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Wrapping Up the Pilot Project: Final report due at the end of April. The draft is in process and will be sent to Suzanne for review early next week.
Wrapping Up the Pilot Project: Final report due at the end of April. The draft is in process and will be sent to Suzanne for review early next week. If you have any comments, feedback, suggestions for improvement of the process, input that you would like the MDE to see, please send that to me ASAP. If you have received any feedback, quotes, comments, or testimonials from your districts, please forward them to me. The satisfaction survey was sent to all the teachers directly.
Moving On … Marketing to Your Districts: Use the flyer that was provided. Fill in your contact information. Add your logo. Enhance and edit! Work out facilitation details with your Cooperative. How much will you charge for facilitation? Figure on the teacher orientation, support time, report generation time, and follow-up meeting facilitation, plus travel time. You can use the sample contract that was sent as a template. Always have a contract with the district.
Working with a District: Make sure the district knows all the details. The costs, the commitment, the pros, the cons, what they can expect from the results, etc. Find out an approximate number of teachers that will be taking the survey and in what topic (science, math, or English/language arts). Determine what dates the survey window will be open. Ask if they want to do the content and practices portion of the survey or just one or the other. Collect a list of all the buildings in the district.
Setting Up the Project with WCER: Contact WCER at mecgroup@education.wisc.edu and their general phone number is 888-454-0195. Or you can contact the Research Specialist that we worked with for the pilot project. Her name is Alissa Minor and her email is aminor@wisc.edu and her phone number is 608-265-0447. She will need billing information, survey topic, dates (they need 1-2 weeks to set up the survey), and the list of all the buildings in the district. They will bill for any completed survey, in any topic.
Complete the Teacher Orientation Provide Support During the Survey Window Direct technical support to Michael Sherry, our website manager, at 608-265-3940 or email msherry2@wisc.edu. Or teachers can email mecgroup@education.wisc.edu or call 888-454-0195. Ask Alissa to create a district-level administrative account with a username and password that you can use and that you can provide to your district leadership team. Schedule a Post-Survey Meeting with the Teachers
Preparing for Post-Survey Meeting with Teachers: Prepare copies of the teacher data analysis guide. Use the administrative account to print out district-level sample reports. Create transparencies and copies. Work with the district to ensure that both table space and computer lab space is available during the meeting time (ideal time is 2 hours). Ask the technology coordinator to ensure that each computer has the latest version of Flash Player installed.
Facilitating the Teacher Meeting: Use the district-level sample report transparencies to demonstrate how to interpret the reports. Give some examples of some patterns, gaps, or redundancies that might be noted. Describe the limitations of the data. Hand out hard copies of the district-level sample report. At tables, have the teachers note other observations. After their conversations have dwindled, have each table report out observations, round-robin style. Highlight what they will want to look for and talk about when they start looking at their individual reports.
Facilitating the Teacher Meeting: Take them to the computer lab and have them sit with their grade level peers. On the presenter computer, using a multimedia projector, show them how to login, how to generate reports, and how to print reports. Give them time to look at their own reports and note observations. What questions does the data raise? Areas of strength? Areas for improvement? Areas more information is required? Areas where they would like to talk to their colleagues?
Facilitating the Teacher Meeting: Reiterate that they do not have to share their individual reports, but provide time for them to look either at aggregate data in grade level groups or clusters. In most districts, teachers will either print out their individual reports for this discussion, or they will gather around each others computers to talk about the charts. Work with them to develop an action plan. Okay, now what? Where do we go from here? What does the data tell us? What is our timeline? Who will do what? What do we need from our leadership?
FACILITATOR REVIEW Demonstrate How to Generate Reports Online QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS