are fractures in the earth’s crust along which movement has taken place • Joints are fractures that have not moved • Faults can be a few feet or hundreds of miles long
What stress produced these faults? Compression Tension Compression Shear stress
Normal and Reverse Faults • What is normal about a normal fault? • What is reversed about a reverse fault? • In a NORMAL fault, the upper block (hanging wall) drops under the influence of gravity
What Kind of Fault? • A Reverse fault
What Kind of a Fault? • Normal Fault
What Kind of a Fault? • Strike-slip fault
Can Tension and Normal Faults Produce Mountains? • Fault-Block Mountains • Great Basin or Basin and Range
Great Basin • After subduction of Farallon Plate • North America moved over a rift zone
Basin and Range • Crustal stretching cause some tilted blocks to slump and forms basins • A block surrounded by parallel faults may drop to form a graben • The remaining blocks form horst block mountains
What is the relationship between mountains and plate tectonics? Some mountains are volcanic (igneous) mountains • Convergent Plate Boundaries • Cascade Volcanic Mountains • Sierra Nevada Granitic Batholith • Divergent Plate Boundaries • Kilimanjaro in East Africa • Mount Hekla in Iceland • Hot Spots • Mauna Loa in Hawaii
What is the relationship between mountains and plate tectonics? • Many mountains coincide with currently active convergent plate boundaries • Andes • Himalayas • Alps • Most of these mountains are complex involving folding, faulting, and volcanism
What is the relationship between mountains and plate tectonics? • Some mountains coincide with OLD plate boundaries • Ural Mountains in Russia • Appalachians in Eastern United States
Evolution of the Appalachians • 600 million years ago • Passive margin • 500 million years ago • Ocean-Continent Convergent Boundary • Subduction zone volcanism • 350-400 million years • Newfoundland-Caledonian collision • Africa approaches
Evolution of the Appalachians • 250 million years ago • Continent-Continent America-Africa • Appalachians fold and fault • 200 million years ago • Divergent rift zone • Today • Part of Africa left behind • Passive margin
Identify These Geomorphic Regions Modoc Plateau Klamath Mountains Cascade Ranges
What Kind of Mountain? Composite Cone – Mount Shasta
How Did the Coast Range Form? Slices of sea floor, folded sediments, island arcs, and terranes from other places accreted to the Coast Range Complex Mountains
Terrane Map Aleutian Trench, Alaska why Alaska gets such big Earthquakes Ultimate destination of LA
Alaska State made entirely of accreted terranes sutures, faulting between them steep topography Denali 20,320 Mt. McKinley
Bay Area Terranes Franciscan Group Marin Headlands Nicasio Reservoir Alcatraz Permanente Yolla Bolly Novato Quarry Yerba Buena Richmond Salinian Red Rock? Angel Island? each of these bounded by faults much more than just San Andreas and Hayward
What Kind of Fault? Transform Fault Strike-slip Horizontal movement
What Region? Flood Basalts What structure?
Identify This Geomorphic Region Central Valley A sediment-filled basin
What Region? Transverse Ranges – Complex Mountains
Identify The Structure in this Geomorphic Region Peninsular Ranges A Granitic Batholith
What Region? Salton Trough A Graben
What Region? What Structure?
What Region? Klamath Mountains Complex Mountains
Klamath Terranes this map shows 10 distinct terranes and many sub-terranes how do you divide them? subjective depends on purpose how small is too small to call a terrane?
A – Klamath Mountains • Complex Mountains • B – Coast Ranges • Complex Mountains • C – Cascade Ranges • Composite Volcanoes • D – Modoc Plateau • Flood Basalts • E – Sierra Nevada • Granitic Batholith • F – Central Valley • Sediment filled basin • G – H Great Basin • Fault Block Mountains • I - Transverse Range • Complex Mountains • J – Peninsula Ranges • Granitic batholiths • K – Salton Trough • Graben