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Corinne Scherer’s Book Report

Corinne Scherer’s Book Report. Place Book Cover Image Here. (You can copy and paste your book cover from destiny.exeter.k12.pa.us ). Plot. Setting. Characters. Genre. Vocabulary. Plot. Plot In the beginning of the book

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Corinne Scherer’s Book Report

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  1. Corinne Scherer’s Book Report Place Book Cover Image Here. (You can copy and paste your book cover from destiny.exeter.k12.pa.us) Plot Setting Characters Genre Vocabulary

  2. Plot Plot In the beginning of the book Eddie’s mom was working for Mr.Finkle and Mr.Finkle fired Eddie’s mom. Also Eddie makes a new friend named Annie In the middle of the book Eddie finds out about the contest where if you write a really good poem you get to shoot a foul and you get it in you win one million dollars Eddie starts to practice with Annie. At the end of the book Eddie takes the foul shot , makes it in and wins one million dollars! Place Book Cover Image Here. Return toFirst SlideHomepage

  3. Setting The story takes place at Eddie’s school, Eddie’s house and the basket ball court Eddie shoots the foul shot at. Place Book Cover Image Here. Return toFirst SlideHomepage Return to Homepage

  4. Genre I think that the book is realistic fiction. I think that because the book seems like it could happen in real life. I know that because some one can get fired in real life. Also there can be really unhealthy. Place Book Cover Image Here. Return to Homepage Return toFirst SlideHomepage

  5. Characters 1.Eddie Eddie gets easily distracted but does not give up. 2.Annie Annie likes to write poems and is really good at basket ball. 3.Mr.Finkle Mr.Finkle runs a unhealthy snack shop and he is very mean. Place Book Cover Image Here. Return to Homepage Return toFirst SlideHomepage

  6. Vocabulary Europe-a continent Buoy-a floating device used many ways Cocky-to be self confident Place Book Cover Image Here. Return to Homepage Return toFirst SlideHomepage

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