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stitch 5th class

stitch 5th clas

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stitch 5th class

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Presentation Transcript

  1. wóP (Stitch)  GKwU ev GKvwaK m~Zv ev m~Zvi jyc (Loop) G‡K Ac‡ii mv‡_ B›Uªv-jywcs (Intra-Looping), B›Uvi-jywcs (Inter-Looping) ev B›Uªvi-‡jwPs (Inter-Lacing) Gi gva¨‡g Ave× K‡i †mjvB Kiv nq Ges GB †mjvB Gi GKK‡K (Unit) wóP e‡j|  hLb GKwU m~Zvi jyc GKB m~Zvi Ab¨ GKwU jy‡ci ga¨w`‡q AwZµg K‡i ZLb Zv‡K B›Uªv-jywcs (Intra-Looping) e‡j|

  2.  hLb GKwU m~Zvi jyc Ab¨ GKwU m~Zvi jy‡ci ga¨ w`‡q AwZµg K‡i ZLb Zv‡K B›Uvi-jywcs (Inter-Looping) e‡j hLb GKwU m~Zv Ab¨ GKwU m~Zv ev m~Zvi jy‡ci Dci w`‡q AwZµg K‡i ZLb Zv‡K B›Uªvi- ‡jwPs (Inter-Lacing) e‡j|

  3. wó‡Pi cÖKvi‡f` (Stitch Types)  cÖvq 70 ai‡bi wó‡Pi e¨envi †`L‡Z cvIqv hvq Ges Gi g‡a¨ 18 †_‡K 20 ai‡bi wóP †cvkvK wk‡í eûj fv‡e e¨eûZ n‡”Q| mKj ai‡bi wóP‡K 6 wU †kªYx‡Z wef³ Kiv n‡q‡Q- 1. wóP K¬vk-100, (Stitch Class-100)t †PBb wóP 2. wóP K¬vk-200, (Stitch Class-200)t n¨vÛ wóP 3. wóP K¬vk-300, (Stitch Class-300)t jK wóP 4. wóP K¬vk-400,(Stitch Class-400)t gvjwU †_ªW †PBb wóP 5. wóP K¬vk-500,(Stitch Class-500)t Ifvi GRW wóP 6. wóP K¬vk-600,(Stitch Class-600)t Kfvwis †PBb wóP

  4. wóP K¬vk-101, (Stitch Class-101)t †PBb wóP

  5. wóP K¬vk-200, (Stitch Class-200)t n¨vÛ wóP

  6. wóP K¬vk-301, (Stitch Class-301)t jK wóP

  7. wóP K¬vk-401, (Stitch Class-401)t gvjwU †_ªW †PBb wóP

  8. wóP K¬vk-401,(Stitch Class-401)t gvjwU †_ªW †PBb wóP

  9. wóP K¬vk-401,(Stitch Class-401)t gvjwU †_ªW †PBb wóP

  10. wóP K¬vk-504,(Stitch Class-504)t Ifvi GRW wóP

  11. wóP K¬vk-504,(Stitch Class-504)t Ifvi GRW wóP

  12. wóP K¬vk-504,(Stitch Class-504)t Ifvi GRW wóP

  13. wóP K¬vk-600,(Stitch Class-600)t Kfvwis †PBb wóP

  14. wóP K¬vk-600,(Stitch Class-600)t Kfvwis †PBb wóP

  15. wóP K¬vk-602,(Stitch Class-602)t Kfvwis †PBb wóP

  16. wóP K¬vk-602,(Stitch Class-602)t Kfvwis †PBb wóP

  17. wóP K¬vk-606,(Stitch Class-606)t Kfvwis †PBb wóP

  18. ‡mjvB mgm¨v (Sewing Problem) †mjvB Kivi mgq †h mKj ΓwU ev mgm¨v †`Lv w`‡Z cv‡i Zv wbi“cb I mgvav‡bi wbwg‡Ë mgm¨v¸wj‡K wZbwU `‡j (Group) wef³ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i, h_v- 1.wóP MV‡bi mgm¨v 2.cvKvi mgm¨v 3.‡mjvB †iLv eivei Kvco ¶wZMÖ¯’ nIqv|

