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In the name of god

In the name of god. Implant supported fixed restoratons of maxilla and mandible. Presented by: D r farzaneh hosseinkhezri. The completely edentulous mandible. Treatment plans for fixed restorations. Force factors.

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In the name of god

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Presentation Transcript

  1. In the name of god

  2. Implant supported fixed restoratons of maxilla and mandible Presented by: Dr farzanehhosseinkhezri

  3. The completely edentulous mandible Treatment plans for fixed restorations

  4. Force factors The amount of force transmitted to an implant-fixed prosthesis is similar to RP-4

  5. Mandibular dynamics Medial movement torsion

  6. Implant treatment options

  7. Treatment option 1: the Branemark approach

  8. Treatment option2

  9. Treatment option3

  10. Treatment option 4

  11. Treatment option 5

  12. Completely edentulous maxilla Treatment plans for fixed restorations

  13. Maxilla dynamics

  14. Premaxilla arch form

  15. Square arch

  16. Ovoid arch

  17. Tapered arch

  18. Treatment planning sequence

  19. Diagnostic casts Evaluate the residual bone Analyze maxillomandibular relationships. Diagnostic wax up Check proper fixture location, alignment, and relation to remaining teeth. Surgical templates to guide surgical fixture installation.

  20. Surgical Guide A clear resin template made from diagnostic wax up Objectives of surgical guide: Delineate the embrasures Locate the implant within the restoration contour Align implant with the long axis of the restoration. Identify the level of the emergence position from the soft tissue

  21. Provisional dentures

  22. Impression making

  23. Hybrid prosthesis

  24. The end

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