  19. ‡mjvB mgm¨v (Sewing Problem) w¯­cW wóP (Slipped stitch) KviY (Causes) 1| ûK A_ev jycvi A_ev wbWj hw` mwVK mg‡q m~Zvi jy‡ci g‡a¨ cÖ‡ek Ki‡Z bv cv‡i| mgvavb (Remedies) wbW‡jm mv‡_ û‡Ki A_ev jycv‡ii †mwUs I UvBwgs cix¶v Ki‡Z n‡e| wbWj wVKg‡Zv emv‡bv n‡q‡Q wKbv Zv †`L‡Z n‡e| Av‡iv †ekx Mfxi Scarf wewkó wbWj e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| wbWj mvBR I †_ªW mvBR mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e| • • • 2| wbWj †_ª‡Wi jy‡ci mvBR hw` †QvU nq| 3| †mjvB Kivi mgq Kvco hw` Flagging nq| • ‡cÖQvi dz‡Ui Pvc mwVKfv‡e mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e| ‡_ªvU †c­‡Ui wbWj †nv‡ji mvBR I wbWj mvBR mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e| wbWj cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e| • • 4| wbWj hw` evKv A_ev wbWj wWd‡jKkb nq| 5| Dc‡ii A_ev wb‡Pi m~Zvi †Ubkb hw` †ekx Amg _v‡K| 6| m~Zvi jyc ˆZixi ¶gZv hw` wbæ gv‡bi nq| • m~Zvi †Ubkb cybivq mwVK fv‡e mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e| m~Zv cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e| • •

  20. ‡mjvB mgm¨v (Sewing Problem) †óMvW© wóP (Staggered Stitch) KviY (Causes) `~wiKi‡Yi Dcvq (Remedies) • wbWj mvBR বৃদ্ধি Kদ ্ধ Ki‡Z n‡e| • †UcviW wbWj e¨envi Ki‡Z nv‡e| 1| wbWj K¤ú‡bi A_ev wWd‡jKk‡bi Rb¨| 2| †fvZv (Blunt) wbWj c‡q›U A_ev fyj wbWj c‡q›U| • wbWj cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e| 3| wbWj mvBR I †_ªW mvBR wVKg‡Zv mgš^q bv n‡j| • wbWj mvBR A_ev †_ªW mvBR cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e| 4| wdWWM (Feed Dog) Gi MwZ ΓwUc~Y© n‡j|| 5| wdW †gKvwbR‡gi g‡a¨ Kvco wVKfv‡e wbqwš¿Z bv n‡j| • wdWWM Gi MwZ wVK Ki‡Z n‡e| • ‡cÖmvi dz‡Uvi Pvc (Pressure) mwVK fv‡e mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e| • wdW †gKvwbRg cwieZ©b Ki‡Z n‡e|

  21. ‡mjvB mgm¨v (Sewing Problem) fvimvg¨nxb wóP (Unbalanced Stitch) KviY (Causes) 1| ‡mjvB m~Zvi †Ubkb wVK bv n‡j| `~wiKi‡Yi Dcvq (Remedies) • m~Zvi †Ubkb wVKgZ mgš^q Ki‡Z n‡e| • m~Zv cvK †L‡q Rwo‡q hv‡”Q wK bv Zv †`L‡Z n‡e| • cybivq mwVK c‡_ m~Zv‡K AwZµg Kiv‡Z n‡e| 2| m~Zvi MvB‡Wi ga¨ w`‡q mwVK c‡_ m~Zv AwZµg Kiv‡bv bv n‡j| 3| eweb †KQ I cwRkwbs wdsMv‡ii mv‡_ wbWj †_ªW †øwMs (Snagging) n‡j| 4| m~Zvi g‡a¨ ‰Zjv³KiY (Lubrication) bv n‡j (†Ubk‡bi AmgZv †`Lv w`‡Z cv‡i)| • eweb †KQ gm„b Ki‡Z n‡e| • cwRkwbs wdsMvi cybivq †mwUs Ki‡Z n‡e| • wVKgZ fvj gv‡bi m~Zv e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e|

  22. ‡mjvB mgm¨v (Sewing Problem) wbWj m~Zv wQ‡o hvIqv (Needle Thread Breakage)

  23. wbWj m~Zv wQ‡o hvIqv (Needle Thread Breakage)

  24. ‡mjvB mgm¨v (Sewing Problem) Nb Nb eweb ev jycvi †_ªW wQ‡o hvIqv (Frequent Bobin Thread Breakage)

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